10 things that make you a perfect wife-material

Here are the 10 tips you must know towards being a “Wife-Material” (from a guys point of view). These are the key pointers on how best to become a WIFE to your about-to-propose boyfriend. Deep down as a woman, you”ll know if you are a “chord, lace, Guinea, or tissue paper” material, 5,2,1,20 or 100 yards

(1.) TALK LESS:-

Most ladies are chatter boxes and it could be fun at first, but you just have to have those senses to know when your man needs a break! Most ladies would even try to keep you awake just because she hasn’t arrived at the apex of the very long story. As a lady, keep your spouse in suspense by cutting the most intriguing part of the story, your spouse will wake up earlier than usual, just to hear the concluding part.

It is good for men to spend heavily on their women, I am a strong supporter of showing your wealth through the appearance of your woman But must you nag him out just because caroline’s husband bought her a Range-Rover? NO! One funny thing is; Men reward naturally and whatever your man gives you is either how best he values you or how best he can afford it. Simple!
Although some guys are stingier than others but trust me, it is in your place to do your part and not demand at every slightest opportunity (of course unless he gives you way lesser than he earns).

(3). SUPPORT:-
Support! That’s what women globally do!, don’t sit and watch him do it all, even if he’s a billionaire, there are times he would need you to take up some responsibilities (financial wise) and that is where your self respect emerges.
This is important especially when the relationship is getting serious and you now have access to his house, eg: pay the cable tv bills, fill the gas cylinders etc. These would make him double whatever kind of respect he has for you.

Dress as you would be addressed, you want to be a wife? Be it! Don’t go about looking the “girl friend”, be a grown woman through your appearance, remember at this stage he isn’t wooing you no more, so dress decently but still maintain a minimal level of sexiness (as guys never get tired of seeing sexy ladies). And always reinvent your self, never feel because your man loves you so much you would relax and forget to either make your hair or apply some lip gloss. Men are moved by what they see!

Take away the “you” and replace with the “we”; eg; baby when are you going to get the new generator? That is wrong if you have plans to be in his life longer than you’ve ever lived, it should rather be “baby, when are WE going to get the new generator?”. This makes a man feel indebted to you and shows to him that you do not plan on going anywhere anytime soon.

This is traditionally the most important of all because you just have to deal with his family members regardless your likes or dislikes for them, get to know them and make them accept you (without cheapening your self, remember he isn’t doing you a favour by marrying you). Be civil and maintain your dignity and prestige.

(7.) COOK! :-
COOK his meals not ORDER Them! There’s no much talk here, if you can’t cook? Go back to mama! Because trust me, even if he prefers ordered meals, he would one day be insulted by his friends and family. Men don’t joke with food/stomach, you’ll see him in another colour when he comes back and the only thing staring at him are junk foods. It’s a shame for you to be told/begged to cook. If he has been spending heaven and earth on you, it’s only fair for you to reward him with sumptuous meals especially his favourites.


The minute your man begins to beg for your presence and can’t get enough of you, the “adamic-nature” takes over. Ladies be very careful, give that man some you!.

Don’t go asking for his phone’s Pin-code et al, you might just find out more than you can handle, save yourself the stress and allow the nigga have some privacy, if he’s with his friends and you sense he needs privacy, GIVE HIM! He’s bonded with those brothers before you came into the scene, never make your husband look like a weakling in the presence of his friends and family, by making them feel you are in control.

(10.) PRAY FOR HIM:-
The reason why you must pray for him is because you are also securing your future, if it gets better for him, it does so for you too. Be his spiritual backbone and strength as women are known to be more prayerful than men.

Article written by: Daniel Boyle
CEO, Beige Model Management

Photocredit: Wikihow.com

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