Photo: Governor Fashola presents handover notes to Mr Akinwunmi Ambode.

 Outgoing Lagos State Governor, Mr. Babatunde Fashola today presented handover notes to the Governor-elect, Mr. Akinwunmi Ambode. The ceremony held at the Lagos House, Ikeja, was witnessed by party members and chieftains of the All Progressives Congress (APC). 
The likes of  the party Chairman in Lagos, Henry Ajomale; Women Leader, Kemi Nelson, the party Publicity Secretary in the state, Joe Igbokwe, traditional rulers led by the Oba of Lagos, Rilwan Akiolu to mention a few were in attendance.

“The time is now winding down and I just did a quick check at my watch and I see that it is eight hours and 30 more minutes and thereabout. But before that time winds up, let me congratulate you again for a very well run campaign. Let me congratulate our chairman of the party at the state level for the support and for the victory.

“Let me also assure you of my best wishes from family, Executive Council, public servants who served with me and our prayers will be with you and our wish would be for your outstanding success. And I would always be available, so will all members of our team to provide any support and assistance in any assignment you wish us to undertake in order to give our support. Be assured that every day I would continue to pray for your success.
“As you might be aware, we have worked with a transition team that you set up, headed by the deputy governor herself and I believe that they have handed over documents. These are the summary of all the documents with my own final letter conveying them to you. Also conveying all the executive orders that I have issued during the course of my administration for you to see whichever you want to continue with or which one you want to review.
“Once again I say congratulations and my very best wishes for a successful, remarkable, historic and development filled tenure.” Fashola said.

Mr Ambode in his response thanked Fashola for the wealth of experience he garnered while working with him.
“I have had the greatest honour and opportunity to have worked under his Excellency. I have been his student, he has been a teacher, a mentor and again we are here today to do some transition from one office to the other.

“We can never be able to measure the impact that you have made until historians start to write about the difference between 2007 and 2015 in terms of the strain and stress you have gone through. Each time I particularly have trepidations believing that how is it going to be in another four years.

“But I have the consolation that you survived for eight years, so I should be able to survive eight. But the future is about the prosperity of Lagos and the future of Lagos.” He said.

Gubernatorial Poll: Governor Fashola writes Lagosians

Dear Lagosians,
First let me thank you all for turning out to vote on the 28th March 2015 and for doing so peacefully to make history by electing the All Progressives Congress candidates in the Presidential and National Assembly elections.

Once again, I must address you as we approach Saturday’s elections, when you will be electing a Governor who will continue after me and consolidate on the progress we have built together.

You will also be electing members of the State House of Assembly who will make laws on your behalf to assist the Governor and his team in the Executive arm.

Although your votes will be cast for one political party or the other, let me remind you that you will actually be voting for your well-being, security, prosperity and future.
You will also be voting for the future of your children. You will be choosing candidates and a party that you will entrust your lives to.
Think hard, think clearly, think deeply. Ask yourselves a few questions.

Who has shown a better record and example of protecting and securing you between the political parties?
Which of the parties cares more when disasters happen?

What is the record of the parties as it relates to the promises they have made to you in the past? Which of the parties do you see regularly and which one do you see once in a while?
Which of the parties do you see when your life or property is threatened by epidemics like Ebola or by unfortunate accidents like plane crashes? Which of the parties is showing that you can become home-owners without knowing anybody?
Which party has responsibility for providing electricity for you, and which one is taking up the responsibility to light up your streets and communities at night? Which of them cares more about your children and their safety?
Indeed ask yourself; which of the parties threatened you with thugs on that sad Monday of March 16th and which is seeking to protect you by supporting the police; with patrol vehicles, fuel and other equipment?
Ask yourself when last you saw the Federal Fire Service in Lagos. The proud men and women of the Lagos State Fire Service have taken over admirably.
Ask yourself who should be supporting the police and who is actually doing it?

Dear Lagosians, your choice of who to vote for will be easy if you answer these questions within yourself honestly.

Indeed, you have clear choices to make between parties that use your resources to develop your society and community on the one hand, and the party that chooses to bring money to you for distribution when election beckons.
So you can choose between schools for your children, hospitals for your community, roads for your transportation or in the alternative, you can choose to have these services monetized once in four years.
Remember, that choices have consequences and your vote will decide the choice that shapes your lives.

Dear Lagosians, it is tempting to take the right and opportunity to vote for granted. It is tempting to think that it is too much trouble. I agree that the process can be made much easier. But it is no excuse to refuse to vote.

Out of 5.8 million registered voters and 3.8 million PVC collections, only about 1.5 million turned out to vote, on the 28th March 2015.
Think of all the pain, the effort, the sleepless nights it took to get the PVCs to you. Think of the best way to show that the effort was not wasted or in vain. It seems to me that the best way is to have all these 3.8 Million voters come out to vote.
By refusing to vote, you surrender decision making to a few and you will be bound by the consequences of your choices.
By refusing to vote, you do a great disservice to many who have lived before you, who fought very hard at great personal costs to themselves, to earn you this right.
By refusing to vote, you dishonour the sacrifice of patriots before you who fought for the right to vote.
Remember that when they were fighting for the right to vote, they were not fighting for yesterday, they were fighting for today and tomorrow.
They have handed today to you and I, can we secure tomorrow for the next generation Remember that since the capital of Nigeria was moved from Lagos 24 years ago in December 1991, Lagos has been abandoned by the Federal Government.
Ask yourself when the last major new road in Lagos was built by the Federal Government. It was the 3rd Mainland Bridge completed in 1990.
The assets the Federal Government left behind almost became a burden but for our resilience to maintain them. Today the Federal Government is owing Lagos N51 Billion which remains unpaid.
This is not in accord with the spirit of the promise made to Lagos when the Federal Government first declared Abuja as the capital in 1976.
The Head-of-State at the time, the late Gen Murtala Muhammed, said then and I quote him:
 “…Lagos will, in the foreseeable future, remain the nation’s commercial capital and one of its nerve centres. But in terms of servicing the present infrastructure alone the committed amount of money and effort required will be such that Lagos State will not be ready to cope.
 (But we have coped at great sacrifice)
“It will even be unfair to expect the state to bear this heavy burden on its own. It is therefore necessary for the Federal Government to continue to sustain the substantial investment in the area. The port facilities and other economic activities in the Lagos area have to be expanded.
“There is need in the circumstances for the Federal Government to maintain a special defence and security arrangement in Lagos which will henceforth be designated a special area. 

These arrangements will be carefully worked out and written into the new constitution. Kaduna and Port Harcourt are to be accorded similar status and designated as Special Areas…”

Sadly, no Federal Government and indeed not the PDP Government has done anything to redeem that promise for the 16 years it was in power or to protect Lagos.
Instead of assisting Lagos, they attacked her. If you remember FERMA, in 2006, the same PDP seized your Local Government money and resisted the attempt to bring Government closer to you by creating more local Governments.
On Monday 16th March 2015, the same PDP continued in their tradition of assaulting Lagos. Their supporters took over a major road in Lagos and threatened your peace and security.
On Wednesday 18th March 2015, the President-Elect, Muhammadu Buhari came to Lagos and said Lagos will receive compensation for the role she has played in maintaining Federal Government Assets.
Yesterday on Tuesday the 7th of April 2015, he was here in Lagos in his first political engagement since he became President-Elect and he reiterated his commitment to support Lagos.
This is what I will vote for. This is what I urge you to think about as you vote on Saturday.
This is the place that every Nigerian calls his home. It is the home of displaced people. It is the place where the homeless arrive and are made welcome.

It is the place where generations of Nigerians have arrived without knowing anybody but have, through the opportunities and inclusion, become somebody.

This is the place where the Late Chief Adeniran Ogunsanya and Owelle Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe consummated the handshake across the Niger and played politics without bitterness.
Tell those who try to divide us that our greatest strength has always been our diversity.
Tell them that you feel safe here, and that I have continuously assured you of your safety as the basis of our mutual co-existence.
Tell them that our waterways have been assets of prosperity and sustenance, for transport, recreation and fishing and they will remain so.
Let nobody now attempt to re-write that history for you.
When they reel out false statistics about Lagos, please ask them the statistics about the places they governed for 16 years.
When they reel out statistics, please remind them that those statistics don’t stand in isolation, they are the burden of a whole nation and many parts of West Africa that Lagos state bears.
When they promise you heaven and earth, remember their broken promises on power, security and many more.
Ask them to show you a plan, if they can produce one, which is doubtful, ask them whether they have implemented it elsewhere.
Tell them that you have seen the Lagos Development plan for 2012 – 2025, that the Lagos Light Rail Project, the Adiyan Water Works Phase II of 75 Million gallons a day, the solar power for all schools and many more which are part of the plans for you and your children and which are already being implemented.
Tell them that you will vote to keep a plan that you can see, that is already working, instead of a plan that you have not seen.
Ask them what happened to Vision 20:20, to the 7-Point Agenda and to Transformation.
Tell them that your bird in hand will not be traded for a dozen unseen birds in the bush.
Tell them that this election is not about money, tell them that it is not about ethnicity and it is not about religion.
Tell them that this election is about the place you call your home, the place you earn your living and the place where your investments are the safest.
Tell them that you will not play ethnic or religious politics with your survival. Tell them that you will not vote with anger.

Tell them that you will vote with common sense and for experience.
Tell them that you have seen Lagos survive without Federal support, and you wish to see her flourish with Federal support.

That will be the most historic thing you will have done, putting Lagos in the centre with your votes.

History and tomorrow beckons. Don’t turn your backs.

Babatunde Raji Fashola, SAN
Governor of Lagos

Olamide hosts Governor Babatunde Fashola, Dare Art Alade, others at son's christening ceremony

Rave of the moment artiste, Olamide Adedeji christened his son, ‘Batifeori Maximiliano Adedeji’ today, February 6, 2015. The ceremony was attended by Governor Babatunde Fashola, Dare Art Alade and many others.

“I’m so honoured to have his Excellency..Governor Babatunde Fashola in my house, thanks for the surprise visit..May God continue to strengthen U and uphold U.. God bless u sir”. The proud dad wrote on his instagram page.
The next time you see Olamide, remember to address him as Daddy Milano.

Opinion: What Manner Of Change Is APC Chanting? | By: Shaka Momodu

As I sit down to write this piece, I cannot but be amused by the change chorus around me. Even though I sense some genuine desire to have things go in a different direction, I get this sneaky feeling that a vast majority of Nigerians are being duped by some smart and clever businessmen masquerading as progressive democrats and agents of change.

They sensed resentment and keyed in with the change slogan which seems to have caught on like a wildfire in the harmattan. But when you ask those clamouring for change; change to what? They just stare blankly at you unsure of how to answer. And when the answer eventually comes, it’s a disappointment, “we just want change.” That is the first inkling you get that some of our choristers of change hardly understand the issues at stake.

Now, are these promoters of change really agents of change? Are they really the democrats they profess to be? The evidence around me suggests otherwise. I think they are part of the problems Nigerians need change from. The values and virtues of democracy which they profess and claim allegiance are observed more in breach by these people who claim to be the long awaited messiahs destined to liberate our countrymen from the bondage of corrupt managers of public wealth.

They remind us every day of the rot in the system – corruption at the centre, growing unemployment, insecurity in the land, irregular power supply etc. Of course, these are facts that cannot be disputed. But what they fail to tell us is that they have been part and parcel of the rot and share in the responsibility and blame for the situation in the country today. They fail to remind us that they are among the greatest beneficiaries of the weak institutions that have made the country a wobbling giant. They fail to tell Nigerians that they have become richer and more prosperous on account of their holding public offices in this democracy. They want change not to serve the people but to serve their own interests and those of their cronies.

They just want more money to increase their vast wealth to further their private benefits at the expense of public good. But they have found a strap line that resonates well with the people to anchor their quest for power, but no one is guiltier of practices detrimental to public good than these so-called agents of change. Their daily conduct is a mockery of their progressive hymn; the solemnity of their pledges to liberate the people is hollow, impiety and deceptive.

Now, let’s take a look for a moment at the promoters of change. Former Lagos State Governor Bola Tinubu at the Redemption Rally organised by the then Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN) in Akure to mobilise support for the party’s candidate, Rotimi Akeredolu, in the last Ondo governorship election openly boasted how he funded Olusegun Mimiko’s election with millions of pounds. He said: “Mimiko claimed that I did not spend money when he had problems with his mandate; this is not true. It is a lie. He came to me and begged for support, rolling on the ground.

“He collected money from me. I spent millions of pounds sterling but he betrayed me. It was Yemi Osinbajo who travelled to Israel and other countries to arrange the experts that helped him prosecute the case. Mimiko has called me a godfather, yes, I am a positive godfather and even, godfatherism is biblical and that is why Christians refer to God as their Father. I play godfatherism in the South-west for the good of our people. My godfatherism is for progress and mentoring. I have brought development to Oyo, Osun, Ekiti, Lagos, Edo and Ogun States and the people are better for it.”

Now, were the millions of pounds sterling earnings from entrepreneurship or money made from holding public office?  We hear of his vast wealth spanning real estate, media, construction, hospitality etc. It is this same man that former President Olusegun Obasanjo, the “Navigator” of APC, referred to in his book, My Watch, as “having the worst case of corruption”. Till this moment, there has been no reaction from Tinubu.

Recall how he railroaded his wife into the Senate to replace a man who was far more experienced in legislative activities. Today, his wife merely sits in the Senate warming the seat, hardly making any meaningful contribution on the floor of debate. Lest we forget, his sister-in-law was also planted in the Lagos State House of Assembly. His son-in-law is also in the House of Representatives. This is the height of nepotism.

But nothing underscores Tinubu’s pretentious claim to the principles of democracy than his arbitrary appointment of his daughter, Sade, as the Iyaloja of Market Women and Traders in Lagos following the demise of his mother, Alhaja Abibat Mogaji, who held the position. A true and progressive democrat would have thrown the position open to elective contest.

But that was not to be as he simply pronounced his 40-year-old daughter at the time, who is not even a trader, the President General of Market Women and Traders in Lagos, practically decreeing it a hereditary position. There is a saying that, “you can’t like the fruits of a tree and hate the tree.” A true democrat must not only preach it but practice it in all its manifestations.

Imagine if it was President Goodluck Jonathan that appointed his daughter as President of Market Women and Traders, all hell would have broken loose in the country. APC and those fraudulent human rights activists would have been shouting to high heavens in condemnation; lawyers – hundreds of SANs would have been jostling to represent the traders in court free of charge to challenge the imposition.

But Tinubu did it against all known sense of decency and not a whimper from these hypocritical sets of people who by their own choosing lay claim to being the custodians of public good. From the pro-democracy activists to the constitutional lawyers who see two similar impunities with double vision and twin morality to the godfather goaded to continue to dupe the conscience of the people, there is no difference between their sins.

Governor Babatunde Fashola is on a swing after being initially at odds with his godfather’s preference to succeed him. He seems to have accepted the reality of his own near-zero political value and has embraced the man he initially kicked against. He fought his godfather through proxies, culminating in an open contest where he was roundly beaten. The old fox taught his godson a very bitter lesson on how not to challenge a benefactor. When the primaries were held, the distance between the godfather’s preference and godson’s were miles apart.

How can one explain that after eight years in office and with well over N4 trillion in revenue expended, pipe borne water is still a scarce resource in Lagos? An estimated 90 per cent of Lagosians have no access to this vital necessity of life. Nearly every household today self-provides this essential resource by sinking a borehole. Recall here that the situation wasn’t this bad before Fashola’s rise to power. Even if the situation was bad, the governor’s record on this score is a miserable failure.

Under Fashola, instead of more people having access to pipe borne water, what we are seeing is a rapid decline of access to this necessity of life. Many public schools have no roofs, toilets, tables, and chairs as students sit on worn-out tyres to take lectures in classrooms that have neither windows nor doors. This is the state of some public schools especially the primary schools in Fashola’s Lagos.

The state of most roads in the state is nothing to write home about. Just visit a place like Ikorodu or Iyani Ipaja and you will understand what I mean. The health sector has deteriorated to the level of “mere consulting clinics,” i.e. if you see a doctor to consult. If you think I am lying, visit any of the public health facilities in Lagos and tell me if any, I repeat if any, befits our so-called “centre of excellence”.

I am also curious to know the policies Fashola initiated to help the unable become able and as such help lift more people out of the poverty index. Affordable housing is still a pipe dream in this mega-city state. What has he done to ease the challenges faced by the people in this regard?  This is the man now at the forefront of change campaign. The man who could not change the dilapidated infrastructure in public schools, health sector or provide pipe borne water for Lagosians after nearly eight years in office as governor is the one telling Nigerians that help is coming from Buhari.

Former Governor Lateef Jakande’s temporary school structures litter the state, almost 32 years after he left office. Lagosians should ask him, if he truly shares in their pains and identifies with their problems as he claims to be, then why are his children not attending public schools or using public health facilities like ordinary people?
Perhaps, more than anything else, Fashola’s hypocrisy played out last week, finally revealing the internal contradictions in their message of change.
When I read the statement made by the governor urging Lagosians not to vote for an old man, Jimi Agbaje (57), I chuckled, unsure of what he meant. Hear him: “You know what you have to do, open your eyes clearly. When I took this job, I was 44, I was counting the white hair on my head. Today, at 52, I am counting the black hair on my head. Akinwunmi Ambode is younger than me; you need youthfulness to do this job. That man (referring to Jimi Agbaje) is already 60; he cannot cope with this job. If you call him at night he may not take your call.”

The same Fashola, who feels Agbaje whom he claims, is 60 but whose actual age is said to be 57 is too old to govern Lagos, has been campaigning vigorously for Muhammadu Buhari (72) to be elected to govern Nigeria.
Now hear him defend his position on Buhari: “Some people are challenging me that if I say Agbaje is too old to govern Lagos, what about Buhari who is older? My response is this: We all agree that we have problem of insecurity in the country. Between Jonathan and Buhari who is the most experienced to tackle security issue? We all know Buhari is an experienced security expert. Then on corruption issue, who is the most credible among them? It is only Buhari. He has ruled Nigeria before and headed several positions without record of corruption and mismanagement.”

Did he really mean what he said about age? If he did then something is wrong somewhere. In one breadth, he approbates in another he reprobates. If a 57 or 60-year-old is too old to govern Lagos, which is less complex and a microcosm of Nigeria, why should it be okay for a 72-year-old man to be the president of Nigeria with all its multiplicity of problems? Will Buhari, who is steep in medieval times, pick Fashola’s call at night? Does Buhari have the vigour, stamina and mental alertness to govern a modern country with all its ethno-religious complexities and developmental challenges? The hypocrisy of these people surprises me to no end.

After nearly eight years in office, Governor Aliyu Magatakada Wamakko’s Sokoto State is still on the list of the 10 poorest states in Nigeria. This is according to the recent Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI) 2014 report which revealed Nigeria’s poorest states. A man who failed to change the fortunes of Sokoto people for the better is on the bandwagon of APC’s change. His state is listed number four on the poverty index.

Look at Governor Rotimi Amaechi’s behaviour in Rivers State. What is ennobling about it that one can sincerely recommend as model to the youths to emulate? A progressive democrat who is so intolerant of opposition that he won’t even allow the use of the state’s stadium for a campaign rally a few days after he used the same facility to flag off his party’s campaign. Is this the change they talk about?

The truth is that Nigerians are not included within the pale of their glorious progressive dividends. Their posturing matched against the reality of their stewardship only reveals the immeasurable distance between them and the people whose interests they claim to be fighting for. They have amassed a rich inheritance for their own children, while condemning our children to hewers of wood  and drawers of water.
This is a generation of self-seekers whose motivation is primitive wealth accumulation. They must be challenged, interrogated and held to account for their public conduct lest the people are misled again by their new clamour disingenuously disguised as “change.”

According to Theodore Roosevelt, “The foundation-stone of national life is, and ever must be, the high individual character of the average citizen.” This is specially so for leaders and custodians of public trust. But what we have seen here is a succession of bad leaders who have profited from the misery of the people. And there you have it.

Lagos schools to stop use of chalkboards.

In a bid to upgrade the education sector of Lagos State, Governor Babatunde Fashola has announced that traditional chalkboards in secondary schools and tertiary institutions will be replaced by multimedia interactive solutions.
“All tertiary institutions and secondary schools, totalling about 10,000 in Lagos State, will have the multimedia interactive solutions in each of their classrooms to replace the traditional chalkboards which will allow for world-class teaching and learning.” Fashola said.
The state will be partnering with Cambridge-Hitachi to make the dream a reality. Confirming the news, Director, Local Organising Committee, Cambridge-Hitachi Virtual Teaching and Learning, Ms Adebukola Oluderu said the partnership with the company was a result of a roundtable meeting on education in Africa held in October, 2014.
She added that a team of delegates from the state would meet with the Cambridge-Hitachi team at the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom to sign the Memorandum of Understanding for the commencement of the centre.
“The multimedia solution is vital and important to teaching and learning as it is the hub in which the gains of the Cambridge-Hitachi International Virtual Teaching and Learning Centre will be transferred and transmitted to all schools,” she affirmed.

Governor Babatunde Fashola hosts Bible Knowledge teacher.

Can imagine how the meeting went down. Of course they would go down memory lane; he would ask about other teachers, she might ask about few of his classmates probably the outstanding/controversial ones, and probably laugh over some unforgettable classroom scenes and all. 
Lagos State Governor, Babatunde Fashola reunited and hosted his favourite teacher, Mrs Felicia Iyabode Akinola at his Ikeja home yesterday.
The woman who taught him Bible Knowledge in 1976 at Birch Freeman High School, Surulere Lagos was also his favourite teacher.

Governor Babatunde Fashola, Blessing Okagbare, Vincent Enyeama, others shine at the Nigerian Sports Awards 2014.

The 2014 edition of the Nigerian Sports Awards, organized to reward deserving sports personalities in Nigeria took place at the Muson Centre, Onikan, Lagos yesterday November 13, 2014.  The event was anchored by renowned sports broadcaster, Charles Anazodo and Adesuwa Adesua.
Present at the event include Lagos State’s Governor Babatunde Fashola who was honoured with the  Sports Governor of the year, others include veteran athlete and Lifetime Achievement award winner, Modupe Oshikoya, African table tennis champion Aruna Quadri, Sir Shina Peters, Fabio Olanipekun, Chuka Momoh, Aisha Falode, Mitchel Obi, Mumini Alao, Chioma Ajunwa, Rachel Oniga, Peter Rufai, Dosu Joseph, G.O.B. Olowu many other dignitaries.
The biggest winners of the night were Super Eagles goalkeeper, Vincent Enyeama and African Sprints champio, Blessing Okagbare. While the Lille skipper picked up awards for Footballer of the year and the Sportsman of the year,  Blessing Okagbare on the other hand was awarded both Track and Field star of the year and Sportswoman of the year.
Award Recipients:
1. School Sports Awards: St. Barnabas Primary School, Ilorin
2. Discovery of the year: Courtney Dike 
3. Ball Sports personality of the year: Aruna Quadri
4. Combats Sports: Odunayo Adekuroye
5. Boxer: Efe Ajagba
6. Weightlifter: Maryam Usman
7. Special Sports Person: Loveline Obiji (a paralympian)
8. Track and Field Personality: Blessing Okagbare
9. Footballer of the year (man) Vincent Enyeama.
10. Footballer of the year (woman): Asisat Oshoala.
11. Team of the year: Falconets
12. Coach of the year: Peter Dedevbo (coach of the Falconets)
13. Journalist of the year(print): Tana Aiyeina (punch)
14. Radio journalist of the year: Godwin Enaghena (Top Radio)
15. Sports Photojournalist of the year: Ayodele Ojo (Sun Newspaper)
16. Journalist of the year (TV): Miyen Akiri (Galaxy TV)
17. Sports Administrator of the year: Wahid Enitan Oshodi (President, NTTF)
18. Special Recognition Award: Ese Brume
19. Sportsman of the year: Vincent Enyeama.
20. Sportswoman of the year: Blessing Okagbare
21. Sports Governor of the year: Gov. Babatunde Raji Fashola.

Photos: Governor Babatunde Fashola hosts Ebola survivors


Lagos State Governor, Babatunde Fashola hosted some Ebola survivors at his office at the state Secretariat in Alausa, Ikeja, yesterday September 18, 2014. After recounting their experiences, the Governor commended them for braving the odds and having the courage to share their stories to the world.

Present at the meeting include widow of late Port Harcourt doctor, Dr Emenuo Kelechi (left), Dr Ibeawuchi Morris (second left), Dr Fadipe Akinniyi (centre), Mr. Dennis Akagha (late Nurse Justina Ejelonu’s fiance) and Dr Adaora Igonoh.

OOU tuition: JAF tells Governor Amosun to take a cue from Governor Fashola.

The Joint Action Front, JAF, has advised incumbent Governor of Ogun state, Ibikunle Amosun, to take a cue from his Lagos State counterpart, Governor Babatunde Fashola and reduce the Olabisi Onabanjo University, OOU tuition fees. Yecall that months after protest& resistance by students, JAF, ASUU LASU and other Staff Union, Governor Fashola reversed the fees from N193000 and N350,000 to N25,000 across board) in the Lagos State University (LASU).
It should be noted that the “jamboree reduction” in the institution fees led to protest and shut down of the school last weekend. JAF noted that implementing the new fees regime in next academic session is quite fraudulent. It has however called for the reduction of OOU fees to N50,000, its implementation from the current session, adequate funding of the University, immediate and unconditional re-opening of school and reversal of the proscription of the students umbrella body.
The reduction of school fees was about N192, 000 to about N176,000. Medical students of OOU who are currently paying N301,610 will henceforth pay N176,596 from next session, representing a 41.4% reduction. While Faculty of Arts will be paying N81,112 instead of the current fee of N126,540, representing 35.9% reduction.
JAF has called on staff unions (ASUU, SSANU, NASU and NAAT) in OOU to actively support the struggle of the undergraduates and advised students leaders not to enter into any agreement with the Ogun State Government and OOU management. It also charged the students union to be prepared to organise a series of mass activities to popularise their demands.
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