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Do we ever wonder why vitamins are necessary in our diet? They play a very important role in our diet. How can we get vitamins?
There are several ways we can get vitamins. First of all, vitamins are synthesized by plants. When a man eats plants, for example, fruits and vegetables, he fulfills his need in the vitamins. Animals also absorb vitamins from plants, so we can obtain some vitamins by eating animal products (eggs, fish or meat). Another way in which we can get vitamins is to consume supplements. Vitamins have many healthy functions.

Vitamin Function

Most of the vitamins have identifiable roles in maintaining the function and health of our body. For instance, vitamin C strengthens the immune system thus improving the ability of our body to fight off the infection. Vitamin E is linked to skin, hair and nail health, and the B vitamins are involved in the breakdown of carbohydrates for energy. Vitamin D works alongside the mineral calcium to promote healthy bones. Vitamin K is necessary for forming blood clots, and vitamin A is important for ocular health and vision. Although many vitamins have identifiable roles, they seldom work alone and work far better in concert than they do in isolation.

Types of vitamins

Vitamins A, D, E and K are classed as fat-soluble vitamins and are transported and utilized in the body in the presence of dietary fats. Your body stores excess fat-soluble vitamins for use when needed. Vitamins B and C are water soluble and cannot be stored in your body. Your kidneys eliminate excess vitamin B and C in your urine, so you need to consume adequate amounts of B and C on a daily basis.

Selected Sources of Vitamins

You can obtain vitamins from a variety of food sources as well as vitamin supplements. Fish oils and liver contain vitamin A; you’ll find B vitamins in meat, grains and leafy green vegetables; vitamin C is abundant in citrus fruits such as oranges; vitamin D and vitamin E can be obtained from fish oils and nut oils; and leafy green vegetables are a good source of vitamin K. Eating a variety of plant and animal-based foods ensures that you obtain a broad range of vitamins.


The symptoms associated with taking too many vitamins are unpleasant. Although it is very hard to overdose on vitamins, consuming too many may cause gastrointestinal discomfort, stomach upsets and diarrhea. It is highly unlikely you will consume too many vitamins from natural foods alone, but if you take too many vitamin supplements in addition to an already vitamin-dense diet, you may consume too many. In the case of vitamins, more does not necessarily equal better.
Buy best food supplements on Jiji! Jiji is a place where you can buy all kinds of quality goods at most affordable prices! Here you can find new and used stuff so you can save lots of money! Also remember that here you are buying from real people! And it`s always a pleasure!

Your Baby Deserves The Best!

Are you an expectant or new mum? Confused about where to buy your baby accessories from? Look no further, visit

The abundance of goods for newborns in the modern market is just great. But don’t you panic! We’ll show you what to buy for the child’s birth at the optimum level, which will allow you not to spend all of your money, and will ensure the baby and his/her parents a comfortable living.

The newborn baby is not only a flurry of emotions, the endless process of photo-shoot, some percentage of fatigue and fears, and the boundless sea of love. A little baby always needs a huge amount of stuff.

It is clear that the needs and abilities of each family are individual. But there is a universal list that you want to buy before the birth of a child. It includes the following categories:
For sleep: crib or cradle;
For walking: stroller;
Care and hygiene accessories;
Clothing and diapers;

And if for some reason you are unable to breastfeed, you will need a bottle sterilizer and a mixture suggested by an experienced pediatrician-neonatologist.
The list of necessary Accessories  for kids:
1. Cradle for a newborn;
2. Waterproof oilcloth (it is better to choose breathable one, this way the child will not sweat too much);
3. Blankets: thin and warm (woolen or feather, depending on weather conditions, and the climate). Lately pediatricians advise to use a special “sleeping bag” instead of blankets – it keeps the same temperature at any time of the year and in any weather.

4. Sheets. If you lay the child in a sleeping bag, then you will need only the linens. You won’t need covers and pillowcases.
5. A pillow. Typically, a child under one year sleeps without a pillow. But if you think it’s needed, orthopedists advise to buy the flattest one — not exceeding 1 cm. Otherwise, kid’s movable vertebras will form incorrectly.
6. Special “nest” for your baby. It is worth to include this product in your shopping list if your baby sleeps bad and “calls” you more for calming than when he is hungry. “The nest” is a limited space made of soft cloth from which the baby can’t fall off, but where it is very easy to reach him. You can place “the nest” in your bad. Dimensional breathing of sleeping mom and dad will soothe a baby. In doing so, for the sake of security you should put it near the wall, rather than at the edge of the bed. And do not cover a newborn with your blanket!

On the biggest marketplace in Nigeria, you will find a great assortment of accessories for baby and kids. You can be sure that you will find quality products

at best prices. Also, you can post here your own free ad, if you want to sell something. 

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Car buffs get in here! Get your Lexus RX330 cars on

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Lexus RX330 is an amazing crossover, designed and produced by Japanese company (Toyota). Already popular previous RX300 model after radical makeover resulted in a more advanced vehicle’s characteristics. Together with gaining better and tighter look, it has preserved plush finishing and a rich cabin. It is the best option for SUV-fans, who prefer trouble-free and safe rides.
There is a place where you can always find your future Lexus RX330, and its name is This is Nigerian classifieds, used by people from all over the country. The service is meant to make your life much easier and to help to save some money. Moreover, the number of offers is incredibly impressive. Still, finding Lexus will take only a few steps – click on Vehicles/Cars – Lexus – Lexus RX330, or you can simply type the name in a search line (look at the pictures below).
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