Meet the first black woman to own an airline.

Sizakele Petunia Mzimela
Sizakele Petunia Mzimela, a South African business mogul has
become the first black woman to own an airline as well as the first woman
appointed to the International Air Transport Association’s Board of Directors
in 67 years. Her company, Fly Blu Crane began operations at the OR Tambo
International Airport in September 1, 2015.
Sizakele’s career started at Standard Bank’s Small Business
Division in 1991 where she served as the Research and Development
Manager. The Economics and Statistics graduate joined South African Airways (‘SAA’)
in 1997 as Market Analyst. She lateron rose to the position of the Chief
Executive Officer of South African Airways SOC Limited from April 1, 2010 to October
8, 2012.
She also worked as Non-Executive Chairperson at Cargo Carriers Ltd,
a Member of the Board of Governors at International Air Transport Association
(IATA), the Head of Global Sales and Voyager Programme at South African Airways
SOC Limited and many more.

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