Sophia Chikere unveils 'her secrets' tomorrow

Less than a month after news of her crashed marriage filtered into the air. Sophia Chikere; estranged wife of top Nollywood actor, Tchidi Chikere has moved on. The businesswoman cum actress is unveiling her fragrance/ line, ‘Sophia’s Secrets’ tomorrow 29th April, 2014 at Port Harcourt, Rivers State.

Tchidi, Talk Not | By: Charles Novia

One of the best brains we have in Nollywood would be Tchidi Chikere, a celebrated scriptwriter and movie director. With an impressive body of work in the past decade and a capacity to discover new stars or to enhance sagging careers of others, Tchidi is not a personality one can ignore in Nollywood.
I have known him in a professional capacity for close to fourteen years and I relate well with him in the few instances we have met and had discussions. Tchidi has a burning desire to make a change in Nollywood, to shoot movies which somehow should re-calibrate society’s moral journey. I particularly love some of his movies for the uncanny way he brings out everyday characters in simple lifestyles and turn them to complex evolutionary beings in complex situations. As a movie director and a scriptwriter, Tchidi is gifted. Very gifted. Take it from me.
In my usual no-holds-barred critique of his acting, I would be less charitable in my accolades. But I am not writing this to detract from his credentials as a celebrated auteur. I am writing this out of concern, perhaps more professional but with a huge personal slant to it as well. It is a well-known fact by now that Tchidi got married to an actress, Nuella, a few days ago. First of all, Tchidi, I must congratulate you on that. Whatever the opinions people have, we must all respect the wishes of consenting adults when it comes to tying the knot. He made a choice and we should respect that, no matter how much the slanderous anonymous commentators on social media think they know.
That Tchidi got seperated from his former wife, Sophia who bore him three children is perhaps unfortunate but like I said, consenting adults take decisions which they believe is best for them at certain stages in life. Such decisions might come much anger and recriminations and would always leave scars in the hearts of both parties. Divorce or seperation are never pleasant. My concern in this case has to do with the open fights between Tchidi and Sophia on social media AFTER Tchidi’s new marriage. On face value, it would seem to have started with Tchidi’s rant on twitter a couple of days back against his ex-wife.
The tweets were quite shocking and less than charitable, to say the least. Though from the tweets, one could psycho-analyse that Tchidi was really angry, hurt and perhaps deliberately hitting below the belt at his former wife. My first reaction when I read those tweets on a blog was one of shock. Those tweets were totally uncalled for. Totally. Granted, they might have been written in a miasma of negative volcanic emotions but total restraint is required from a man in those kind of circumstances. And such restraint is justified when the mother of your blood children is involved!
Sophia had a riposte which I read as well and she had a moral right to respond too. But something tells me that Tchidi would wish to fire another salvo at that response and thus start a social media bric-a-brac which would inflict more wounds on all parties. That is why I had to write this open opinion. In Nollywood, and perhaps to a small extent the entertainment industry in general, most of the creatives tend to look away when acrimonious matters befall one of their own. First reactions would be one of aloofness, followed by private gossip in meeting places. Sometimes, colleagues and friends of such personalities would whisper malicious things about the subject in private while pretending to be all coy and concerned when they meet the suffering subjects in public. Oh Yes! My sector have some psychophants and pretenders as with politics but isn’t that how life goes?
Perhaps Tchidi and Sophia are being wrongly advised by masquerading friends? Or maybe they are not even being advised at all by anyone but are just ventilating on social media, giving bloggers more hits and the country one more piece of idle gossip? Whatever the case, I will openly advise Tchidi to stop further tweets or replies on this matter. For the record, I don’t know Sophia or Nuella and haven’t met with any ever and don’t wish to. My concern, as a father, is for the kids from Tchidi’s first marriage and perhaps future kids from this new marriage. Do not celebrate your misgivings on social media. Sheath the swords. Think of the children. The children. The children.
Those poor kids are going through indescribable torture and pain already. You don’t need to add fuel to their discomfort. Angry words once written and published are hard to take back, even with the passing of time. Celebrities are human too. That you see us on the screens or read about us does not make us less human than the other fellow. Fame and fortune only hide our foibles and finnicks. But we are human. However, whilst we are human, there are expectations of decorum we all must adhere to. And if it is just for the kids, Tchidi and Sophia (and perhaps Nuella) must adhere to the dictates of decorum.
I am not writing this to take sides or blame any of the parties involved. I am writing this openly because whatever linens being displayed by all parties in the open should be brought down immediately.
May God help all parties pass through this period and bless them all as they move on to the next phase of their lives.

"I gave 10 years of my life and this is how you repay me?" Sophia Chikere replies Tchidi Chikere

It still gets messier! And this looks like an unending drama. Estranged wife of actor/director, Sophia Tchidi Chikere in a statement made to Linda Ikeji has responded to accusations made against him by Tchidi Chikere. Remember her ex husband took to Twitter yesterday to open up on why he walked out on their marriage. Click here to read his previous tweets
Tchidi Chikere, I read all you said about me and I laugh. Is that the best way to justify yourself? It is well. I will not exchange words with you still because there is nothing you say or write about me that will shake me because those that put their trust in God, He never fails them. Why are you lying to people? For them to turn around and clap for you and justify what you did? Is it because people who know the truth are saying it and it’s hurting you and you are now looking for a way to justify yourself.
I give 10 years of my life and this is how you repay me? By disrespecting me and my family? You said I used juju to marry you. If truly I and my family used juju to hold you, let God who sees everything judge me and you. You bring money for the upkeep of your kids and you are writing about it? Like seriously, are they not your kids? Whose responsibility is that? And who is disputing that with you? You said since you married me that I have not given you no love, no affection etc but you forgot the interview you granted to Punch newspaper in 2011 saying that I am the best thing that have happened to you.
You said I never had time for you? When you are always filming in the east and I won’t see you in months. I played the role of father and mother to the kids… and I laughed the more when I saw where you wrote that I didn’t feed you for 5 days.. Is this all in desperation to justify yourself? Wow!! You said marriages are not contracted on the pages of newspaper and granting interviews yet you people have been granting interviews upon interviews since 2012.. Have I said anything against you? But I won’t say anything against you. Keep saying lies about me thinking you can tarnish my image by putting up this childish and immature behavior.
Even if you say that I am a prostitute tomorrow or a thief, people who know the truth know the truth and God knows everything and sees the heart and he will pay everybody back according to our deeds. So am not shaking!! I will never say anything against you to gain favour from people! No you can’t hide pregnancy. I gave you my life for 12 years, gave you 3 lovely boys, gave you a home. And you always say to me then, I was a good wife to you and you know it. I was loyal to you and never cheated on you. I swallowed and stomached so many things just to make my marriage work. I turned deaf ears to so many things and covered my eyes to so many things.
I remember all the stories I heard about your escapades with other women, but did I leave you? I stayed with you because marriage is for better or worse and when you started your affair with Nuella in 2010, what did you say to me when I confronted you? I stayed, endured and prayed every night. Have you forgotten the day I almost committed suicide? The first time you left me and the kids? I wanted to end my life but God saved me. Even as you left us in 2012, I keep saying to people that my marriage is intact and I never changed my name from Sophia Tchidi Chikere till date.
Have you not done enough to me? You are married now and still I wish you and your new wife well. Why can’t you leave me alone to face my children and fill up the vacuum this has created in their lives? You say such evil things against their mother and they are hearing it from their schoolmates. Their schoolmates are taking about it and asking them questions everyday and yet your not satisfied. You claim you kept quiet because of them, yet you have been talking and tarnishing my image since 2012? Yet I kept mute. I have not and will never say anything bad against you. Vengeance is of the Lord, unless he is not on the throne.
You put up my pictures with my friend to use against me? You want to use it to justify what you did to me? What you put me through for years? You said he is my boyfriend that I go to see in London and I ask you Tchidi, when I was with you, did I not go to London 2 or 3 times yearly to buy clothes for my boutique? Everybody knows that I am a business woman and I buy my products from London and America. And so because I have a friend in London, I now go there just to see him? Lol He is my friend, my pal, my buddy and my best friend.
We started being good friends in 2013 after Chidi left me and ended our marriage. He is someone that is very close to me and my confidant. All these years I have had women as best friends and they all betrayed me, and I decided to have a guy as my best friend. We go everywhere together and he assists me in shopping and buying things for my shop etc I can’t deny him. He is my friend. People that know me very well will tell you that I love taking pictures and so we took lots of pictures and the guy posted it on his Facebook page and some people copied it and started posting it online. I have also kept mute about it and I would have still keep mute if not that Tchidi raises it and wanted to use it to tarnish my name.
But is well. My kids read what their daddy wrote about me and they asked me to respond and tell the whole world that you are wonderful mother and that they know and they are seeing everything and won’t say anything till they grow up! So am responding to this because of my three lovely boys that I live for, that am blessed with.
I want to beg Tchidi to please allow me to concentrate and train my kids with God’s grace and help. I wish him the best in his new marriage.I bless his new marriage with his new wife and I wish them well. This will be my last statement. Even if Chidi pulls the mountain to paint me black.. I will not respond again.
Thank you
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