Jonathan – Yesterday's Man | By: Joseph Edgar

Life is forever strange. Jonathan a few minutes ago became the latest yesterday’s man. I watched as he arrived for the very last time with the full pomp and pageantry of the Presidency and literally looked dymistified as he shook the hands of his successor, handing over the baton and stymying slyly into the shadows of history.
I watched him closely as he sat. Trying very hard to comport himself and not betraying any emotions knowing fully well that the cameras and indeed the eyes of the whole world would be staring at him. Looking better dressed than the man of the day, his bowler hat perfectly perched on his head with his graying hair, peeping from underneath the bowler hat thanking its stars that it didn’t have to come out to share in this perfidy.
What was in his mind as he sat down there, enduring the stares and watching the sycophants as they immediately switched allegiances. Obj was behind him, did he feel like turning back and slapping him? Tinubu was way behind, was that why in his walk around he did not get to that part of the cubicle. What would he have done differently if time was rolled back. Would he have ignored obj, would he have stayed loyal to the buffoons who made a buffoonery of his administration. How come his roll of luck came to such a disgraceful end and why did that his gregarious wife not come and share in this public humiliation.
Where are all the geezers who shared in the rut, where are the ill advisers and much more importantly where are the Nollywood clowns. Who all sang and danced his name to high glory. How will history treat Jonathan, I fear, not with mercy. His was a template of disaster, his was a fine glass of recklessness, a lack of will power to take painful decisions and a cowards hand book on how not to rule a country like NIGERIA..
As I watched, I failed to see the hope Americans saw during Obama’s first inauguration. As I watched I saw the result of misplaced faith. We kept faith in luck as if we could control luck. He didn’t have shoes, so we voted, he was the ever available replacement, from Deputy Governor to the Presidency we voted. What did we get in return, a failed state, an economy in tatters, missing children, 2m displaced people, no power and in his last days,no fuel.
Jonathan – yesterday’s man, lurking in the shadows of failed leaders. He , a statesman he would not be. I saw pity in the eyes of the dignities on the stand. From my couch in my living room, I could almost here the Heads of state whisper in his ears as he walked past- be strong. Yes he needs that advice for the loneliness that would envelope him this night would be so scary that he would need about 46 candles and a heavy dose of prayers from David’s Book of Psalms to get him through the night.
He quietly slipped away like a lizard, though the backdrop and most likely into a tiny car far from the grandeur of the posh intimidating car he rode in and into the depth of anonymity where he would have only himself to blame for this loneliness and huge sense of failure.
He threw always greatness and in his simplicity he will go back to the simpleton he as meant to be, if not for the rude interference of fate which threw him unprepared into the national limelight but left him to dance naked surrounded by hippies and a wife worse than an ethnic savage.
I say goodbye to this yesterday’s man and wish him well as he joins his fishermen kinsmen in sleepy Otueke from where he emerged to lead us to Golgotha. Sleep well Jona and Gods forgiveness and blessing be with you.
I shed just one tear.
Joseph Edgar is an investment banker who writes as a hobby from a very interesting point of view.

Why I conceded defeat -President Jonathan

President Goodluck Jonathan has once again broached the topic of  his concession of defeat in the last presidential poll. Recall he said a month ago that he conceded defeat to his strongest rival, General Muhammadu Buhari because nobody’s ambition is worth the blood of any Nigerian..

‎Adducing reasons for taking the shocking move, the outgoing Head of State while receiving members of the African Ambassadors’ Group, who paid him a farewell and solidarity visit in Abuja recently said that, ‎“I believe that character matters in leadership. And it is not just about who becomes the President of a country, but somebody has to be there and the person needs the support of all to succeed. I made a choice to keep the country away from conflict.

I have always advised other African leaders that we will need to have a country before we can have the ambition to become President. We don’t have to expose our people to deaths because we want to stay in power. Some people hold on to power, may be, for fear of the unknown.

He continued, “I have been involved in solving many problems in African countries for more than five years and I know the enormity and cost of conflicts, especially on the citizenry. We cannot afford that in Nigeria.

If we were to have a political conflict in Nigeria, I am not sure the sub-region will be able to accommodate our citizens. My commitment is to always put the country before my personal ambition and that is what I have demonstrated.”

Friends deserted me after my defeat – President Jonathan.

And that’s absolutely normal in life! Outgoing President Goodluck Jonathan during a farewell church service held in Abuja yesterday revealed that some of his friends, turned their backs against him shortly after he conceded defeat to General Muhammadu Buhari in the Presidential poll.

“Some hard decisions have their own costs. No doubt about that. It is a very costly decision but I must be very ready to pay for it. ‎If you take certain decisions, you should know that people close to you will even abandon you at some point. I tell people that more of my so-called friends will disappear.” He said.

President Jonathan said he’s not surprised by the actions of some defectors adding that former South African president Frederik de Klerk faced a similar situation.

de Klerk’s marriage to his wife, Marike, broke down after he took that decision.‎But that is the only decision that made South Africa to still be a global player. If by this time we still have minority rule in South africa, nobody would have been talking about South Africa in the present generation,” he said.

Onyeka Onwenu and Patience Ozokwor reportedly at war over President Jonathan campaign funds

Celebrated entertainment personalities, Onyeka Onwenu and Patience Ozokwor are reportedly at daggers drawn over access to President Goodluck Jonathan’s campaign funds, ThisDay reports.
The print media outlet reported that things got so bad that the ‘One love’ crooner and Mama G as the latter is fondly called who have unfettered access to Aso Rock caused a scene at one of their meetings and openly abused each other.  Find Thisday’s report below.

“The fracas between the two Igbo women was not unconnected with who should control disbursement of the Jonathan campaign fund to a group of certain artistes. At one of the meetings, the centre just couldn’t hold any more and things fell apart. 

Onwenu and Ozokwor allegedly openly abused themselves and called each other names. It took the intervention of Dame Patience Jonathan to calm the fighting women. They simply respected her but have continued to trade tirade at every opportunity.”

President Jonathan sacks NPA Managing Director

President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan has terminated the appointment of Habib Abdullahi as the Managing Director of the Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA) and appointed Sanusi Lamido Ado Bayero, a lawyer from Kano State as his replacement.
A statement from the Presidency reads that No reason was given for Mr. Abdullahi’s removal.
“President Jonathan thanks the outgoing Managing Director for his services and wishes well in his future endeavours,” the statement added.
The appointment of the new NPA boss takes effect from Thursday, April 30.

"I am yet to see somebody luckier than me." President Jonathan

President Goodluck Jonathan while reminiscing on his journey to power stated that he considers himself the luckiest Nigerian.
He said this today while receiving visitors who paid him an Easter homage at the Presidential Villa, Abuja.‎ ‎

He said, ” I think it is enough. For me as an individual, this Easter coincides with the time I am leaving but I always say that I am one of the luckiest Nigerians. I am yet to see somebody luckier than me.

“From 1999, I was in the hands of government for 16 years. Not just in government as a parliamentarian because if you are a Senator or House of Representatives member, you take care of yourself, you live in your own house.
“I was in a cage, being taken care of by the government. From May 29, 1999 to date; 16 good years. I think it is enough and I am happy, help me to thank God for that.
“I will continue to thank Nigerians for giving me that privilege. I became a deputy governor because Bayelsans voted for me and my governor then. I became a Vice President because Nigerians voted for Yar’Adua and myself.
“I continued in 2011 because Nigerians voted for me and Architect Namadi Sambo. I have to thank all Nigerians. Wherever I will be, I will remain grateful to this great country. Today is a glorious day for me.”

Source: PUNCH 

President Goodluck Jonathan's concession speech. 

I thank you all for turning out en-masse for the March 28 General Elections.
I promised the country free and fair elections. I have kept my word. I have also expanded the space for Nigerians to participate in the democratic process. That is one legacy I will like to see endure.
Although some people have expressed mixed feelings about the results announced by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), I urge those who may feel aggrieved to follow due process based on our constitution and our electoral laws, in seeking redress.
As I have always affirmed, nobody’s ambition is worth the blood of any Nigerian. The unity, stability and progress of our dear country is more important than anything else.
I congratulate all Nigerians for successfully going through the process of the March 28th General Elections with the commendable enthusiasm and commitment that was demonstrated nationwide.
I also commend the Security Services for their role in ensuring that the elections were mostly peaceful and violence-free.
To my colleagues in the PDP, I thank you for your support. Today, the PDP should be celebrating rather than mourning. We have established a legacy of democratic freedom, transparency, economic growth and free and fair elections.
For the past 16 years, we have steered the country away from ethnic and regional politics. We created a Pan-Nigerian political party and brought home to our people the realities of economic development and social transformation.
Through patriotism and diligence, we have built the biggest and most patriotic party in Nigerian history. We must stand together as a party and look to the future with renewed optimism.
I thank all Nigerians once again for the great opportunity I was given to lead this country and assure you that I will continue to do my best at the helm of national affairs until the end of my tenure.
I have conveyed my personal best wishes to General Muhammadu Buhari.
May God Almighty continue to bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
I thank you all.

#NigeriaDecides:General Buhari in early lead

‎The Chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC today summoned electoral officers to announce the results of last Saturday/Sunday Presidential elections in their states.
Incumbent President Goodluck Jonathan of the Peoples Democratic Party won in 8 states; namely Anambra, Abia,Ekiti, Enugu, Nassarawa, Plateau, Imo and FCT.
His rival, Rtd General Muhammadu Buhari of the All Progressives Congress party is leading the poll so far. He won in 10 states; Kano, Katsina, Kaduna, Oyo, Ogun, Osun, Kogi, Kwara, Jigawa and Ondo.
Below is a breakdown of the two popular parties’ votes.  (From17 states +FCT‎)
APC – 8,530,969.
PDP – 6,448,210.‎

#NigeriaDecides: Google search words on GMB and GEJ

This is the outcome of the searches Nigerians conducted on the presidential candidates of the People’s Democratic Party and All Progressives People’s party; President Goodluck Jonathan and General Muhammadu Buhari
Buhari had more searches than GEJ. His certificate saga topped the list, folllowed by ‘Who is Buhari’, his Running Mate and his Campaign. On GEJ’s side, News appeared first on the list, followed by ex President Olusegun Obasanjo, his wife, Patience Jonathhan and lastly his campaign.

#NigeriaDecides: Read President Jonathan’s Broadcast Message On 2015 Elections

Dear Compatriots,

As we prepare to go to the polls tomorrow, I have come before you this morning to express my immense appreciation for the opportunity you gave me to lead this great nation of ours in the past four years.
I also wish to place on record, once again, my sincere gratitude for the support you have given my administration without which the significant progress we have made in recent years would not have been possible.
In spite of the many challenges we have had to contend with since 1999, our present democratic dispensation continues to endure and grow stronger in keeping with the yearnings and aspirations of our people.
We have all worked very hard to nurture and strengthen our democratic institutions and promote the good governance practices which they were designed to deliver for the better well-being of  our people.
I believe I can say without fear of contradiction that we all clearly cherish the democracy we now have and will never willingly give it up for any other form of governance.

This much-cherished democracy of ours is about to be put to the test once again.
I urge you all to troop out en-masse to peacefully perform your civic duty of voting for leaders of your choice tomorrow.
As we do so, let us all – political party leaders, contestants, party members, party agents, supporters and ordinary voters alike, be very conscious of the fact that the eyes of the entire world are on us.
We must therefore comport ourselves in a manner that will further strengthen our democracy and consolidate our place in the comity of truly democratic nations.
I made a commitment on assumption of office to progressively deliver freer, fairer and more credible elections in our country. In keeping with that commitment, the Federal Government has given the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) all necessary support to ensure that it conducts very successful elections tomorrow and on April 11.

We have all been assured that INEC is fully ready for the elections. I believe that we can all trust that they are certainly more ready now than they may have been before security issues and other concerns necessitated a re-scheduling of the dates for the 2015 general elections.

As an administration, we welcome the fact that millions of Nigerians who were yet to receive their Permanent Voters Cards (PVCs) as at February 14, and would therefore have been unfairly disenfranchised if the polls had gone ahead  on that date, have seized the opportunity of the re-scheduling to collect their cards and can now exercise their right to vote tomorrow.
We are also glad that our gallant Armed Forces have successfully stemmed the seizure of Nigerian territories in the North-East by the terrorist group, Boko Haram.
They have recaptured most of the communities and territories formerly occupied by the insurgents, making it possible for thousands of internally-displaced Nigerians to begin returning to their homes and communities.
I heartily commend the very courageous men and women of our Armed Forces for the immense sacrifices which they continue to make in defending the nation and protecting its citizens.
I also thank all Nigerians for keeping faith with us over the past six weeks.
I call on all political parties and politicians in the country to allow the free, unfettered will of our people to be expressed without any hindrance in the coming elections in keeping with the hallowed principles and tenets of democratic governance which we all profess.
The will of the people freely expressed through the ballot is the bedrock of all democracies and ours cannot be an exception.

Let us all therefore be prepared, as true democrats, to graciously accept the outcome of the elections as the rightful choice of our people from whom all political powers in our democracy must emanate.

My administration has done its utmost best in the past four years to deliver on our promise to positively transform our country. Tomorrow’s election is another very important milestone as we continue our march towards the fulfillment of our God-given potential for greatness.
The election offers us another opportunity to empower leaders of our choice once again, and to show the world that genuine democracy is alive and well in our beloved nation. I will like to restate my belief that no political ambition can justify violence or the shedding of the blood of our people.
I reaffirm once again, my personal preparedness to ensure fair play during the elections and to deploy the resources and institutions of state only in the manner prescribed by our laws. Let me warn, however, that as President, Commander-In-Chief of the Armed Forces, I am under oath to protect the lives of all Nigerians and the security of our country at all times. I will never abdicate my responsibilities in that regard.
Democracy allows dissent. It encourages differences and even fervent disagreements. But elections must never be mistaken for war or an opportunity to set fellow citizens against each other and tear our beloved nation apart.

Those who may harbor any intentions of testing our will by unleashing violence during the elections in order to advance their political ambitions should think again as all necessary measures have been put in place to ensure that any persons who breach the peace or cause public disorder during or after the elections are speedily apprehended and summarily dealt with according to our laws.
The nation’s security agencies are also fully prepared and ready to deal decisively with any group or persons who attempt to disrupt the peaceful conduct of the elections or cause any form of public disorder. Our dear country, Nigeria is the largest democracy amongst black nations of the world. We are a nation of great accomplishments, with a proud history of evolving affinities.
Let us go out tomorrow to vote peacefully and set a fitting example of political maturity for other emerging democracies to follow. I wish you all and our dear nation, very peaceful and successful elections. May God Almighty continue to bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
I thank you all.
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