Once Upon A Time In Nigeria

‎Once Upon A Time In Nigeria, travelling to New York from Lagos via Nigeria Airways was N17, 430. Now it costs 10 times of that amount, even more depending on the airline.
Present that same amount at any airline ticketing office for the same destination, you will certainly be walked/bundled out.
God help our nation..

Photos: This multi million naira hotel is reportedly owned by Dame Patience Jonathan

Situated in Yenagoa, Bayelsa State, the Aridolf hotel is reportedly owned by Nigeria’s first lady, Dame Patience Jonathan. 
According to Financial Times, “In the lobby, Louis XIV furniture is accompanied by bowls of plastic fruit, faux Dutch landscapes and a grotesquely gaudy chandelier. The hotel is redolent of the riches on display in a region that for half a century has generated the bulk of Nigeria’s wealth.”

Check out Hon. Patrick Obahiagbon's reaction to the xenophobic attacks in South Africa

Former legislator, Patrick Obaiagbon has also lent his voice to the growing chorus of condemnation against xenophobic attacks in South Africa.
“The attack on foreigners in South Africa (xenophobia) is a miasma of a deprecate apotheosis of a hemorrhaging Pluto crack, cascading oozing into a malodorous excresense of mobocracy. With all termagant ossifying proclivities of a kakistocracy, our knowledge centura is enveloped in a paraphlegic crinkum crankum. Therefore, the lampooning is cest in deja vu, deja vu peret ologomabia”

Photo: Ladies, who says it isn't ok to propose to your man

In some climes, proposing to your man is is shameful and totally wrong. Such women are usually deemed desperate, impatient and silly. But I say it all depends on the relationship between the two. If your man would go berserk over the idea, don’t try it. But what if you propose and he is far from being ready to settle down. That’s another big problem.
Well, The atmosphere here (in this pic) is that of true love/affection. I wouldn’t do such tho (who will wear the ring na, the dude? Mba, lemme wear biko). So whatever rocks your boat….:)


World’s most expensive bottle of red wine, the Chateau Margaux was recently displayed at Dubai. The 12-litre bottle which is engraved in gold and comes with an ornate oak case goes for £122,380 that’s like N32m.

N32m? No wahala, as long as it will be replenished 32million times

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