
Wenger has to cope with his defeat – Mourinho

Jose Mourinho’s post-match interviews are predictable. When his team loses, he heaps praise on his men, blames series of people plus the unthinkable for the loss. When he wins, he heaps more praises on the team and throws tantrums on opponents and stuffs. Typical of the Portuguese.
The Special One today was impressed with his team’s performance after they won their  sixth game of the season against Arsenal at the Stamford Bridge.

‘It was a very good performance, a deserved victory, I’m happy with the performance and points. We improved a lot in the last two matches, in many aspects.  Defensively the team was much better. The attacking players defended much better than before, they created a compact zone and reacted very well to the moments when they lost the ball. That gives great stability for the players behind.

‘We were confident and comfortable with the ball. When you play against 10 men, many times teams play bad, but we played very well against 10 men, we gave them no chances and kept good balance behind the ball. The attacking players started moving much more. We deserved the victory.’
‘Tomorrow I will watch the game again and go for stats. I will see how many times my attacking players lost the ball and recovered the ball. Lost the ball and pressed. Their work – Oscar, Diego, Eden andPedro – makes it easy to be a defender because you sit there and the attacking players do half of your job for you.’

On Wenger’s claim that Costa should have been sent off, The ex Madrid boss added.

‘I played against Arsenal many times and only once he didn’t moan. That day we lost the game, we lost the cup (Community Shield). It wasn’t good for us but we behaved in a fantastic way. No excuses, no crying, no moaning. I played my first derby in September 2000, Benfica against Sporting. I told my players before the game you need emotional control. I’ve played derbies in Portugal, Spain, Italy, England and you don’t win derbies without emotional control, it’s a basic thing. I think you should speak about Gabriel and his mistake.

‘Diego Costa played like he has to play. That’s why you have full stadiums and you sell the game around the world for millions, because the game has to be played like that. That’s why tomorrow I will go to a game which is comparable in terms of passion and dedication, New Zealand against Argentina [in the Rugby World Cup], I love it. Diego was fantastic, Man of the Match for me.
‘It was the same referee that made every decision and didn’t give two clear penalties to us. Gabriel did something to Hazard which is allowed in rugby, not football. In the box it’s a penalty. In the second half another player did the same onDiego Costa. In rugby it’s fantastic, in football it’s a penalty. He said before the game I have to cope with my defeat, tonight he has to cope with his defeat.

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