Xenophobia: South Africa lambast Nigeria for recalling her envoy

South Africa Government in a statement issued yesterday by the spokesman of the Department of International Relations and cooperations Mr Clayson Monyela hit out at the Nigerian over its decision to recall her ambassador.
The statement reads, “Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa has just returned from Indonesia to attend the Africa-Asia Summit and the 60th Anniversary of the historic Bandung Conference.  At no stage did the Nigerian delegation present at that gathering, expressed its intention to formally raise the issue with the South African side.
“It is only Nigeria that has taken this unfortunate and regrettable step.  If this action is based on the incidents of attacks on foreign nationals in some parts of our country, it would be curious for a sisterly country to want to exploit such a painful episode for whatever agenda.”

The DIRCO spokesman added that “when 84 of our citizens perished on Nigerian soil, we did not blame the Nigerian Government for the deaths and more than nine (9) months delay in the repatriation of the bodies of our fallen compatriots, or for the fact that when these bodies eventually returned, they were in a state that they could not be touched or viewed as required by our burial practice.

“We will raise our concerns through diplomatic channels with the new administration that will assume office in Nigeria next month.
“The South African Government, as well as all political parties, religious organisations, non-governmental organisations, business, sports fraternities, including artists, musicians  and ordinary people of South Africa, have been decisive and unequivocal in condemning and rejecting the attacks on foreign nationals.
“Through our interventions, relative calm and order has been restored. We are encouraged by the solidarity our country continues to receive from other African countries and the international community.
We shall also continue to support and not blame the Nigerian Government as it battles to deal with Boko Haram that continues to kill many innocent civilians. We hope that the more than 200 girls kidnapped by Boko Haram will someday be reunited with their families”.

Check out Hon. Patrick Obahiagbon's reaction to the xenophobic attacks in South Africa

Former legislator, Patrick Obaiagbon has also lent his voice to the growing chorus of condemnation against xenophobic attacks in South Africa.
“The attack on foreigners in South Africa (xenophobia) is a miasma of a deprecate apotheosis of a hemorrhaging Pluto crack, cascading oozing into a malodorous excresense of mobocracy. With all termagant ossifying proclivities of a kakistocracy, our knowledge centura is enveloped in a paraphlegic crinkum crankum. Therefore, the lampooning is cest in deja vu, deja vu peret ologomabia”

Xenophobic attacks: South African President to meet with foreign nationals.

President Jacob Zuma of South Africa will on Friday meet with foreign nationals affected by xenophobic attacks in the country.  
Below is a statement issued by the South African Presidency.

President Zuma will meet with organisations representing foreign nationals. President Jacob Zuma will on Friday, meet with leaders of organisations representing foreign nationals resident in the country at the Sefako Makgatho Presidential Guest House in Pretoria.

“The President will meet with leaders representing foreign nationals from within Africa and also Pakistan and Bangladesh. 

The meeting is part of building lasting partnerships with stakeholders in the country to ensure that the shameful attacks on foreign nationals do not recur in the country. 

Foreign nationals have for years been successfully integrated into many communities in the country and government thus seeks to gain lessons from these successes.”

Brand South Africa issues statement on xenophobic attacks

Brand South Africa has joined the rest of the country in condemning the acts of violence that have been levelled against some foreign national residing in some of the nine provinces of South Africa.

We assure all our partners in the continent that South Africa stands firmly against all intolerances such as racism, xenophobia, homophobia and sexism. As such security forces are hard at work around the clock to protect vulnerable communities in the country.


The country remains true to its founding ethos that any problems or issues of concern by South African citizens must be resolved peacefully and through dialogue.

Brand South Africa assures our partners that South Africans are generally not xenophobic; this is attested to by the high number of foreign nationals who have been successfully integrated into communities all over our country, in towns, cities and villages.

Preliminary work done towards resolving this current challenge indicates that the root causes are socio-economic issues that have been raised and are being attended to by all South African role players.

Brand South Africa expresses its sincere sympathies to the regrettable loss of lives and injuries suffered during this unfortunate occurrence.

We are one Africa bound by many areas of commonalities and our spirit of UBUNTU (humanity – I am because you are) will prevail even under the trying circumstances.


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