Sports Broadcaster, Aisha Falode's daughter writes emotional tribute to late brother.

Veteran sports broadcaster, Aisha Falode’s daughter, Tolu Falode who added a year to her age today, January 15th has written an emotional tribute to her younger brother, Toba Falode who died 11 months ago‎. Recall that Toba, a stude‎nt of a Dubai-based institution was thrown from a 17-storey building in Dubai on February 15th 2014. Since then no one has been charged for the incident by the
Dubai police.


The flood of emptiness between our stories is filled with pain, heart ache and grief. I remember my last birthday- you called and mocked me on hitting another milestone-we laughed, you teased, I argued-and we smiled. I miss that.

The mischief that coated your voice as you spoke my name, the way you walked with your head slightly tilted like you were always absorbed in your thoughts, your
snicker that birthed into merry laughter as you watched me learn from my mistakes.

I miss looking behind and seeing you eagerly follow as we ran through the house as children, I miss watching you walk ahead as the confident man you had become-strong, supportive and intent on accomplishing your dreams.

I miss hearing you whisper “Happy Birthday Tolu” with such love and sincerity it made my heart melt with joy and thanksgiving. The bond we shared was so special-it was a gift. And it was taken violently from us in your death.

The tears I have cried, the grief that has stalked me this past year as I walked through the gift of another year knowing you did not have the chance to celebrate yours has left me empty.

I still look into your eyes and feel the strength of family, the hope of love and the joy of our bond as brother and sister.

As I walk into my next year without that beacon of asmile ushering me into this new milestone, as I step into this next phase without your warm broad shoulders hugging me furiously with love and laughter, my heart once more ruptures with pain at the gift that was taken from us.

Your death has changed our story; but I thank God I was your sister. I thank God I bore the blessing to be called your sibling-I am grateful I watched you smile mischievously and laugh richly from a child to a young man I deeply respected.

I am happy you found your calling in life-I am grateful for the gift God granted to your spirit to sing through eternity with the treasure trove of music you have left

Your voice so full of your character of hope, love and laughter has ushered me into this new phase of our lives as a family. I am happy I can tune my ears to the sound of
your music and hear the Toba I knew through the Tyler Fray who sings his dreams, visions and ideas into sounds of melody.

I love you Toba.

It has been a hard year of loss and God in his infinite wisdom has allowed your death date to be tied to my birth date and today I celebrate our laughter and our love and at the same time I weep at what has been lost and stolen-a
myriad of memories taken before they reached the realm of reality-a thousand words that could have been shared, a million moments that could have been spent together-all shattered into a gaping emptiness of loss.

I love you and you love me.
“Happy Birthday,” I hear you whisper softly. Though I cannot see your face I can feel your love as you sigh

“Happy Birthday Tolu, I love you now, I love you forever more.”

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Toba Falode & Oyamuyefa Alameiyeseigha's deaths: Sports broadcaster, Aisha Falode writes President Goodluck Jonathan

The heart of a grieving mother is a wide abyss…. Ace sports broadcaster, Aisha Falode who lost her son, Toba Falode 8 months ago in Dubai has penned an open letter to President Goodluck Jonathan. Citing her son and the son of former Bayelsa State Governor, Diepreye Alameiyeseigha’s cases, she urged the government to seek justice for the murder of young Nigerians in Dubai adding that more deaths might be recorded if urgent steps are not taken.
“Open letter to Nigerians 8 months after my son Toba was Murdered in Dubai,”
It is with a heavy heart that I read about the death of the son of Chief Alameiyeseigha on the streets of Dubai; an incident that immediately jolted me back in time thanks to the bizarre similarities to that of my son as regards “cause of death”.
My son was said by the Dubai authorities to have jumped down from a balcony, dismissing it as “suicide”, same with Chief Alameiyeseigha’s son.

I am saddened that this has happened despite my nationwide campaign to stop this happening AGAIN by putting all relevant government agencies on notice, in vain.

For record emphasis, my son was thrown from the balcony of a 17th floor apartment in Manchester Tower in Dubai. A Saudi boy resident in Dubai confessed to the murder; he had my son’s blood on his t-shirt, he had my son’s blood on his knuckles and boasted about serving time for 25 years in prison if it comes to the worst.

His murderer has a name.
There were witnesses to this murder, they have written statements verbally and orally corroborating what the murderer said. I have put all this together to make this easy for the Nigerian government to help me get justice for my son in Dubai.

I warned the Nigerian government that Nigerian youths were being killed in Dubai on a daily basis as confirmed  by our embassy in Dubai. I also warned parents about the danger of Dubai.
I also stated repeatedly, that if justice was not gotten for my son that another murder will happen. Indeed there have been many more after my son although not mentioned because they do not have a voice. But now, there is one so close to government that has been struck.

I did not have to be a soothsayer to know this. Many more will happen until we get Justice for Toba Falode, and all those who have been murdered in cold blood in Dubai.

We cannot stand by and watch our youths lives being down played over and above “collaboration and partnership” with a country that hates us with so much passion, that they are cutting down the lives of our young ones in cold blood crudely and viciously and yet we seek “partnership and collaboration” in investment with this same country.

Our ambassador in the UAE, Ambassador Ibrahim Auwalu, must be called back to Nigeria to answer to every young soul that has been lost to Dubai unaccounted for due to his lack of responsibility in office.
The Foreign Ministry also, must be asked questions on what they have done about Toba Falode’s case 8 months after. It took Israel less than 48 hours to act on the loss of their 3 youths.

8 months after Toba Falode’s murder, we are still waiting on the Nigerian government to give us any kind of reaction on the loss of a young life-Toba Falode in Dubai.

Even after submitting every evidence, our protest, police reports corroborating the fact that my son was murdered, we still have gotten no response at all from the Nigerian government.

Take a queue from Israel.

And the Nigerian Government for once should start acting like a big country with so much might and power that it is in the continent and indeed in the world and go after Dubai for justice for every young soul and every Nigerian life that has been cut short in Dubai.

We send our sympathy and condolences to DSP Alamieyeseigha.

We empathise with the family and friends of their son, because we have been through and are still going through it and it is nothing we wish for any parent which was our concern from the start.
This, is one death too many. May it not happen again.
Aisha Falode

"Speak up& free yourself from the insanity creeping up on you"- ace sports broadcaster, Aisha Falode writes son's killer(s).

6 months after the death of her only son, ace sports broadcaster, Aisha Falode has written an open letter to Toba falode’s killer(s). 19 year-old Toba who was monikered Tyler Fray was studying music in a Dubai-based institution, he was thrown from the rooftop of a 17-storey building on February 15th 2014. Read the words of the grieving mother below.
“In years gone by, I read detective books and watched Crime series depicting how murderers sleep at night. How they wake up in sweat with nightmarish images of the soul they had taken, and are so filled with dread and guilt of their crime that they spend their night dripping hot, sticky sweat of horror at what they had done.

How they stare at the night, wishing somehow it would never come, I mean, murderers live in such fear wishing they could turn the hands of the clock or go back in time and re-enact the whole scene of their evil deed, so as to reverse the killing of their innocent victim.

Such was my naivety because death was so far away from me.  Then death came so close to me I can still feel its hot breath down my spine. Yet I see how helpless it has become for it cannot strike the same victim twice. Death is so uncanny, it takes a soul but it knows that the soul goes back to the Maker in peace, yet he is lucky because the person who wore its cloak, the person who struck the blow, the person who took breath which does not belong to him, becomes its victim.

I say this today, my son’s killer/s you have become the victim. Death has deceived you and is now sneering at you. You are in your own hell, a living hell, hades of which will be immersed in you for the rest of your life.

Toba Falode aka Tyler Fray would have been alive today, breathing, laughing, writing songs about life and oppression, songs about people like you, evil people who think they can oppress, suppress and kill just because they can, but he is not for he rests in the bosom of the Almighty his creator. You Killer had no right taking his life because you did not give it.

Killer have you ever gone back in history or do murderers have no time to read up what happens to those of their like who came before them? If you do you will know that the Avenger of Death is forever lurking behind you and one day, very soon and sooner than you can imagine, you will pay for your crime and your sins. The Bible which we uphold says vengeance is God’s and indeed the Quran as well says there is no hiding place for the wicked.

Killer, the sister’s heart you wrenched by taking her brother and confidant, the family you brought despair and misery on, the friends you left crippled with excruciating pain and I though drenched in sorrow by your inhumane callousness, know in my heart that the Avenger is upon you. 

You have challenged the Almighty God by taking a life He created by breaking His commandment that thou shall not kill.  Then like a wicked unrepentant soul, you walk the streets as if nothing happened? Believing in your ignorance that the one who created ears cannot hear and the one who created eyes cannot see.  Surely your conscience is judging you, you sweat profusely in the cold of the night, and shiver in the heat of the day, you jump at the slightest sound and you keep looking over your shoulder, petrified even of your own shadow and dreading the inevitable and knowing in your heart that death has cunned you and the Avenger is so close you can feel the hair on your nape standing.

Perhaps one day, your nightmare will end and you will free yourself but not before the Avenger gets you, forcing you to speak, telling the world of how you killed my son on that sad night hunting you in Dubai.  When you pushed my boy, a good son, and the hope of my future from a 17 Storey building. What a callous, heartless andcold-bloodedkiller!

How did you kill him, why did you kill him? Oh, lest I forget you, the witness, an accessory to murder. Only God knows what pushes you to soil your hands with innocent blood by remaining silent and protecting a killer from a most foul and heinous crime while the image of Tyler’s dead body haunts you at night, you said you wish you could have done more at the time of his death. Yes you can. Speak up and free yourself from the insanity creeping up on you and the long stretch of dark miserable years ahead, how did Tyler Fray die?

How did my son’s innocent blood splatter on your body? Did your bloody knuckle punch the life out of him, or did you smash him with a stone before throwing him over the balcony, or did you just push him to his death? Why did you say you would take the punishment for his death, why do people you call friends keep meeting such a fate around you, is it coincidence?

Do you know, that there were actually three people on that balcony on that night? The all seeing God, the omnipotent, the ever present…He was there and He witnessed that murder and He is calling you to account forTyler’s Death. Killer!!!!  Look! Feel!
Hear the sound of the footstep of the long arms of the law looming over you like the sun covers the earth ………….
The Avenger is upon you like the waves of the Ocean smashing against the rock there is no escape for God is a just God.

I know Toba is in heaven and that gives me peace.
What kind of peace can a killer give his mother?
To join the call for Justice for Toba go to:
Facebook: Justice for Tyler Fray a.k.a Toba Falode
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Ace sports correspondent, Aisha Falode seeks justice for murdered son. (Press statement.)

Ace sports correspondent, Aisha Falode is seeking justice for the murder of her 19 year-old son, Oloruntoba Oluwadamilola Falode, who died two months ago after being reportedly pushed from the 17th floor of his residence in Dubai. Below is her press statement.


I am Aisha Falode, Mother of 19 year old Toba Falode. I’m giving the following statement as fact in the unfortunate death of my son. Oluwadamilola Oloruntoba Falode, who was a student of SAE Institute, Dubai in the UAE admitted to study Audio Production in October, 2013 and resided on the 17th floor of Manchester Towers, Dubai Marina.

In the early hours of the 15th of February, 2014, I received a call from the security guard at my son’s apartment block informing me that something serious had just happened to my son, Toba. I then immediately called his close friend, Nick Allison, a South African, who then informed me that my Toba had passed on from falling from the balcony of his 17th floor apartment.
Upon hearing this, I made various frantic calls to Toba’s pastor (his guardian in Dubai), to go to the scene. After which I was informed that the police had arrested all those at the scene and also taken the body of my son away.
Four family members then proceeded to retrieve my son’s body and also met with the Deputy Director of the Jebel Ali police station, who read out the preliminary report to the family and mentioned Faisal’s name which was mysteriously missing in the report that was later given to the family.

The summary of the police report is as follows:

1).  That they confirmed that Toba died in the morning of the 15th of February 2014 at approximately 4am.

2). That they indicated that this occurred around the premises of Toba’s apartment, the Manchester Tower, Dubai Marina.

3).  That they confirmed that there were 5 other people with him at the time of his death – (4) four boys and 1 girl – a Nigerian, a French Canadian national, a South African and  a Saudi national. The girl is British.

4).  That close to the time of the accident, Toba was on the balcony of his flat with his alleged girlfriend.

5).  That Toba was sitting on the railing of his balcony with his feet off the floor and that he was swinging in this position backward and forward.

6).   That his girlfriend was still there with him, and was warning him to be careful.

7). That she later went inside the flat and shortly after, they all noticed that Toba was no longer sitting on the railings or on the balcony, and must have fallen down from the balcony railings.

8). That his friends all rushed down and found him lying dead in front of the apartment block.

9).    That they then called the Police who took charge of things.

10).    That all statements of the witnesses as described above were similar and that they were all interviewed separately.

11) .  That forensic evidence including the examination of Toba’s body at autopsy did not reveal anything to contradict this version of events.

12) .    That there were no injuries on Toba’s body inconsistent with a fall from a great height as the cause of his death.

13) . That there was no evidence of bruising or other injury to indicate anything else could be blamed as the cause of his death.

14) . That based on their findings, they decided therefore not to conduct a full internal autopsy.

15). That if from their investigations they had even the slightest indication of anything other than this version of events they would definitely have conducted an autopsy.

However, because of the various inconsistencies in the Police Report given to my family, and because I know the apartment layout very well and my motherly intuition I knew something was not right. So I decided to investigate further by myself accompanied by a family member and my family lawyer Mr. Festus Keyamo. We travelled to Dubai in April and met with some of my son’s friends who were present in the apartment on that fateful day.
The summary of the accounts of these friends were totally different from what the police report indicated and revealed a weak attempt by the authorities in Dubai to hide facts that pointed to the fact that my poor son was murdered.
This account, the friends (witnesses) in question volunteered to give as written statements to me.

Summary of account as follows:
a) .  That sometime in December, 2013, the said Faisal Aldakmary Al-Nasser stormed the apartment of my deceased son Oloruntoba Falode and ordered Miss Olivia Melanie Richards Evans (his supposed girlfriend) out of Toba’s apartment, accusing her of having an affair with Toba.

b). That a fight was to have ensued from this confrontation, but for the intervention of other mutual friends. Since then, there was no love lost between Toba and Faisal Aldakmary Al-Nasser.

c).  That in the evening of the 14th of February, 2014, Toba, together with his friends, namely, Ebele Oladeji Onwugbufor, Nick Allison and Joachim Senteni went to a club in Dubai known as M Deck, Media 1 Hotel, Media City.

d). That at the club, they met the said Faisal Aldakmary Al-Nasser and Miss Olivia Melanie Richards Evans who were also at the club.

e).  That again an argument started at the Club concerning Olivia, and shortly after this, Faisal and Olivia left the Club.

f).   That shortly after the two left the club, Toba and his friends also left the club.

g). On their return to Toba’s apartment, Toba, Nick and Deji were shocked and surprised to find Faisal and Olivia outside Toba’s Apartment door, waiting and Olivia was crying hysterically and appeared frightened while Faisal, however appeared calm, with a determined look on his face.

h). That after they all went into the apartment,  after which Toba, Faisal and Miss Olivia Melanie Richards Evans entered his room “to sort things out”.

I). That shortly after, the three of them exited the room and moved on to the balcony of the apartment on the 17th floor.

j). That there were signs of serious argument coming from the balcony with raised voices and flaying hands by faisal visible through the glass door of the balcony.

k).  That after about twenty seconds Faisal and Olivia came back into the room and announced that Toba had fallen off the railings. However, Faisal had blood splattered all over his shirt and he had bloody knuckles. There was
also a noticeable cut on his finger.

l).    That at this point they all rushed downstairs to see Toba’s dead body lying meters away from the building (approximately 12 to 15 meters).

m).   That the position of my Toba’s body (which can still be verified today) was not consistent with someone falling from the balcony (in which case the body would be much closer to the building) but was consistent with someone that was violently pushed from the balcony.

n). That the police arrived thereafter and arrested all of them to the station.

o). That before and during the journey to the station, Faisal kept repeating to the hearing of everyone that the maximum punishment for him would be twenty-five (25) years in jail and that the other boys should not worry. Meanwhile, Olivia remained hysterical.

p). That at the station, Faisal and Olivia were kept away from the rest and were interviewed separately, whereas the other three were kept in a separate room and interviewed separately.

q). The witnesses were clear that the above account was what was narrated and written as statements at the police station, A vital piece of information deliberately omitted in the Police Report which did not make any reference to the presence of Faisal or Miss Olivia Melanie Richards Evans on the balcony when Toba allegedly fell.

r).   That Faisal was released without taking the blood stained T-shirt from him as should have been done in any investigative matter.

I am appealing to my Government that I have done much more than I should do as a grieving mother who was left with no option but to start investigating my own son’s murder by myself. I implore the Nigerian Government to prevail on the authorities in Dubai to re-open the investigation into the murder of my son Toba Falode and to bring to book Mr. Faisal Aldakmary Al-Nasser and Miss Olivia Melanie Richards Evans both of whom murdered him in cold blood.

The loss of a son is not what any parent should have to suffer, let alone a brutal murder. I do not wish this on any one because the pain is not only excruciating but almost unbearable.
I am asking for justice for my son and prayers from everyone that God in his infinite mercy gives my family and I the strength to bear this great loss.
To join the call for justice for Toba go to:
Facebook : Justice for Tyler Fray a.k.a Toba Falode
Email: [email protected]

"I am inconsolable, I am a mother shattered". Popular sports correspondent, Aisha Falode pens emotional tribute to late son.

The remains of Oloruntoba Falode, the 19-year old son of top sports analyst and National Women’s Team (Super Falcons of Nigeria) coordinator, Aisha Falode who died on Saturday, 15 February 2014 after been reportedly pushed off a 17 storey building by an Arab man, has been committed to mother earth. The funeral service was held at the Trinity House, Victoria Island, and internment at Ikoyi Vaults and Gardens, Lagos.
Until his shocking death, Toba was a student in a Dubai-based institution and a rapper. His grieving mother has however written an emotional tribute to the late boy. May God continue to comfort the ones he left behind and may his soul find repose. Amen!

I held you in my arms and my heart burst into a million pieces of joy. It was an indescribable moment. You were adorable as I touched every bit of you. Giddy with joy, I counted your toes, your fingers, tiny and wriggly; a tough bundle of joy. Your innocent gaze upon my face, those two adorable eyes, wide and searching as only a child’s would. All the gems in Arabia would fade into insignificance at the emergence of your presence. My son had come into the world, whole and complete you were. I had looked forward to having my own son. I carried you with pride and honour in my womb for 9 good months. Knowing that you will eventually be born made the discomforts of 9 months seem like chewing a candy bar. Here at last you were.

As you grew up into a most interesting young star, you were my joy. In all of my trying moments, knowing that you trusted me and believed in me spurred me through even the roughest terrain. Your childhood was joyful. Your sister and you were my life. You still are my life. Nothing can erase your memory, not a thousand winds or a million rainfalls can replace those memories, not even a fearsome volcano can wipe you from me. You are me, I am you.

I am devastated, I am pained, I am inconsolable, I am a mother shattered. Who can console me but God? He knows best and did they not say those HE loves HE calls home early?
My Son, the curtain fell too early for you, for us. I am in the audience; I cannot jump on the stage where you are. Even if I could, the curtain is drawn already. I cannot reach you. I am tempted to say, why me, but why not me? God loves us. HE took you my bundle of joy, even now I lean on HIM. I can see you, stretching out those strong arms, I see you trying to console me, I see you saying:

“Mum, it was meant to be, it is not your fault”, I see you. I see you everywhere.
Together, we walked for 19yrs, you brought me joy. You excelled in your academics, you made me a proud mother as you grew into a handsome, responsible, caring, humane, disciplined man. I will forever remember you my son. Those fun times, the times you held me when I was down, like the man of the house, which you became so early in life…I am consoled because I know for sure that you are in the bosom of the LORD.

I know for sure that we will meet again. You have not died, you are only asleep. This thought will keep me going until I behold your delightful presence again. I know you are here for I am you and you are me.

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