Stella Damasus shares 20 tips for dealing with internet trolls

Taunted by internet trolls? Shut them down with Stella Damasus’ methods. The stunning actress who is no stranger to cyberbullies shared tips on how to deal with trolls on social media on her blog. Check Them Out!
1. Acknowledge the fact that haters thrive on Hate. It is a negative attribute/trait which kills internally and fast.
2. If you claim to be a positive person, don’t waste your time dwelling on the negative.
3. You need to understand the fact that these people are HURTING within themselves. They need to escape from that hurt or take it out on someone.
4. Don’t let them drag you into their HATE HOLE. If you hate them back then you have become exactly like them. Your loss.
5. You cannot control what people do or say, but you can control how you react to it.
6. INTERNET TROLLING is a very addictive habit. Instead of making them important, see them as addicts who desperately need rehabilitation. Addiction is a silent killer.
7. Don’t waste your time getting angry at people who don’t even know you. It is not logical to allow strangers feed off your anger. They are not worth your emotions.
8. Most times, people who make the loudest noise need attention. They can never be relevant without it. Don’t be the one to make them popular by responding.
9. Get used to the fact that FREE social media has given even the most ignorant and jobless person a platform to speak his ignorance and lash out.
10. Rage is such a powerful life consuming emotion. It takes a lot of pain and anger to spit out VENOM, especially on people they don’t know. Your HATERS feel that they are hurting you when they say ugly things to you but they don’t realize how deep their pain has eaten into them. Pray for them because they are in pain and their hearts are deeply troubled. Remember that they may not realize this until it’s too late.
11. Your HATERS are mostly people who follow you and monitor all you do, so they can have opportunities to attack you. Guess what? You are more important to them than they are to you. You are being followed, but they are the ones doing the following. Who should have the upper hand?
12. The more they talk, the more you should RISE. Their negative comments should become your driving force to succeed and do more. The more you rise the more difficult it becomes for them to keep up. If they STOP harassing you, the RAGE MIGHT destroy them so they need you to SURVIVE.
13. Nothing can change their minds about you regardless of the amount of work you do to try and impress them. Focus on more important things, not how to change their mind. They don’t know you so what do they want to hate? They think they hate you because of their PAIN but their thoughts often lead them to more pain and destruction. Do you really want to get involved in all of that?
14. If they had more important things to do, they will not have the time to look for you, follow you, read your posts or look at your pictures, watch your videos then plan and construct their HATE comments. Trust me, this takes a lot of time and energy. If YOU had more important things to do, you will not have the time to look for the haters and you certainly will not have time to respond to all of them. Make them feel like you don’t even know they exist, neither do you see or acknowledge their comments. After a while, they get tired of trying to get at you.
15. If you were not relevant or making an impact, you will not have HATERS. What do you really want? Be less than average and not have any haters or be very successful, important and attract HATERS.
16. Your HATERS want what you have, they want the life that you have but can’t have it. Their reaction to this realization is to HATE YOU. By letting their comments torment you, it means you are accepting the fact that their unimportant life is your fault.
17. It is better to be talked about than to be the one who does the talking.
18. People hate what they don’t understand. When they can’t decipher the reason behind your success or happiness they will HATE YOU. Be happy that you have something they want. Always remember to thank God because it’s not the other way round.
19. Try not to respond to comments when you’re angry. Whatever you say at that point will be out of anger and this will make you seem worse than the HATER. They always try to provoke you to respond so that you condescend to their level. Resist the temptation to fire back at them with your own words.
20. Whatever you feed more will grow more. Don’t feed the haters by paying attention to them. Let them starve because you will not feed them with your time and attention. Guess what happens to a starved troll… When you get uncomfortable, simply DELETE COMMENT, BLOCK THE USER OR REPORT THE ACCOUNT.

Stella Damasus addresses husband snatching allegations again.

The pretty actress has addressed the husband snatching allegations levelled against her. Since sher secret marriage to Daniel Adenomikan, a director and ex husband of colleague, Doris Simeon, Stella has been dragged by internet trolls and has given all sort of names. Now, she’s speaking up on the subject.
“I have kept mum on the allegation until now and I feel it’s time I expressed myself.
“One of the comments I have seen consistently, over and over again is, ‘Stella snatches somebody’s husband’; ‘Stella the husband snatcher’; which is what has been going on.
“And I had sworn that I would never talk about it or even listen or stress myself about the issue. But I have decided to talk about it now, so that I end it once and for all.’
“How is it possible to go to somebody’s home, take a happily married man, take his son away from his home and say follow me.
“Let’s assume you are a man, and according to their story, he is happily married inside his home with his family complete, and I walk into that home to forcefully take a man, able-bodied man, and a kid, away from somebody’s hand and you are there looking at me.
“How does that work?
“So logically if people actually sit down and think about it intelligently, how do you snatch somebody from somebody and the person is there looking at you?
“So when you see a man who has settled ties with a woman and decides to move on with his life and you feel that there is something in this man that you like and he likes you, is there a problem there?
“I am not a kid. I am 38 years old. I am not about to start hiding myself’ 

Stella Damasus and Daniel Ademinokan launch TV station

Celebrity couple,  Stella Damasus and Daniel Ademinokan are set to launch their online television station, Mon Afrik TV. The station according to Stella is going to feature a blend of BET, MTV, E-ONLINE, NBC and CW Network all rolled into one but with 100% per cent African content.
“That is what we have created and we want Africans all over the world to see this as their own medium of expression, not just another TV station.” She said. 
Ademinokan added,  “We see no reason why a struggling producer who could barely afford to raise the capital to make his or her TV show should also look for money to pay the TV stations for airtime,” he said.
“After that, they have to convince brands to place adverts on the show before they can start making any money. That is extremely discouraging for independent producers.
“Mon Afrik TV is creating a platform where producers can showcase their works to the world and make good money for themselves without having to deal with the run-around from TV stations.
“This is not a Video-on-Demand platform for movies and is not trying to pry into an already saturated market.” 
He continued, “Africa has often been represented as a dark, isolated continent.
“Yes, Africa has issues, just like every other continent but there is more to us than starving children, gun wielding terrorists, arid lands and dilapidated buildings in remote villages.
“We have beautiful cultures, a vibrant entertainment industry and entertainers who have conquered the world on many levels and we want to showcase that to the world.”

Stella Damasus pays tribute to late husband

Nollywood actress, Stella Damasus has paid another tribute to her late husband, Jaiye Aboderin who died eleven years ago while playing basketball. He was aged 33.
“Even though it has been 11 years since we lost you, we can never forget the impact you had in our lives. The knowledge we all got from you is still helping and encouraging us till date. We love you but God loves you more. Rest in peace JAIYEJEJE” She wrote on instagram. 

Mercy Johnson, Stella Damasus, Desmond Elliot others attend Nollywood actor, Robert Peters' wedding (Photos)

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Who would believe this actor just got married? Seasoned actor, Robert Peters is now a married man. He recently walked his fiance,  Deborah Smalling down the aisle at the Lake Lanier Islands Resort in Georgia, United States. In attendance were some of his colleagues, heavily-pregnant Mercy Johnson, Stella Damasus, Desmond Elliot, Daniel Ademinokan and many more.

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Is Stella Damasus now married to Daniel Ademinokan? (Photos)

Even though both parties have not made any official announcement (seems we’ll wait endlessly for that), looking at the rings on actress, Stella Damasus’ finger, it is not unlikely that the two ‘friends’ have formalised their union.

Daniel Ademinokan, prolific director and estranged husband of actress Doris Simeon who recently added a year to his age was treated to a low-key birthday party by the mother-of-two. Stella shared the photos on her instagram page.

Photos: Stella Damasus turns 36

Nollywood actress and mother of two; Stella Damasus added a year to her age few days ago. These are photos from her 36th birthday shindig. I like the ‘stunt’ in the pictures. Well, the only person we or lemme say I can recognize here is her close friend, Daniel Ademinokan. I remember both of them celebrated her birthday in a stretch limousine last year.


From being friends to business partners, maybe some people just need to come out clean. Maybe they are just friends and nothing more. Remember I said maybe.

Nollywood actress Stella Damasus and director, Daniel Ademinokan have just launched their multi-millionnaira store, “Code 55” in Abuja.

But what exactly is behind the name Code 55? “People say there is a mystery about me and they say the same thing about Stella. But trust me, maybe you have to buy a decoder before you can decode who we are. For the 55, I was born 31 July and Stella is 24 April. If you add 31 and 24, you will get 55″. Now that’s a cool one, don’t you think? I love the idea behind it.” Daniel Ademinokan who was once married to Doris Simeon explained.

Situated at Index Two Studio Plaza, Road 69, Gwarinpa II Abuja, it boasts of a unisex boutique and a music studio for live bands and music-related events.


I need to take a deep breath on this one. The last time I checked, it isn’t a crime for an entertainer or an artiste to diversify into other lines of businesses. We’ve seen a couple of actor or actresses who at one point or the other went to the studio to release singles; Omotola, Genevieve, Gabriel Afolayan and recently Tonto Dike and Stella Damasus who released theirs yesterday or so.

Blogsphere or the two most popular social sites, Facebook and twitter went seismic yesterday over Tonto Dike’s songs whereas not the slightest form of fuss was raised on Stella’s. I understand that one sang better than the other and it’s not a crime for fans, or music freaks to register their disappointment or satisfaction after listening to both.
I listened to the two songs and honestly, they didn’t sound as baaaad as people profess(ed) it to be. Besides ( I wrote it last week (quoting Bon online) that she said her song was going to leave you dazed, meaning she ‘warned’ you before
Was tonto’s song that bad or people just felt like blowing it out of proportion? Even if the songs are bad, one thing is she or both are rookies in the music industry and if they have found another calling in music there can always be room for improvement.
I know first impression lasts but there are some artistes whose first single turned out to be epic fail but they later picked up, let’s just hope someone sings a much more better song next time. So it’s not yet ova.looool
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