RCCG suspends Pastor for inviting Pasuma to perform in the church.

This is all shades of funny! Saw this poster a week ago and I was certain the Pasuma and bonanza parts were photo-shopped, alas they weren’t. According to Capital.ng, The Redeemed Christian Church Of God, has reportedly suspended a Pastor, Toyin Ogundipe for inviting Fuji artiste, Pasuma to‎ perform in a 3-day outdoor crusade for his parish.

Can imagine the shock when this news got to them. Asides Pasuma, gospel singer Tope Alabi and a former band leader of the late Fela Anikulapo’s Egypt 80 band, Kereke Jikeke were also invited to perform in the programme.


Help Shall Locate You! Happy New Month!

‎Hello Esteemed Readers, 
Congratulations for seeing the 9th month of the year. It’s September already. 3 months to the end of this year. His mercies indeed never come to an end. My prayer for you all is that you shall find fulfilment this month, help shall locate you from unexpected quarters and you shall have several causes to glorify God in your lives and families.


Happy New Month.

Photo of the day: Bride writes exam on her wedding day.

‎This happened recently at Rufus Giwa, Polytechnic Owo, Ondo State. Apparently her wedding date clashed with the exam date. So, shortly after Oluwatunmise Adejube-Adesina and her hubby were pronounced husband and wife, the former left the church, rushed down to her school to write an exam. She finished less than an hour and rushed back to the reception. When interviewed weeks after the incident she said her education is as important as marriage.

How I was robbed in Unilag- Blogger, Helen Ozor

A lot of things happen to people at the University of Lagos but we only get to hear a few of these things or we may not even hear about these things at all. For about a month, I have been taking photography classes at Yaba. Yesterday, 4th of August, my photography coach fixed our class at the Sports Centre at the University of Lagos. I drove into the premises at about 2pm. Meanwhile, a sporting event organized by MTN took place at the sports centre yesterday. After my class at about 5pm, I got to the car park and discovered that my car had been burgled with three of the glass wound down. My camera bag containing 2 lenses, 64gig memory card, batteries, camera cable, blackberry Q10, another bag containing my wallet, notepads, GTB ATM card, ID card, voters card, money , drivers Licence were all stolen from the car. I also discovered that my car key could not lock the door.

The security guards at the sports centre referred me to their security office where I made a statement. After I narrated my ordeal, one of the security officer said ‘You’re lucky they didn’t go with your car’. I was also asked to report the case at the Sabo police station. When I narrated what happened to the officer in charge of the case at the station, he made me understand that this isn’t the first time people would report cases of theft to them. Apparently, the situation is getting out of hand. Just incase you would be attending an event at Unilag or you have some engagement within the premises of the institution, please note that your things are not safe. You park at your own risk despite the presence of security guards.

Photos: The late Benue Uni medical student didn't commit suicide. Family tells what happened.

Contrary to reports that Nicholas Idoko, a medical student of the Benue State University committed suicide after he failed a resit and was asked to withdraw from the university, the promising young chap died in a fatal accident. Below is a press release from a family member.

“He was driving on Abu King Shuluwa Road, moving at a pretty high speed and without knowledge of a truck spoilt in the middle of the road. He tried to swerve out of the truck’s way but found himself facing the road divider. Without his belt on, Mr Idoko was flunged out of the car, sustained multiple fractures, a cracked skull and died on the spot. The car also hit and killed another commuter on the road while spinning out of control.

From where I’m sitting the above statement alone disqualifies it as a suicide, at least technically. It was an accident and another person’s life was also taken in the process. Nothing deliberate, no matter the circumstance confronting Nicholas before his death.
His death has not been declared a suicide by the authorities or his family as many other national dailies would have us believe. I am not going to speak against plagiarism and the other numerous crimes we commit in the name of journalism without one iota of care to the consequences, at least not today. But when one of such consequences is spreading total falsehood about the life of a young man, even threatening to denigrate the image of his entire family it is time to put a stop to such lazy practices.

Ejugwu Michael for The Family

Benue State University medical student commits suicide after school tells him to withdraw

 Idoko Nicholas Inalegwu,  a medical sudent of Benue State University reportedly took his own life recently after the school asked him to withdraw for  failing  a resit. His friend who pleaded anonymity told PUNCH  that he committed because he could not bear the news that his 10 years in medical was in vain.

“He had been talking about it; that he wished he died a painless death; that the school had finished him. There is nowhere in the world that a medical student is withdrawn after spending 10 years,” he said.
There were complaints by student of the institution about the manner in which examinations were conducted. They mentioned that most times re-sits were prolonged for up to one year, as against the stipulated 6 months. The angry ones, (likely) the colleagues of Idoko obtained his body, marched to the VC’s office and dumped it there.  

Suspect narrates how he kidnaps kids from churches


A 26-year-old kidnap suspect, Gabriel Ogunsawe who is currently cooling his feet at the State Criminal Intelligence and Investigations Department (SCIID) Panti, Yaba, Lagos has narrated how he and his partner kidnap children in churches. In a recent interview with Vanguard, the father of one revealed that he was jailed and released for the same offence last year but his friend lured him back. 

“I am from Ijebu-Ode in Ogun State.  I am a National Diploma, Accounting student of Lagos State Polytechnic. I was arrested because I was involved in the kidnap of a young child of about four years from Amazing Grace Church in Palm groove area. I was introduced into kidnapping business by a friend called Olayinka.

“I have known him for over six years.   It was Olayinka who came up with the kidnapping idea.   My role was to collect the ransom from the parents of the victim. This is not the first time we have engaged in kidnapping of little children.   In fact, I have engaged in three kidnappings.   The first one was successful while the last two were not.

“I was arrested after the second kidnapping while attempting to cash the ransom at the bank but my friend Olayinka, escaped. I was in Kirikiri for almost a year before I was released. When I returned from prison, I was jobless when Olayinka came and lured me into it again.

“Normally,  Olayinka goes into any church of his choice on Sunday morning, sits like a member inside the church and monitors the activities and movement of worshippers in the church.   When he is certain that he can lure a child out of the church premises unnoticed,  he quickly lures the child with biscuit or toys.  After successfully abducting the victims, he takes them to another big church located very far from the church where the children were kidnapped.

We never killed or sold any child. We only keep the child for a day and ensure we get whatsoever ransom we need to get from the victim’s parents. We ensure that we get the ransom first thing on Monday morning before the child will be seen. He abandons a large envelope addressed to the pastor in the church with a phone number. Once they contact us through the number,   we send  bank details to the parents of the victim.

“The first kidnap operation was in a Redeemed Christian Church in Shomolu area and it was successful.   We were paid N300,000 but Olayinka gave me N70,000 only, as he said we incurred some expenses, that was why he took the larger sum. Unfortunately,  the second operation was unsuccessful as I was arrested, arraigned in court and remanded in prison from June 2013 to January 10 2014.

Honestly,  I didn’t need anyone to tell me to stay away from crime after my release from the prison but I didn’t have a choice.   When I was released, I started squatting with my cousin, Akorede, in Akilo Street close to Lady-Lak area.  That was after I was ejected from the rented apartment where I lived because I was unable to pay the rent. My wife and son had to go live with her parents in Ota.

“This last operation, Olayinka initially, asked the victim’s parents to pay N700,000 but, they said they will pay N250,000.  They later sent N3,000 airtime to Olayinka.   He transferred N1,500 to my line the next day after I confronted him for collecting the ransom behind me. Because I was broke, I transferred N750 to my cousin Akorede, who I was squatting with.

We used an old registered line of mine for the transaction.   It was that line that he used to transfer the air time to my main line.  It was through the transferred airtime that Akorede was arrested,  unknown to me. It was through his sister, Jumoke,  that   I was eventually arrested while I was sharing handbill.  Akorede and his sister Jumoke,  are innocent and know nothing about the kidnap.

“I have a son who is about three years seven months old and I won’t want him to be kidnapped because I know the trauma we subject the families to when we kidnap their children. There was a time when I had to speak with the mother of the child we kidnapped.  I could feel her pain and broken heart from her voice.

My wife doesn’t know that I am into kidnapping business. My mum is late but my father is alive.  He doesn’t care.  I am married and I am a tiler. To my wife, I am very sorry to put you through all this shame and disappointment. My family members are all disappointed.   No one has come to see me since I was arrested. 

Right now, I feel so bad about my actions, but I was so desperate to get out my unpleasant situation,” he stated.

Must Read! Woman narrates how her 4 year-old son was abused by his teacher.

The first time I noticed my son’s odd habit was when I carried him on my legs in church, I realized he would become quite uncomfortable when my hand was not resting on his crotch, not his thigh, but his crotch, at first I thought maybe he was in pain, and I initially got worried, bit I later noticed his hands where going between my legs, this was not an unconscious action, he knew exactly what he was doing, because I brushed his hand away and gave him a stern look, but moments later I noticed he was doing it again, so I had to drop him off my legs and made him sit on a chair by himself, and did I mention my son was just 4 years old?
When we got home, I brought it to the attention of my husband, and in his usual manner he tried to make light of it, and even chastised me for even thinking our own son would be trying to get fresh with me, maybe he just misses you, he obviously doesn’t know what he is doing or where his hands where, my husband said, and after-all you are gone before he wakes up, and in bed before you return, so don’t blame the boy for trying to get as much attention from you as he possibly can, he added, but I was not convinced, what if my son had been exposed to pornography or had started hanging out with bad kids, I mean it’s never too early to start, especially in this day and age, it made me worry.
The next day I called his teacher on the phone and asked her to keep an eye on him, I told her I had noticed some changes in him and I didn’t want the damage to be irreversible, my son’s teacher assured me she would do her best to make sure he wasn’t exposed to the wrong set of people, satisfied with her response I laid all my worries to rest.
A few weeks later I noticed some strange with my son, I had taken my annual vacation and decided to spend it with my husband and son, on this day I was giving him a bath, and he kept on saying it’s mummy’s turn to suck on the straw, at first I thought it was a nursery rhyme not until I saw him grab hold of his penis, and repeated the words he said earlier “it’s mummy’s turn to suck the straw”, and while he held his penis, I noticed it was getting erect, now don’t get me wrong, I have noticed his erection before, in these cases it usually meant he needed to wee-wee, or he was just waking up from a nap or something, in other words very involuntary actions, but this time I felt he was getting aroused, I was so embarrassed I stood up, brought him out of the bath and quickly wrapped him up in a towel, I did all this without looking at him.
I immediately told my husband, and this time I didn’t take it lightly, he saw the seriousness in me and together we grilled our little boy, until he opened up and told us where he learnt the song.
Sometimes you see a lot of things reported on TV and in the papers, and you say to yourself, do these things really happen, or are they stories fabricated by the media to get the attention of the masses, or for print media and soft sell magazines to make a quick buck, and if at all they happen, who would be so blind as to allow it escalate to such an alarming point. Well I was about to understand that these things actually happened, and it was happening to my little boy, the words I would never forget, after long minutes of question and some threats from my husband, he finally opened up, “aunty Tola said she likes to suck my straw and I should not let anyone suck it, and that I should always put my hands inside her pants because it makes her happy”.
I collapsed on the floor, when I heard my son say those words, at first I didn’t believe him, but I realized how on earth a four year old child, would come up with such a story, I stared at my husband, he stared back at me, we were both speechless, and our son stood between us, weeping, I instinctively pulled him close and hugged him tight, and silently blamed myself for not noticing earlier.
We stormed his school, and went straight to the principal’s office, where we explained everything to him and even got our son to tell him exactly what he had told us, the principal was quite upset and summoned aunty Tola to his office immediately, she denied everything, blaming everything my son had said on him having a very active imagination, at this point my husband was hot with rage, and he began threatening to involve the police, and not until my husband actually brought out his phone and began dialing a number, aunty tola fell on her knees begging and crying, and proceeded to blame the devil, we all stared at her in bewilderment, what on earth would possess a full grown woman to sexually abuse a four year old boy, a child put in your care, to protect and nurture, you turn around and hurt, we called the police and she was arrested, I quit my job, and became a full time mum, what would be my gain, if I had all the wealth and ended up with a disturbed and abused child….
This is a great lesson for parents, pls watch your children and make immediate moves as soon as you get to see any changes or funny acts in them. Above all,teach them in the way of the Lord so as to guide them in everything they do as they grow….KEEP WATCH…
Utterly Speechless!

My Journey to the Land of the Dead: How I Survived Six-Hour Surgery

(Written by Eze Chukwuemeka Eze, a writer and a Port-Harcourt-based media consultant. I usually feature his writeups on my blog. I had to share this too when he sent it in. Not every time political stories. LVB is wishing him quick and complete recovery.)

In daily hustle and bustle to make a living, we often tend to forget how delicate life  is and what a wonderful gift from God it is. Although I have always appreciated life and expressed gratitude to God for His blessings, I have every reason to do more of that after He mercifully delivered me from the jaws of death on 16th of July, 2015.

For about a year now I have contended with a problem with my voice. Since the problem did not appear to be life-threatening, I chose to live with it and to give my full attention to the 2015 political battles, which, I thank God, ended in victory for us the All Progressives Congress (APC) at the Federal level.  I had to finally surrender myself to the  doctors days ago when I was warned that I would totally lose my voice if I further delayed throat surgery. Thus I found myself admitted in one of the best medical centres of excellence Nigeria can boast of.

After day-long series of tests that pinpointed the exact cause of my problem, I was wheeled into the theatre for surgery. Having a premonition that the unexpected could happen, I sent text messages to close and trusted friends, church members, asking for prayers and pleaded that they should not abandon my family if I happened not to survive the surgery. One after another, they rebuked me, telling me never to doubt that the surgery would go well. They assured me that they were fervently praying for me. Further emboldened by their encouragement, I submitted myself for anaesthesia and passed out.

When I woke up many hours later, I was informed of how God and the committed medical staff comprising five doctors, five nurses and their aides rescued me from the jaws of death against all odds. According to an eyewitness, even thought the surgery that lasted for six hours was a success, it was a monumental task getting me back to life. I was informed that the doctors had to administer oxygen and employ other devices to resuscitate me after twenty minutes of concerted efforts. It would have been a disaster if not for the prayers of the Saints and expertise of the doctors. The photos showing me in the resuscitation room tell the story better.

I have been on drip since then and only allowed to drink water though I was given a little Custard this morning. I am not expected to talk until after seven days. My specimen has been sent for histology analysis that will be ready within the next two weeks time for the final treatment.

All my Muslim brothers and sisters wondering why I did not call or send text messages as usual wishing them Barka da Sallah now know what happened! Was at the borderline between life and death and couldn’t possibly have done any such. Therefore, kindly accept my belated Barka da Sallah!

I involuntarily travelled to the land of the dead and I wholeheartedly thank Almighty God for bringing me back as – to quote the Great Zik of Africa – I am not in a hurry to leave this planet since there is still a lot of work left for me to do here on earth. I thank my darling wife, Evangelist Ada Henrietta Eze who have to take care of our son and daughter hospitalised at the same time of the operation. Thanks also go to my precious children, who have proved to be a pillar of
support at this time, as always. I also thank my General Overseer church members, Rivers State
Correspondents Chapel, all my friends and well wishes for their support and prayers.

Man arrested for stealing electricity in London.

How on earth can one steal electricity right? London train passenger Robin Lee must have asked the same question shortly before he was arrested last week for using a plug socket in a carriage to charge his phone. That’s one of the numerous ways of stealing electricity.
He told Newsbeat: “I got on the train. There was a plughole next to the door. A community support officer said: ‘Do you know you’re stealing electricity? I said something along the lines of, ‘I’m getting off in a minute. This is a crime, you can get arrested. She called to police officers : ‘You need to arrest this man, he stole electricity. They asked me if this was true, and they arrested me for abstracting electricity. The whole thing was ridiculous,” Robin said.
Well, the offence of abstracting of electricity is part of the Theft Act 1968 in England and Wales, and carries a possible prison sentence.

It says: “A person who dishonestly uses without due authority, or dishonestly causes to be wasted or diverted, any electricity shall on conviction on indictment be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years.”

Lemme quickly add this. Not sure this kind of law is in Nigeria. But if the police were to arrest and jail people who charge their phones in public places in Nigeria, we would certainly be building storey buildings as prisons. People carry extension boxes around to charge their gadgets, one person can fill up about 5 slots in the box.
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