

London-born burgeoning actress and entrepreneur, Uru Eke is still raising her profile. The pretty IT consultant with 19 other representatives from different African countries have been selected as Ambassadors of the Africa Youth Panel (AYP), a Pan-African youth organization with strategic focus on youth participation in governance and youth employability, established under the auspices of the Danish Africa Commission (DAC) in 2008 in Addis Ababa.

As part of celebrations of International Youth Day 2013, the African Youth Panel organised the Africa Youth Charter Ambassador program- an extensive training platform aimed to duly equip its Ambassadors for the crucial youth activity ahead, and grooming "young voices" that would be heard and respected all over the world.

With notable African figures of diverse backgrounds including academicians, civil society experts, entrepreneurs, art managers and politicians in attendance, the 4-day meeting was organised in collaboration with the Children and Community Initiative for Development (CAID), with support funds from the Roskilde Charity Society of Denmark.

Youth leaders, musicians, actors, celebrities and the media participated in the training along with relevant partners like the African Union Commission Youth Division, Pan African Youth Union, Ministry of Youth and Sports of The Gambia, Gambia National Youth Council and the Mandingmorry Foundation for Performing Arts (MANFOPA).

AYP is dedicated to working closely with its Ambassadors to develop follow-up mechanisms and activities to make sure that the Ambassadors are actively engaged in the national, regional and continental themes affecting the continent.

Ms. Eke is pleased to have been selected as a representative of Nigeria and from one of the most vibrant industries in Africa, Nollywood. "Just like the moment I was called by CNN to speak about Nollywood, I feel elated, yet again, having this kind of platform to represent one of the best things to come out of Africa."

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