Rio Ferdinand's autobiography launch in pictures

We shared excerpts from his autobiography titled 2sides few weeks ago. Former Manchester United star, Rio Ferdinand has finally launched his book. The event was held on October 2, 2014 at the Mayfair Hotel in London. Present at the event include Anton Ferdinand; comedian Jack Whitehall and many more.

Still on Rio Ferdinand's autobiography: Wayne Rooney went through phones like sweets and smashed them on concrete in anger

Seems there’s a lot to know in Former Manchester United star, Rio Ferdinand’s Autobiography titled 2sides. Last week, we learnt about John Terry whom he branded an idiot for not apologising to his family over the latter’s racial issue and then he called his former manager David Moyes confused and embarrassing. This time around, the “spotlight” is on his former team mate, Wayne Rooney’s temper.

Excerpts from the QPR defender’s book:

‘Wayne Rooney always struck me as a very angry young man, always arguing with people outside the training ground, especially on the phone. He seemed to fly into a rage about the smallest things and went through mobile phones like they were sweets. He’d smash phones up in frustration, throwing them on the concrete. I don’t know what happened but he did calm down.’

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