For the past few months, LVB has been featuring young, outstanding Nigerians who are not only hoisting the country’s flag but serving as an inspiration to many young people out there. Remember Zuriel Oduwole, Saheela Ibraheem, today our spotlight beams on 19 year-old Kidaffa Umaru Maina, the youngest pilot in Nigeria.

Interestingly, Kidaffa who hails from Borno State got his private pilot licence on 2 May 2012 at the age of 17. The first in a family of 3, he had his primary education at Carebears Nursery/Primary School Maiduguri, Borno and then attended King’s College Lagos for his secondary school programme.

After graduation, he got admission to Aptrac Aviation, Port Elizabeth, South Africa that same year, started his course in October 2011 and had his first solo flight on the 29th February 2012. He completed his commercial ground school exams in November 2012 and continued with the flying program. He passed his oral exam and flight test on 18 September 2013; 10days to his 19th birthday.

On his choice of career, Kidaffa mentioned that he had always had passion for flying right from his primary school days. The genius who is licenced on a multi engine aircraft and hopes to be a Captain on a Boeing 787 is currently in Nigeria processing his licence conversion after which he will be eligible to fly the Nigerian airspace.

He mentioned that the journey wasn’t rosy for him as finance posed a big problem, “One of my challenges was funding. My parents suffered a lot to raise the money for my fees. Secondly my age, most of my coursemates were like 10years older than me and we had to face the same task.” He added.


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