35 of Bill Cosby's rape accusers cover New York magazine

How can 35 people accuse you of rape and you scream “false allegation?”. No way please! But then something must have gone wrong somewhere with Bill Cosby. How can you sexually molest at least 35 ladies‎? Quite unfathomable. Was or is his sanity intact?

The women have covered the July 27 edition of New York magazine and recounted their ordeal in the hands of the famous comedian.

“The group of women Cosby allegedly assaulted functions almost as a longitudinal study – both for how an individual woman, on her own, deals with such trauma over the decades and for how the culture at large has grappled with rape over the same time period. In the ’60s, when the first alleged assault by Cosby occurred, rape was considered to be something violent committed by a stranger … But among younger women, and particularly online, there is a strong sense now that speaking up is the only thing to do, that a woman claiming her own victimhood is more powerful than any other weapon in the fight against rape.”

Senior editor of the NY magazine Noreen Malone wrote.

The testimony and photographs that appear in the mag display in no uncertain terms, the scale and diversity of the alleged abuse, with alleged victims ranging in age from their early 20s to 80, including women who were Playboy bunnies, TV writers, journalists and waitresses.

“I went into this thinking he was going to be my father. To wake up half-dressed and raped by the man that said he was going to love me like a father? That’s pretty sick.” one of the women, 

 Barbara Bowman, 48 narrated her  experiences with Cosby in the ’80s.

 “I felt like a prisoner; I felt I was kidnapped and hiding in plain sight. I could have walked down any street of Manhattan at any time and said, ‘I’m being raped and drugged by Bill Cosby,’ but who the hell would have believed me? Nobody, nobody.”

A Cosby Show writer Sammie Mays, 57, claimed an encounter with Cosby in 1987 derailed her life. 

“When I see Jell-O pudding, it comes flooding back. Bill Cosby, that encounter, that one time, played a major factor in the direction my life took, toward the dark side.”

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