Photos: Obasanjo tears PDP membership card.

Former Nigerian president Olusegun Obasanjo today February 16, 2015 dumped the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP). 
‎OBJ, a founding member of the party declared that he is no more a politician and now prefers to be called an elder statesman. He also added that he doesn’t want to be part of a government who has no regards for the constitution. ‎
He handed his membership card to a PDP Ward 11 leader in Abeokuta North Local Government, Alhaji Sarajudeen Oladunjoye and asked him to tear it.
This happened during a press conference held in his hilltop residence at the Gateway state. He reportedly instructed his aid to pick it up and give it to him. He stated that “If this is why we cannot have Nigeria  we desire, I am no longer part of this”

APC has more thinking people than the PDP – Iyabo Obasanjo writes

Reactions have continue to trail erstwhile Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Governor, Charles Soludo’s article published few days back.
Iyabo Obasanjo, former senator and daughter of ex Nigerian president, Olusegun Obasanjo has deemed the article as the best she has read recently on the real situation politically and economically in Nigeria.
Below is her writeup on Vanguard newspaper. Titled: Soludo, Fayemi and Fani-Kayode: My takeaway:

1. Professor Soludo’s article on the elections in Nigeria is the best writing I have read recently on the real situation politically and economically in Nigeria. The well-articulated response from Dr. Fayemi compared to the abuse infused response from Femi Fani-Kayode on the PDP side is a great example of the contrast of the status-quo compared to the alternative.

2. Whatever the case and I don’t expect miracles from APC but right now they have more thinking people than the PDP.  As a Yoruba person, Dr. Fayemi’s response is how we expect our educated elite to take up issues and not the mad ranting’s of Fani-Kayode.

3. I agree with most of his premise but I do not think they (APC) can take up a massive public works program in a period of “famine” i.e. low oil prices.

4. During the great depression when Roosevelt used public works to help provide jobs, it was the stock market that failed i.e. Government revenue was affected from tax income but income from exportation which was then mainly agricultural goods was not affected.

5. The government could use money from its coffers to create jobs and provide skills and training, which people could then use in the private sector.

6. The best part of Dr. Fayemi’s response is that it is not elite focused.  Nigerian governance as I saw it was not a democracy but an elitocracy.  Govt of the elite by the elite for the elite and even if you grew up in near death poverty once you left those circumstances you forgot where you came from and concentrated on your immediate family and matters affecting the wellbeing of the elite.

7. Changing this perspective to make the elite understand that their wellbeing was in fact dependent on the wellbeing of the masses will be APC’s challenge.

8. They are sourcing from the same pool of elite talent that every Nigerian government has to source from and it is this pool that essentially has to be different or we will find ourselves again at precipice as usual.

"We feel safe with him". Lagos women as they throw their wings behind President Goodluck Jonathan.

Like other Nigerians out there, I can’t wait to know the outcome of the forthcoming Presidential elections. So, a group of women from Ondo, Oyo and Ogun took to the streets of Lagos to throw their wings behind President Goodluck Jonathan who is seeking a second term in office.

the solidarity walk which took place on Friday 23rd January 2015, started  from Jibowu, down to various parts of Surulere, and ended at the National stadium saw women and some GEJ supporters carrying placards and banners in support of the President.

A novelty match was played between women from various states, after which various representatives of the women groups gave good testimonies about the works of President Jonathan and why they support him to run for another four years.
One women who spoke on behalf of her group said women feel safe been governed by President Goodluck Jonathan and are convinced that he will bring peace and progress to Nigeria, despite the Boko Haram insurgency. The woman said given more time, the President will put an end to the  menace.
Another woman leader, said she sees the President as a ‘champion for Women’, as he is the first President to appoint over 30% women to strategic positions in his cabinet.
The women also added among that President Jonathan promptly responds to the plight of women, and for this and more, he has their full support.
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