Blatter steps out of IOC

Embattled FIFA president, Sepp Blatter has relinquished his position on the International Olympic Committee as he deemed it ‘inappropriate’. IOC president, Thomas Bach confirmed this after disclosing that Blatter informed him through a letter on July 23 that he would not stand again.
Bach said: “[Blatter] does not deem it to be appropriate to stand for re-election for eight years knowing that after seven months his term would come to an end.”

Blatter, an IOC member since 1999, would have had to retire from his IOC term next year anyway because he turns 80 in March. Blatter will step down as FIFA president in February, a decision he made in June following the bribery scandal that has led to the indictments of top FIFA officials. Blatter himself has not been indicted and denies any wrongdoing.
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