Sepp Blatter loses appeal against his six-year ban from football.

The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) has dismissed Former Fifa president, Sepp Blatter’s appeal against his six-year ban from football.
The 80-year-old Swiss who served as the president of the world football’s governing body from 1998 to 2015 was banned for allegedly making a “disloyal payment” of 2 million Swiss francs ($1.98m) to Michel Platini, then the UEFA president, in 2011; a payment that was described as “an undue gift” with “no contractual basis”.
FIFA is still investigating why Sepp Blatter paid himself bonuses totalling £26 million between 2010 and 2015. Germany got £20 million for winning 2014 World Cup in Brazil and he got £8.5 million bonus for helping to organise it.
After the hearing, Blatter said “no other verdict could be expected. “I have to accept this decision. I have experienced much in my 41 years in Fifa. I mostly learned that you can win in sport, but you can also lose.”
In its verdict, Cas said Blatter “requested the annulment of the ban but did not request a reduced penalty” adding that “In any event, the panel determined that the sanction imposed was not disproportionate.”
Both Blatter and Platini were banned for eight years last December, they however had their bans reduced to six years by its appeals committee.

Michel Platini to resign as UEFA President after ban appeal fails

Michel Platini

 Michel Platini will step down from his role as UEFA President, after his appeal to have a six-year ban from football failed. The 60 year-old who was found guilty of ethics breaches over a 2m Swiss Franc (£1.3m) “disloyal payment” last year however had his ban reduced to four years by the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS)

FIFA Presidency: Michel Platini withdraws bid.

Suspended UEFA boss, Michel Platini has given up his bid to become the next FIFA President.
“I will not present myself for the presidency of FIFA. I am withdrawing my candidature. I no longer have the time nor the means to go to the voters, to meet people, to fight against the other candidates. In withdrawing, I am dedicating myself to my defence”  He told the Association Press yesterday
Platini and Sepp Blatter were suspended from all football-related activities following an ethics committee investigation. They were found guilty of breaches surrounding a £1.3m ($2m) “disloyal payment” made to Platini in 2011.
The 60-year-old added that his ban has made it impossible for him to campaign for votes.
“It is a question of the calendar, but not only that. How can you win an election when you are prevented from campaigning?”
The remaining contenders are Asian football head Sheikh Salman bin Ebrahim al-Khalifa of Bahrain, South African politician and tycoon Tokyo Sexwale, former FIFA vice president Prince Ali bin al Hussein of Jordan, UEFA general-secretary Gianni Infantino and Jerome Champagne , a former FIFA assistant general secretary from France. The new FIFA president will be revealed on February 26. 

Blatter, Platini get 8-year ban

Sepp Blatter and Michel Platini, have been suspended for eight years from all football-related activities, with immediate effect.

A statement from FIFA Ethics Committee read: “The proceedings against Mr Blatter primarily related to a payment of CHF 2,000,000 (£1.34m) transferred in February 2011 from FIFA to Mr Platini.

“Mr Blatter, in his position as President of FIFA, authorised the payment to Mr Platini which had no legal basis in the written agreement signed between both officials on 25 August 1999.

“Neither in his written statement nor in his personal hearing was Mr Blatter able to demonstrate another legal basis for this payment. His assertion of an oral agreement was determined as not convincing and was rejected by the chamber.”

Blatter and Platini to appear before FIFA ethics committee on December 16-18

Blatter, Platini to face FIFA ethics committee December 16-18
Suspended FIFA President, Sepp
Blatter and his UEFA President, Michel Platini who were provisionally suspended
by the FIFA ethichs in October for 90 days on allegations of corruption will
appear before the committee on December 16-18.
“Mr Platini and Mr Blatter will
have the chance to present their positions during hearings scheduled between
December 16-18,”
A spokesman told AFP.
Asides the duo, has charged 14 ex-FIFA officials and
sports marketing executives have also been charged by the United States justice
department with more than $150 million of bribery and corruption for several

FIFA’s Blatter, Platini, And Valcke suspended for 90 Days. Issa Hayatou named acting president.

FIFA’s ethics committee announced today that it was provisionally suspending its president, Sepp Blatter, for 90 days as well as Secretary General Jerome Valcke and Vice President Michel Platini. FIFA Vice President Chung Mong-joon was also handed a 6- year ban. Cameroonian FIFA Vice President Issa Hayatou has been named the acting president.
The full statement on FIFA’s website, reads:

The adjudicatory chamber of the Ethics Committee chaired by Hans Joachim Eckert has provisionally banned FIFA President Joseph S. Blatter, UEFA President and FIFA Vice-President Michel Platini, and FIFA Secretary General Jérôme Valcke (who has already been put on leave by his employer FIFA) for a duration of 90 days. The duration of the bans may be extended for an additional period not exceeding 45 days. The former FIFA Vice-President Chung Mong-joon has been banned for six years and fined CHF 100,000. During this time, the above individuals are banned from all football activities on a national and international level. The bans come into force immediately.

The grounds for these decisions are the investigations that are being carried out by the investigatory chamber of the Ethics Committee. The chairman of the chamber is Dr Cornel Borbély. The investigation into Joseph S. Blatter is being carried out by Robert Torres, the investigation into Michel Platini by Vanessa Allard.
The proceedings against the South Korean football official Chung Mong-joon were opened in January 2015 based on findings in the report on the investigation into the bidding process for the 2018/2022 FIFA World Cups™. He has been found guilty of infringing article 13 (General rules of conduct), article 16 (Confidentiality), article 18 (Duty of disclosure, cooperation and reporting), article 41 (Obligation of the parties to collaborate) and article 42 (General obligation to collaborate) of the FIFA Code of Ethics.‎
The Ethics Committee is unable to comment on the details of the decisions until they become final, due to the provisions of article 36 (Confidentiality) of the FIFA Code of Ethics.

Another statement released  said Blatter had been relieved of his duties, and that the ban applied to “all football activities on a national and international level.”


Former French football player and UEFA president Michel Platini has lauded the structures of spanish football teams, Barcelona and Real Madrid.
According to him, the system allows supporters to have a greater say in the running of their club, "I love the management structure of Real Madrid and Barcelona because the members remain responsible for the club and their decisions, both preserve their identity and the popularity of football lies precisely in the fact that there are such strong ties with the fans." He concluded.

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