Why I support Peter Obi – Chimamanda Adichie

Literary icon, Chimamanda Adichie has revealed the reasons behind her support and admiration of Labour Party candidate, Peter Obi in the last elections in Nigeria.  According to her, her support of the candidate didn’t come from a place of tribal sentiments, but from his  his antecedents and her faith in his ability.

Speaking today on Arise TV, the Nigerian-born international writer said,  “Why I very much admire Peter Obi, respect him, there are many others out there whom I admire and respect, and I will never vote for them for president because I don’t just think they will make the president.

“And so my support for Peter Obi is deeply rooted in real things; it is rooted in my faith in his ability. Actually, I got to know him years ago when he came to pay homage to my parents because he had heard my father was the first professor of statistics in Nigeria and that my mother had retired as the first female registrar of the University of Nigeria. And so this man just sort of arrived and said he just wanted to pay homage, and I was very impressed by that because he showed me how much he values education.


“And then, he became governor of Anambra State, and he took Anambra State to number one in education. I remember being very impressed by the story of how he had given his personal phone numbers to all of the senior prefects in secondary schools in Anambra, which I think also showed me he is interested in what ordinary people think.

“He does not just want to hear from the administrators; he wants to hear from them; he wants to hear from the students about what is really happening.

“And his focus on security, he really tackled kidnapping in Anambra, and I also remembered that he used to clash with the Anambra elites when he was tackling insecurity and kidnapping and that showed me he is quite decisive; he is just very focused on things. And that is really why I support him.”

Peter Obi’s Appointment as SEC Chairman is his Final Demotion | By: Kinsley Udemezue

There seems to be no imminent break to former Governor Peter Obi’s steady fall. Since leaving office in March last year, Obi has carried on like a man desperate for relevance; retaining his large tribe of ‎media aides, courtiers and jesters and performing functions like the commissioning of projects and flying off to South Africa to see
victims of xenophobia as though he still occupied his former office.
His media aides and jesters (Mazi Odera) have also carried on as if
they are in a war with themselves.
Obi’s desperation seemed to know no limits. Not for him the option of
dignified silence. He failed to read the script left by others before
him. People like former governor Donald Duke of Cross River State,
Orji Uzo Kalu of Abia, Achike Udenwa of Imo and Peter Odili of Rivers State who left political office and jettisoned the limelight that goes with it.
Peter Obi’s could barely wait to hand over power before hankering for the vacant post of Aviation Minister. When he failed in that bid, he blamed it on his not being a member of the ruling party and quickly dumped APGA for PDP. But his hope of becoming a minister went with President Jonathan’s loss of his second term bid. With that loss, Obi has been locked in another desperate effort to define himself.
It was this desperation that made him accept what is obviously a serious demotion. And this why his appointment as the Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is a demotion
1. Obi’s aspiration has been to become a minister. As the
Chairman of SEC, Obi reports to the Minister of Finance. What this means is that Obi is actually going to be supervised by the Federal Minister of Finance (whoever is finally appointed to that post.)  For someone who has been a powerful governor of a great state like Anambra, SEC Chairmanship is not only a demotion but extremely demeaning. And working under a Minister under the APC regime will not bode well for Obi in view of his prominent role in the last
2.      Obi is the first governor ever to accept such a demeaning
position in the history of Nigerian democracy. It is rather surprising
that he accepted the position considering his enormous wealth and well known business acumen. The question his friends are beginning to ask is must Obi hold an appointment? Haba!
3.      If current permutations pan out right, erudite Professor and
gifted economist, Chukwuma Soludo might become the Minister of Finance. Soludo is eminently qualified to lead Nigeria out of its
resent economic woes and stands a great chance of succeeding
Okonjo-Iwela at the Finance Ministry with enormous supervisory powers over Obi. Wow! Is it nemesis or just a cruel turn of events? Soludo supervising Obi? I can’t wait to see how that will work.
4.      Peter Obi’s rapid slide into irrelevance one year out of
office is a touching story of what desperation can do to an otherwise
focused man. What it simply tells us is that Obi had no exit plan when
he handed over power. He failed woefully to carve out a future for
himself. And now, he is paying the price.

The Poverty of Peter Obi’s Politics | By: Benjamin Okonkwo

It was Professor Chukwuma Soludo, the renowned economist, who made the point that Mr Peter Obi circulated poverty in his eight year reign as Governor of Anambra State. While Mr Obi’s media aide took to name – calling in response, the former CBN Governor backed up his submission with poverty index figures from the National Office of Statistics.  

It is becoming glaring to even ordinary people of Anambra State that Obi’s development efforts were defined by deficit of standards and quality. In projects and staff remuneration, the former Governor displayed an addiction for the cheapest categories even as he tirelessly propounded theories of wealth creation. 
Mr Obi saw no contradiction in paying workers survival wages while he supposedly saved billions of naira for the State. Although the regime boasts of building over 800 kilometres of roads but in reality these are of very poor quality and are gradually being reconstructed by his successor whereas the roads built earlier by Senator Chris Ngige are still intact. 
But it is not only in economic management that we encounter the poverty of Peter Obi’s vision. The severe limitation of his politics is finally proving to be a cul de sac.   
Former Governor of old Anambra State, Jim Nwobodo, at a press conference sometime in 1981 read out from a document he claimed to be the product of a research by the rival NPN into the party’s shallow presence in the State despite the big names paraded as members. 
The report questioned the commitment of these members of the party and went ahead to describe them as ‘Ekwueme – in town- politicians.’ It was said of these members of the party that they hardly attended party meetings nor lent hands to building the party in any tangible way and were only to be seen asserting their presence only when the Vice President was visiting the State! This political thought, if it can be called that, has useful relevance in the discussion of Peter Obi’s politics.
Notwithstanding the fortune fate placed on him to play a leading role in Nigerian politics, Obi could not rise beyond incidental politics in the twelve years of his membership of APGA.  Where is the programme of emancipation for the people of the south – east that Obi championed? Where is the plan Obi put up for alliances with other parts of the country? 
What vision had Obi for uniting the people of the south – east behind a common cause? What agenda for national dialogue did Obi ever set? Did his leadership style permit consultation and consensus with the critical constituencies?
Had Obi the prerequisite leadership qualities, they would have shown even before his assuming office. The circumstances which the denial of his mandate in the 2003 election threw up were such that would have produced a great opposition leader.  There was abundant goodwill to be tapped from the outcry against the daylight rigging of the state’s governorship election. The crude and egoistic display of power by the PDP cabal was resented by Ndi Anambra who would have readily embraced an organized advocacy to demonstrate their contempt for these wreckers of society. 
No one fitted the bill better than Obi to assume the role of an opposition leader, aggregating public opinion and proffering superior alternatives to the gyrations of the resulting government. As it turned out, Mr Obi filed his petition and for the most part went on with his trading.
Not unexpectedly, the eight years of his governorship had no underlining political or economic transformational objectives. In the absence of a defining mission, Mr Obi resorted to a policy of ‘my relationship with the President.’ Thus, one of his first acts was to ingratiate himself to President Obasanjo. It was with consternation that many watched Governor Obi courting the friendship of the same Obasanjo under whose superintendence, the state had been destabilized and her people traumatized. 
To underscore the extent of his involvement with Obasanjo, when the impeachment axe dangled over Obi, it was to the sly civilian dictator that Obi ran to for survival strategies rather than to his party leadership. It was only when the same authority that provided the impeachment legislators with police protection advised Obi to lock up the assembly complex that Obi counted his teeth with his tongue, as we say in Igbo.
The raw experience in Obasanjo’s hands notwithstanding, Obi continued with the personal relations with the President policy when the late Umaru Yaradua became President. It was on account of this unusual closeness to Presidents who were of the PDP that analysts at this time began to project that it was only a matter of time before Obi defected to PDP. 
The obsession was such that even when the late President had been incapacitated by sickness and well meaning Nigerians harped on the need for the Vice President to become acting President, Mr Obi opposed this line of action. Contrary to the demand of overriding national interest, Obi proposed that the ailing President should be let alone to be in office and yet inactive; arguing that there had been examples of state leaders with prolonged illness.
The same man who was so enamoured of Yar’adua’s presidency quickly moved to cozy up to Jonathan once the latter ascended the throne. Obi’s choreographed collaboration with Jonathan is very much fresh in our minds that there is no need boring the reader with the details. But while a Governor Obi maintained a fawning relationship with each PDP occupant of the Villa, what was his attitude to the gestures of his constituents and the fortunes of the party that brought him to power?       
For reasons best known to him, Mr Obi largely shielded himself from the people he was supposed to be preoccupied with matters of their wellbeing. Perplexed by the perceived aloofness of his state Governor, Mr Okey Ndibe later described him as ‘self absorbed.’ Obi was wont to ignore cheers from the masses, obviously regarding them as intrusive and hardly went out to engage with the people except when forced by circumstance. 
Shortly after taking office in March 2006 he jolted a group of APGA supporters he used to call incessantly to carry out services for him  that they should not be seen hanging around Government House; that he would send for them whenever he had need for them!
It has been suggested that the reason Mr Obi created a distance between him and the people was to ward off requests for monetary and other forms of assistance. Some others say the behavior goes beyond that, reasoning that the nearly three months it took Obi to constitute his cabinet was a strong indication of someone who would have run Government with just a few aides if he had his way.
This view gains significant substantiation in Mr Obi’s awful distrust of people whenever the subject was money.  The trader – turned politician had developed the uncharitable mindset of doubting that other people could be trusted with judicious use of money. And since only he could be trusted with honest and prudent expenditure, he had to oversee everything resulting in the snail speed for which his administration became notorious. 
Government machinery was in some cases crippled by this pathological aversion for collectivism. The Awka Capital Development Authority would not be constituted and inaugurated lest public fund enters private pocket. It was much for the same reason that local government council elections were not conducted until he ran out of excuses and public pressure forced his hands.
As for APGA, Peter Obi could not be bothered about its state except at the approach of elections. Even at that, the fate of APGA outside Anambra State was out of the question. Mr Obi would neither shore up other state chapters of the party nor leave Anambra to campaign for APGA candidates – for fear of hurting his PDP governor friends.  At such election periods, it was a different, humble and friendly Obi who had time for APGA officials in Anambra State and ordinary folks. 
Subsequently, the people learnt to exact as much as they could from him at election season before he became incommunicado once more.
Given that Mr Obi has no stomach for opposition politics; and has more or less become addicted to Presidential Villa politics, what will he do now that a Pharaoh who did not know Joseph is at the doorstep? 
With his recent trip to South Africa to check on his business investments, Mr Obi may have begun his retirement leave from politics.       
Okonkwo, a community leader, wrote from Agulu, Anaocha Local Govt of Anambra State.
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