
Usain Bolt says Van Gaal's philosophy isn't working for Manchester United

Jamaican sprinter and ardent Manchester United fan, Usain Bolt isn’t pleased with current Red Devil boss, Louis Van Gaal’s philosophy and isn’t hiding his feelings.

Bolt told Daily Mail some players are played out of position and this style isn’t working for the team.

“From listening to the way he is, it doesn’t sound like he’s a guy you can talk to. For me, with teams… if you are going to implement a style I think you first have to work out if a team can handle it. I don’t think this passing method that he has is ever going to work for Manchester United. Unless he changes all the players.

“He’s trying to break down teams with this passing game, but United is not that team. If we had Giggs and Scholes still both in the middle, then it could be good.

“Mata is good but he’s too small. Rooney’s good but he plays a bit slow, and as a midfielder you’ve got to really move quickly. Like Hazard or some of the players for Arsenal.” He added.
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