
Win ₦100,000 in the ‘Fund Ya Hustle' contest for Nigerian Start-ups

Do you have a social-impact project, business or innovative start-up that has already been developed and can benefit from a grant of a N100, 000 to help step it up to the next level? Then enter in for the ‘Fund Ya Hustle’ contest powered by 234Central.com.


“A young population if empowered and well developed will be a resource that will lead to innovation, economic growth, support good governance and drive political reforms.”
Jide is a 26year-old resident of Mushin in Lagos state. His highest academic qualification is WAEC and a 6 months apprenticeship in videography. He has video editing and graphics design skills, but his ability to earn a good living for himself is limited as he doesn’t own a camera or a laptop that can handle the level of editing required for quality output.
He is currently saving from his limited income to buy a fairly used laptop from computer village in Lagos, so he can at least edit his work and increase his earnings, while still renting cameras to cover events. Hopefully with increased earnings from his video editing and design jobs he can buy a camera of his own. His target for a laptop and to install the needed software is N95,000.

It is common knowledge that the Nigerian entrepreneurship environment is not an utterly friendly one, especially with poor government infrastructure in place, which makes it difficult for start-ups to kick-off and grow into their full potential, be it innovative, commercial or social-impact based projects and ventures. This is despite the large market opportunity available – an array of problems seeking to be solved and needs yearning to be qualitatively met.

For many of these Nigerian youths despite their commitment to their “hustle”, certain limiting factors such as start-up advisory, funding/financial advisory, and access to market have conditioned their business or project’s growth to simply running at start-up level.
Notwithstanding these very obvious challenges, many Nigerian youths have stood their ground in order to irk out a living for themselves by venturing into businesses and social-impact projects based on their skills, talent and passion. 
Thus, there is a need to provide the needed support to encourage more youths to venture into business as well as activate innovative and community development projects. If achieved and sustained, will inspire more youths to do same, drive job creation and an improved national economy.
Fully aware of the above described scenario, 234central.com in line with its objective as Nigeria’s foremost social-support space has designed the “Fund Ya Hustle” contest to provide step-up funding, marketing/PR support as well as business advisory by the Equanimity Group (a Strategy, Training, Coaching and Management Consulting firm) for the top 5 finalists in a bid to promote entrepreneurship and solution-oriented thinking amongst Nigerian youths as a means for sustainable economic empowerment.
Eligible entries are for individuals with already existing business, innovative or social-impact ventures / projects operational in Nigeria, with Nigerians as its target audience/market – startups are welcome to enter.
Entries will be reviewed by the project panel to shortlist 30 semi-finalists from which via online audience voting, 5 finalists will be selected as beneficiaries with 1 winner of the cash prize.

–   Provide support for start-ups to scale up their businesses or projects
– To encourage more youths to develop their talent and skills into business ventures no matter how little with proper advisory and access to marketing information
–  Encourage more youths to develop social-impact projects geared towards community development
–  Help drive business expansion for beneficiaries and increased reach in terms of service and potential job creation


To participate in the contest, which is open till 20th October, 2015,  
kindly visit www.234central.com/contest/ to enter if eligible. 
Follow the online conversation with #FundYaHustle for updates.
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