2016/2017 Full Premier League Fixtures

The fixtures for the 2016/2017 have officially been unveiled! Check them out.

13th August, 2016 (Match Week 1)
Arsenal v Liverpool
Bournemouth v Man Utd
Burnley v Swansea
Chelsea v West Ham
C Palace v West Brom
Everton v Tottenham
Hull v Leicester
Man City v Sunderland
Middlesbrough v Stoke
Southampton v Watford

20 August 2016 (Matchweek 2)

Leicester City v Arsenal  
Liverpool v Burnley    #LIVBUR
Manchester United v Southampton    #MUNSOU
Stoke City v Manchester City    #STKMCI
Sunderland v Middlesbrough    #SUNMID
Swansea City v Hull City    #SWAHUL
Tottenham Hotspur v Crystal Palace    #TOTCRY
Watford v Chelsea    #TOTCRY
West Bromwich Albion v Everton    #WBAEVE
West Ham United v AFC Bournemouth    #WHUBOU

27 August 2016 (Matchweek 3)

Chelsea v Burnley
Crystal Palace v AFC Bournemouth
Everton v Stoke City
Hull City v Manchester United
Leicester City v Swansea City    #LEISWA
Manchester City v West Ham United    #MCIWHU
Southampton v Sunderland    #SOUSUN
Tottenham Hotspur v Liverpool    #TOTLIV
Watford v Arsenal    #WATARS
West Bromwich Albion v Middlesbrough    #WBAMID

10 September 2016 (Matchweek 4)

AFC Bournemouth v West Bromwich Albion    #BOUWBA
Arsenal v Southampton    #ARSSOU
Burnley v Hull City    #BURHUL
Liverpool v Leicester City    #LIVLEI
Manchester United v Manchester City    #MUNMCI
Middlesbrough v Crystal Palace    #MIDCRY
Stoke City v Tottenham Hotspur    #STKTOT
Sunderland v Everton    #SUNEVE
Swansea City v Chelsea    #SWACHE
West Ham United v Watford    #WHUWAT

17 September 2016 (Matchweek 5)

Chelsea v Liverpool    #CHELIV
Crystal Palace v Stoke City    #CRYSTK
Everton v Middlesbrough    #EVEMID
Hull City v Arsenal    #HULARS
Leicester City v Burnley    #LEIBUR
Manchester City v AFC Bournemouth    #MCIBOU
Southampton v Swansea City    #SOUSWA
Tottenham Hotspur v Sunderland    #TOTSUN
Watford v Manchester United    #WATMUN
West Bromwich Albion v West Ham United    #WBAWHU

24 September 2016 (Matchweek 6)

AFC Bournemouth v Everton    #BOUEVE
Arsenal v Chelsea    #ARSCHE
Burnley v Watford    #BURWAT
Liverpool v Hull City    #LIVHUL
Manchester United v Leicester City    #MUNLEI
Middlesbrough v Tottenham Hotspur    #MIDTOT
Stoke City v West Bromwich Albion    #STKWBA
Sunderland v Crystal Palace    #SUNCRY
Swansea City v Manchester City    #SWAMCI
West Ham United v Southampton    #WHUSOU

1 October 2016 (Matchweek 7)

Burnley v Arsenal    #BURARS
Everton v Crystal Palace    #EVECRY
Hull City v Chelsea    #HULCHE
Leicester City v Southampton    #LEISOU
Manchester United v Stoke City    #MUNSTK
Sunderland v West Bromwich Albion    #SUNWBA
Swansea City v Liverpool    #SWALIV
Tottenham Hotspur v Manchester City    #TOTMCI
Watford v AFC Bournemouth    #WATBOU
West Ham United v Middlesbrough    #WHUMID

15 October 2016 (Matchweek 8)

AFC Bournemouth v Hull City    #BOUHUL
Arsenal v Swansea City    #ARSSWA
Chelsea v Leicester City    #CHELEI
Crystal Palace v West Ham United    #CRYWHU
Liverpool v Manchester United    #LIVMUN
Manchester City v Everton    #MCIEVE
Middlesbrough v Watford    #MIDWAT
Southampton v Burnley    #SOUBUR
Stoke City v Sunderland    #STKSUN
West Bromwich Albion v Tottenham Hotspur    #WBATOT

22 October 2016 (Matchweek 9)

AFC Bournemouth v Tottenham Hotspur    #BOUTOT
Arsenal v Middlesbrough    #ARSMID
Burnley v Everton    #BUREVE
Chelsea v Manchester United    #CHEMUN
Hull City v Stoke City    #HULSTK
Leicester City v Crystal Palace    #LEICRY
Liverpool v West Bromwich Albion    #LIVWBA
Manchester City v Southampton    #MCISOU
Swansea City v Watford    #SWAWAT
West Ham United v Sunderland    #WHUSUN

29 October 2016 (Matchweek 10)

Crystal Palace v Liverpool    #CRYLIV
Everton v West Ham United    #EVEWHU
Manchester United v Burnley    #MUNBUR
Middlesbrough v AFC Bournemouth    #MIDBOU
Southampton v Chelsea    #SOUCHE
Stoke City v Swansea City    #STKSWA
Sunderland v Arsenal    #SUNARS
Tottenham Hotspur v Leicester City    #TOTLEI
Watford v Hull City    #WATHUL
West Bromwich Albion v Manchester City    #WBAMCI

5 November 2016 (Matchweek 11)

AFC Bournemouth v Sunderland    #BOUSUN
Arsenal v Tottenham Hotspur    #ARSTOT
Burnley v Crystal Palace    #BURCRY
Chelsea v Everton    #CHEEVE
Hull City v Southampton    #HULSOU
Leicester City v West Bromwich Albion    #LEIWBA
Liverpool v Watford    #LIVWAT
Manchester City v Middlesbrough    #MCIMID
Swansea City v Manchester United    #SWAMUN
West Ham United v Stoke City    #WHUSTK

19 November 2016 (Matchweek 12)

Crystal Palace v Manchester City    #CRYMCI
Everton v Swansea City    #EVESWA
Manchester United v Arsenal    #MUNARS
Middlesbrough v Chelsea    #MIDCHE
Southampton v Liverpool    #SOULIV
Stoke City v AFC Bournemouth    #STKBOU
Sunderland v Hull City    #SUNHUL
Tottenham Hotspur v West Ham United    #TOTWHU
Watford v Leicester City    #WATLEI
West Bromwich Albion v Burnley    #WBABUR

26 November 2016 (Matchweek 13)

Arsenal v AFC Bournemouth    #ARSBOU
Burnley v Manchester City    #BURMCI
Chelsea v Tottenham Hotspur    #CHETOT
Hull City v West Bromwich Albion    #HULWBA
Leicester City v Middlesbrough    #LEIMID
Liverpool v Sunderland    #LIVSUN
Manchester United v West Ham United    #MUNWHU
Southampton v Everton    #SOUEVE
Swansea City v Crystal Palace    #SWACRY
Watford v Stoke City 
3 December 2016 (Matchweek 14)

AFC Bournemouth v Liverpool   #BOULIV
Crystal Palace v Southampton    #CRYSOU
Everton v Manchester United    #EVEMUN
Manchester City v Chelsea    #HULWBA
Middlesbrough v Hull City    #MIDHUL
Stoke City v Burnley   #STKBUR
Sunderland v Leicester City    #SUNLEI
Tottenham Hotspur v Swansea City    #WBAWAT
West Bromwich Albion v Watford    #WBAWAT
West Ham United v Arsenal    #WHUARS
10 December 2016 (Matchweek 15)

Arsenal v Stoke City    #ARSSTK
Burnley v AFC Bournemouth    #BURBOU
Chelsea v West Bromwich Albion    #CHEWBA
Hull City v Crystal Palace    #HULCRY
Leicester City v Manchester City   #LEIMCI
Liverpool v West Ham United    #LIVWHU
Manchester United v Tottenham Hotspur
Southampton v Middlesbrough
Swansea City v Sunderland
Watford v Everton
13 December 2016 (Matchweek 16)

(7:45pm kick-off unless stated)
AFC Bournemouth v Leicester City
8pm Crystal Palace v Manchester United
Middlesbrough v Liverpool
Sunderland v Chelsea
8pm West Bromwich Albion v Swansea City
West Ham United v Burnley
14 December 2016

(7.45pm kick-off unless stated)
Everton v Arsenal
8pm Manchester City v Watford
8pm Stoke City v Southampton
8pm Tottenham Hotspur v Hull City
17 December 2016 (Matchweek 17)

AFC. Bournemouth v Southampton
Crystal Palace v Chelsea
Everton v Liverpool
Manchester City v Arsenal
Middlesbrough v Swansea City
Stoke City v Leicester City
Sunderland v Watford
Tottenham Hotspur v Burnley
West Bromwich Albion v Manchester United
West Ham United v Hull City

26 December 2016 (Matchweek 18)

Arsenal v West Bromwich Albion
Burnley v Middlesbrough
Chelsea v AFC Bournemouth
Hull City v Manchester City
Leicester City v Everton
Liverpool v Stoke City
Manchester United v Sunderland
Southampton v Tottenham Hotspur
Swansea City v West Ham United
Watford v Crystal Palace

31 December 2016 (Matchweek 19)

Arsenal v Crystal Palace    #ARSCRY
Burnley v Sunderland    #BURSUN
Chelsea v Stoke City    #CHESTK
Hull City v Everton    #HULEVE
Leicester City v West Ham United    #LEIWHU
Liverpool v Manchester City    #LIVMCI
Manchester United v Middlesbrough    #MUNMID
Southampton v West Bromwich Albion    #SOUWBA
Swansea City v AFC Bournemouth    #SWABOU
Watford v Tottenham Hotspur    #WATTOT

2 January 2017 (Matchweek 20)

AFC Bournemouth v Arsenal    #BOUARS
Crystal Palace v Swansea City    #CRYSWA
Everton v Southampton    #EVESOU
Manchester City v Burnley    #MCIBUR
Middlesbrough v Leicester City    #MIDLEI
Stoke City v Watford    #STKWAT
Sunderland v Liverpool    #SUNLIV
Tottenham Hotspur v Chelsea    #TOTCHE
West Bromwich Albion v Hull City    #WBAHUL
West Ham United v Manchester United    #WHUMUN

14 January 2017 (Matchweek 21)

Burnley v Southampton
Everton v Manchester City
Hull City v AFC Bournemouth
Leicester City v Chelsea    #LEICHE
Manchester United v Liverpool    #MUNLIV
Sunderland v Stoke City    #SUNSTK
Swansea City v Arsenal    #SWAARS
Tottenham Hotspur v West Bromwich Albion    #TOTWBA
Watford v Middlesbrough    #WATMID
West Ham United v Crystal Palace    #WHUCRY

21 January 2017 (Matchweek 22)

AFC Bournemouth v Watford    #BOUWAT
Arsenal v Burnley    #ARSBUR
Chelsea v Hull City    #CHEHUL
Crystal Palace v Everton    #CRYEVE
Liverpool v Swansea City    #LIVSWA
Manchester City v Tottenham Hotspur    #MCITOT
Middlesbrough v West Ham United    #MIDWHU
Southampton v Leicester City    #SOULEI
Stoke City v Manchester United    #STKMUN
West Bromwich Albion v Sunderland    #WBASUN

31 December 2016 (Matchweek 19)

Arsenal v Crystal Palace
Burnley v Sunderland
Chelsea v Stoke City
Hull City v Everton
Leicester City v West Ham United
Liverpool v Manchester City
Manchester United v Middlesbrough
Southampton v West Bromwich Albion
Swansea City v AFC Bournemouth
Watford v Tottenham Hotspur 

2 January 2017 (Matchweek 20)

AFC Bournemouth v Arsenal    #BOUARS
Crystal Palace v Swansea City    #CRYSWA
Everton v Southampton    #EVESOU
Manchester City v Burnley    #MCIBUR
Middlesbrough v Leicester City    #MIDLEI
Stoke City v Watford    #STKWAT
Sunderland v Liverpool    #SUNLIV
Tottenham Hotspur v Chelsea    #TOTCHE
West Bromwich Albion v Hull City    #WBAHUL
West Ham United v Manchester United    #WHUMUN

14 January 2017 (Matchweek 21)

Burnley v Southampton    #BURSOU
Everton v Manchester City   #EVEMCI
Hull City v AFC Bournemouth    #HULBOU
Leicester City v Chelsea    #LEICHE
Manchester United v Liverpool    #MUNLIV
Sunderland v Stoke City    #SUNSTK
Swansea City v Arsenal    #SWAARS
Tottenham Hotspur v West Bromwich Albion    #TOTWBA
Watford v Middlesbrough    #WATMID
West Ham United v Crystal Palace    #WHUCRY

21 January 2017 (Matchweek 22)

AFC Bournemouth v Watford    #BOUWAT
Arsenal v Burnley    #ARSBUR
Chelsea v Hull City    #CHEHUL
Crystal Palace v Everton    #CRYEVE
Liverpool v Swansea City    #LIVSWA
Manchester City v Tottenham Hotspur    #MCITOT
Middlesbrough v West Ham United    #MIDWHU
Southampton v Leicester City    #SOULEI
Stoke City v Manchester United    #STKMUN
West Bromwich Albion v Sunderland    #WBASUN

31 January 2017 (Matchweek 23)

(7.45pm kick-off unless stated)
AFC Bournemouth v Crystal Palace    #BOUCRY
Arsenal v Watford    #ARSWAT
Burnley v Leicester City    #BURLEI
8pm Manchester United v Hull City    #MUNHUL
Middlesbrough v West Bromwich Albion    #MIDWBA
Sunderland v Tottenham Hotspur    #SUNTOT
Swansea City v Southampton    #SWASOU
West Ham United v Manchester City    #WHUMCI
1 February 2017

8pm Liverpool v Chelsea    #LIVCHE
8pm Stoke City v Everton    #STKEVE
4 February 2017 (Matchweek 24)

Chelsea v Arsenal    #CHEARS
Crystal Palace v Sunderland    #CRYSUN
Everton v AFC Bournemouth    #EVEBOU
Hull City v Liverpool    #HULLIV
Leicester City v Manchester United    #LEIMUN
Manchester City v Swansea City    #MCISWA
Southampton v West Ham United    #SOUWHU
Tottenham Hotspur v Middlesbrough    #TOTMID
Watford v Burnley    #WATBUR
West Bromwich Albion v Stoke City    #WBASTK
11 February 2017 (Matchweek 25)

AFC Bournemouth v Manchester City    #BOUMCI
Arsenal v Hull City    #ARSHUL
Burnley v Chelsea    #BURCHE
Liverpool v Tottenham Hotspur    #LIVTOT
Manchester United v Watford    #MUNWAT
Middlesbrough v Everton    #MIDEVE
Stoke City v Crystal Palace    #STKCRY
Sunderland v Southampton    #SUNSOU
Swansea City v Leicester City    #SWALEI
West Ham United v West Bromwich Albion    #WHUWBA
25 February 2017 (Matchweek 26)

Chelsea v Swansea City    #CHESWA
Crystal Palace v Middlesbrough    #CRYMID
Everton v Sunderland    #EVESUN
Hull City v Burnley    #HULBURN
Leicester City v Liverpool    #LEILIV
Manchester City v Manchester United    #MCIMUN
Southampton v Arsenal    #SOUARS
Tottenham Hotspur v Stoke City    #TOTSTK
Watford v West Ham United    #WATWHU
West Bromwich Albion v AFC Bournemouth #WBABOU
4 March 2017 (Matchweek 27)

Leicester City v Hull City    #LEIHUL
Liverpool v Arsenal    #LIVARS
Manchester United v AFC Bournemouth #MUNBOU
Stoke City v Middlesbrough    #STKMID
Sunderland v Manchester City    #SUNMCI
Swansea City v Burnley    #SWABUR
Tottenham Hotspur v Everton    #TOTSOU
Watford v Southampton    #WATSOU
West Bromwich Albion v Crystal Palace    #WBACRY
West Ham United v Chelsea    #WHUCHE
11 March 2017 (Matchweek 28)

AFC Bournemouth v West Ham United    #BOUWHU
Arsenal v Leicester City    #ARSLEI
Burnley v Liverpool    #BURLIV
Chelsea v Watford    #CHEWAT
Crystal Palace v Tottenham Hotspur    #CRYTOT
Everton v West Bromwich Albion    #EVEWBA
Hull City v Swansea City    #HULSWA
Manchester City v Stoke City    #MCISTK
Middlesbrough v Sunderland    #MIDSUN
Southampton v Manchester United    #SOUMUN
18 March 2017 (Matchweek 29)

AFC Bournemouth v Swansea City    #BOUSWA
Crystal Palace v Watford    #CRYWAT
Everton v Hull City    #EVEHUL
Manchester City v Liverpool    #MCILIV
Middlesbrough v Manchester United    #MIDMUN
Stoke City v Chelsea    #STKCHE
Sunderland v Burnley    #SUNBUR
Tottenham Hotspur v Southampton    #TOTSOU
West Bromwich Albion v Arsenal    #WBAARS
West Ham United v Leicester City    #WHULEI

1 April 2017 (Matchweek 30)

Arsenal v Manchester City    #ARSMCI
Burnley v Tottenham Hotspur    #BURTOT
Chelsea v Crystal Palace    #CHECRY
Hull City v West Ham United    #HULWHU
Leicester City v Stoke City    #LEISTK
Liverpool v Everton    #LIVEVE
Manchester United v West Bromwich Albion    #MUNWBA
Southampton v AFC Bournemouth    #SOUBOU
Swansea City v Middlesbrough    #SWAMID
Watford v Sunderland    #WATSUN

4 April 2017 (Matchweek 31)

(7.45pm kick-off unless stated)
Arsenal v West Ham United    #ARSWHU
Burnley v Stoke City    #BURSTK
Hull City v Middlesbrough    #HULMID
Leicester City v Sunderland    #LEISUN
8pm Manchester United v Everton    #MUNEVE
Swansea City v Tottenham Hotspur    #SWATOT
Watford v West Bromwich Albion    #WATWBA
5 April 2017

(7.45pm kick-off unless stated)
Chelsea v Manchester City    #CHEBOU
8pm Liverpool v AFC Bournemouth    #LIVBOU
Southampton v Crystal Palace

8 April 2017 (Matchweek 32)

AFC Bournemouth v Chelsea    #BOUCHE
Crystal Palace v Arsenal    #CRYARS
Everton v Leicester City    #EVELEI
Manchester City v Hull City    #MCIHUL
Middlesbrough v Burnley    #MIDBUR
Stoke City v Liverpool    #STKLIV
Sunderland v Manchester United    #SUNMUN
Tottenham Hotspur v Watford    #TOTWAT
West Bromwich Albion v Southampton    #WBASOU
West Ham United v Swansea City #WHUSWA
15 April 2017 (Matchweek 33)

Crystal Palace v Leicester City    #CRYLEI
Everton v Burnley    #EVEBUR
Manchester United v Chelsea    #MUNCHE
Middlesbrough v Arsenal    #MIDARS
Southampton v Manchester City    #SOUMCI
Stoke City v Hull City    #STKHUL
Sunderland v West Ham United    #SUNWHU
Tottenham Hotspur v AFC Bournemouth    #TOTBOU
Watford v Swansea City    #WATSWA
West Bromwich Albion v Liverpool    #WBALIV

22 April 2017 (Matchweek 34)

AFC Bournemouth v Middlesbrough #BOUMID
Arsenal v Sunderland    #ARSSUN
Burnley v Manchester United    #BURMUN
Chelsea v Southampton    #CHESOU
Hull City v Watford    #HULWAT
Leicester City v Tottenham Hotspur    #LEITOT
Liverpool v Crystal Palace    #LIVCRY
Manchester City v West Bromwich Albion    #MCIWBA
Swansea City v Stoke City    #SWASTK
West Ham United v Everton    #WHUEVE

29 April 2017 (Matchweek 35)

Crystal Palace v Burnley    #CRYBUR
Everton v Chelsea    #EVECHE
Manchester United v Swansea City    #MUNSWA
Middlesbrough v Manchester City    #MIDMCI
Southampton v Hull City    #SOUHUL
Stoke City v West Ham United    #STKWHU
Sunderland v AFC Bournemouth    #SUNBOU
Tottenham Hotspur v Arsenal    #TOTARS
Watford v Liverpool    #WATLIV
West Bromwich Albion v Leicester City    #WBALEI
6 May 2017 (Matchweek 36)

AFC Bournemouth v Stoke City    #BOUSTK
Arsenal v Manchester United    #ARSMUN
Burnley v West Bromwich Albion    #BURWBA
Chelsea v Middlesbrough    #CHEMID
Hull City v Sunderland    #HULSUN
Leicester City v Watford    #LEIWAT
Liverpool v Southampton    #LIVSOU
Manchester City v Crystal Palace    #MCICRY
Swansea City v Everton    #SWAEVE
West Ham United v Tottenham Hotspur    #WHUTOT
13 May 2017 (Matchweek 37)

AFC Bournemouth v Burnley    #BOUBUR
Crystal Palace v Hull City    #CRYHUL
Everton v Watford    #EVEWAT
Manchester City v Leicester City    #MCILEI
Middlesbrough v Southampton    #MIDSOU
Stoke City v Arsenal    #STKARS
Sunderland v Swansea City    #SUNSWA
Tottenham Hotspur v Manchester United    #TOTMUN
West Bromwich Albion v Chelsea    #WBACHE
West Ham United v Liverpool

21 May 2017 (Matchweek 38)

Arsenal v Everton
Burnley v West Ham United   
Chelsea v Sunderland
Hull City v Tottenham Hotspur   
Leicester City v AFC Bournemouth   
Liverpool v Middlesbrough
Manchester United v Crystal Palace   
Southampton v Stoke City
Swansea City v West Bromwich Albion
Watford v Manchester City

Final day fixtures:
Arsenal v Everton
Burnley v West Ham United
Chelsea v Sunderland
Hull City v Tottenham Hotspur
Leicester City v Bournemouth
Liverpool v Middlesbrough
Manchester United v Crystal Palace
Southampton v Stoke City
Swansea City v West Bromwich Albion
Watford v Manchester City

EPL 2015/2016: See fixtures for Chelsea, Arsenal, Man United, Man City, Liverpool and Tottenham.

Check out English Premier League fixtures for Chelsea, Arsenal, Man United, Man City, Liverpool and Tottenham for 2014/2015 season.
August 8 Swansea City (H)
August 15 Manchester City (A)
August 22 West Bromwich Albion (A) 
August 29 Crystal Palace (H)
September 12 Everton (A)
September 19 Arsenal (H)
September 26 Newcastle United (A)
October 3 Southampton (H)
October 17 Aston Villa (H)
October 24 West Ham United (A)
October 31 Liverpool (H)
November 7 Stoke City (A) 
November 21 Norwich City (H)
November 28 Tottenham Hotspur (A)
December 5 Bournemouth (H)
December 12 Leicester City (A)
December 19 Sunderland (H)
December 26 Watford (H)
December 28 Manchester United (A)
Janaury 2 Crystal Palace (A)
January 13 West Bromwich Albion (H)
January 16 Everton (H)
January 23 Arsenal (A)
February 2 Watford (A)
February 6 Manchester United (H)
February 13 Newcastle United (H)
February 27 Southampton (A) 
March 1 Norwich City (A)
March 5 Stoke City (H)
March 12 Liverpool (A)
March 19 West Ham United (H)
April 2 Aston Villa (A)
April 9 Swansea City (A)
April 16 Manchester City (H)
April 23 Bournemouth (A)
April 30 Tottenham Hotspur (H)
May 7 Sunderland (A)
May 15 Leicester City (H)
Manchester United
August 8: Tottenham Hotspur (H)
August 15: Aston Villa (A)
August 22: Newcastle United (H)
August 29: Swansea City (A)
September 12: Liverpool (H)
September 19: Southampton (A)
September 26: Sunderland (H)
October 3: Arsenal (A)
October 17: Everton (A)
October 24: Manchester City (H)
October 31: Crystal Palace (A)
November 7: West Bromwich Albion (H)
November 21: Watford (A)
November 28: Leicester City (A)
December05: West Ham United (H)
December 12: Bournemouth (A)
December 19: Norwich City (H)
December 26: Stoke City (A)
December 28: Chelsea (H)
January 2: Swansea City (H)
January 13: Newcastle United (A)
January 16: Liverpool (A)
January 23: Southampton (H)
February 2: Stoke City (H)
February 6: Chelsea (A)
February 13: Sunderland (A)
February 27: Arsenal (H)
March 1: Watford (H)
March 5: West Bromwich Albion (A)
March 12: Crystal Palace (H)
March 19: Manchester City (A)
April 2: Everton (H)
April 9: Tottenham Hotspur (A)
April 16: Aston Villa (H)
April 23: West Ham United (A)
April 30: Leicester City (H)
May 7: Norwich City (A)‎
8 Sat H West Ham United
15 Sat A Crystal Palace
22 Sat H Liverpool
29 Sat A Newcastle United
12 Sat H Stoke City
19 Sat A Chelsea
26 Sat A Leicester City
3 Sat H Manchester United
17 Sat A Watford
24 Sat H Everton
31 Sat A Swansea City
7 Sat H Tottenham Hotspur
21 Sat A West Bromwich Albion
28 Sat A Norwich City
5 Sat H Sunderland
12 Sat A Aston Villa
19 Sat H Manchester City
26 Sat A Southampton
28 Mon H A.F.C. Bournemouth
2 Sat H Newcastle United
12 Tue A Liverpool
16 Sat A Stoke City
23 Sat H Chelsea
2 Tue H Southampton
6 Sat A A.F.C. Bournemouth
13 Sat H Leicester City
27 Sat A Manchester United
1 Tue H Swansea City
5 Sat A Tottenham Hotspur
12 Sat H West Bromwich Albion
19 Sat A Everton
2 Sat H Watford
9 Sat A West Ham United
16 Sat H Crystal Palace
23 Sat A Sunderland
30 Sat H Norwich City
7 Sat A Manchester City
15 Sun H Aston Villa‎
Manchester City
‎August 8: West Bromwich Albion (A)
August 15: Chelsea (H)
August 22: Everton (A)
August 29: Watford (H)
September 12: Crystal Palace (A)
September 19: West Ham United (H)
September 26: Tottenham Hotspur (A)
October 3: Newcastle United (H)
October 17: Bournemouth (H)
October 24: Manchester United (A)
October 31: Norwich City (H)
November 7: Aston Villa (A)
November 21: Liverpool (H)
November 28: Southampton (H)
‎December 5: Stoke City (A)
December 12: Swansea City (H)
December 19: Arsenal (A)
December 26: Sunderland (H)
December 28: Leicester City (A)
January 2: Watford (A)
January 13: Everton (H)
January 16: Crystal Palace (H)
January 23: West Ham United (A)
February 2: Sunderland (A)
February 6: Leicester City (H)‎
February 13: Tottenham Hotspur (H)
February 27: Newcastle United (A)
March 1: Liverpool (A)
March 5: Aston Villa (H)
March 12: Norwich City (A)
March 19: Manchester United (H)
‎April 2: Bournemouth (A)
April 9: West Bromwich Albion (H)
April 16: Chelsea (A)
April 23: Stoke City (H)
April 30: Southampton (A)
May 7: Arsenal (H)
May 15: Swansea City (A) ‎
August 8: Stoke City (A)
August 15: Bournemouth (H)
August 22: Arsenal (A)
August 29: West Ham United (H)
September 12: Manchester United (A)‎
September 19: Norwich (H)
September 26: Aston Villa (H)
October 3: Everton (A)
October 17: Tottenham (A)
October 24: Southampton (H)
October 31: Chelsea (A)
November 7: Crystal Palace (H)
‎November 21: Manchester City (A)
November 28: Swansea City (H)
December 5: Newcastle United (A)
December 12: West Brom (H)
December 19: Watford (A)
‎December 26: Leicester (H)
December 28: Sunderland (A)
January 2: West Ham (A) 
January 12: Arsenal (H)
January 16: Manchester United (H)
January 23: Norwich (A)
February 2: Leicester (A)
February 6: Sunderland (H)
February 13: Aston Villa (A)
February 27: Everton (H)
March 1: Manchester City (H)
‎March 5: Crystal Palace (A)
March 12: Chelsea (H)
March 19: Southampton (A)
April 2: Tottenham (H)
April 9: Stoke City (H)
April 16: Bournemouth (A)
April 23: Newcastle United (H)‎
‎April 30: Swansea City (A)
May 7: Watford (H)
May 15: West Brom (A) ‎
August 8: Manchester United (A)
August 15: Stoke City (H)
August 22: Leicester City (A)
August 29: Everton (H) 
September 12: Sunderland (A)
September 19: Crystal Palace (H)
September 26: Manchester City (H)
October 3: Swansea City (A)
October 17: Liverpool (H)
October 24: Bournemouth (A)
October 31: Aston Villa (H)
November 7: Arsenal (A)
November 21: West Ham United (H)
November 28: Chelsea (H)
December 5: West Brom (A)
December 12: Newcastle (H)
December 19: Southampton (A)
December 26: Norwich (H)
December 28: Watford (A)
January 2: Everton (A)
January 13: Leicester City (H)
January 16: Sunderland (H)
January 23: Crystal Palace (A)
February 2: Norwich (A)
February 6: Watford (H)
February 13: Manchester City (A)
February 27: Swansea (H)
March 1: West Ham (A)
March 5: Arsenal (H)
March 12: Aston Villa (A)
March 19: Bournemouth (H)
April 4: Liverpool (A)
April 9: Manchester United (H)
April 16: Stoke City (A)
April 23: West Brom (H)
April 30: Chelsea (A)
May 7: Southampton (H)
May 15: Newcastle United (A) ‎

Full list of fixtures for 2015-16 premier league season

Didn’t the 2014/2015 season end like minutes ago?lol. The English Premier League fixtures  for the 2015/2016 season has been released. It kicks off August 8, 2015 with a game between Chelsea and Swansea at Stamford Bridge. Below is the full list if fixtures. It starts 8th August 2015 and ends 14th/ 15th May 2016.
15 August 2015
Aston Villa v Manchester United
Crystal Palace v Arsenal
Liverpool v AFC Bournemouth
Manchester City v Chelsea
Southampton v Everton
Sunderland v Norwich City
Swansea City v Newcastle United
Tottenham Hotspur v Stoke City
Watford v West Bromwich Albion
West Ham United v Leicester City
22 August 2015
Arsenal v Liverpool
Crystal Palace v Aston Villa
Everton v Manchester City
Leicester City v Tottenham Hotspur 
Manchester United v Newcastle 
Norwich City v Stoke City
Sunderland v Swansea City 
Watford v Southampton
West Bromwich Albion v Chelsea
West Ham United v AFC Bournemouth

29 August 2015
AFC Bournemouth v Leicester City 
Aston Villa v Sunderland
Chelsea v Crystal Palace 
Liverpool v West Ham United 
Manchester City v Watford
Newcastle United v Arsenal 
Southampton v Norwich City 
Stoke City v West Bromwich Albion 
Swansea City v Manchester United 
Tottenham Hotspur v Everton ‎
12 September 2015
Arsenal v Stoke City 
Crystal Palace v Manchester City
Everton v Chelsea 
Leicester City v Aston Villa 
Manchester United v Liverpool 
Norwich City v AFC Bournemouth 
Sunderland v Tottenham Hotspur 
Watford v Swansea City 
West Bromwich Albion v Southampton 
West Ham United v Newcastle United 
19 September 2015
AFC Bournemouth v Sunderland 
Aston Villa v West Bromwich Albion 
Chelsea v Arsenal 
Liverpool v Norwich City 
Manchester City v West Ham United 
Newcastle United v Watford 
Southampton v Manchester United 
Stoke City v Leicester City 
Swansea City v Everton 
Tottenham Hotspur v Crystal Palace 
26 September 2015
Leicester City v Arsenal 
Liverpool v Aston Villa 
Manchester United v Sunderland 
Newcastle United v Chelsea 
Southampton v Swansea City
Stoke City v AFC Bournemouth 
Tottenham Hotspur v Manchester City 
Watford v Crystal Palace 
West Bromwich Albion v Everton 
West Ham United v Norwich City 
3 October 2015
AFC Bournemouth v Watford
Arsenal v Manchester United 
Aston Villa v Stoke City
Chelsea v Southampton 
Crystal Palace v West Bromwich Albion
Everton v Liverpool
Manchester City v Newcastle United
Norwich City v Leicester City‎
Sunderland v West Ham United 
Swansea City v Tottenham Hotspur

17 October 2015
Chelsea v Aston Villa‎
Crystal Palace v West Ham United 
Everton v Manchester United 
Manchester City v AFC Bournemouth
Newcastle United v Norwich City
Southampton v Leicester City
Swansea City v Stoke City
Tottenham Hotspur v Liverpool 
Watford v Arsenal
West Bromwich Albion v Sunderland 
24 October 2015
AFC Bournemouth v Tottenham Hotspur
Arsenal v Everton 
Aston Villa v Swansea City
Leicester City v Crystal Palace 
Liverpool v Southampton 
Manchester United v Manchester City
Norwich City v West Bromwich Albion
Stoke City v Watford 
Sunderland v Newcastle United
West Ham United v Chelsea 
31 October 2015
Chelsea v Liverpool
Crystal Palace v Manchester United 
Everton v Sunderland 
Manchester City v Norwich City 
Newcastle United v Stoke City 
Southampton v AFC Bournemouth 
Swansea City v Arsenal
Tottenham Hotspur v Aston Villa 
Watford v West Ham United 
West Bromwich Albion v Leicester City 
7 November 2015
AFC Bournemouth v Newcastle United
Arsenal v Tottenham Hotspur
Aston Villa v Manchester City
Leicester City v Watford 
Liverpool v Crystal Palace 
Manchester United v West Bromwich Albion
Norwich City v Swansea City 
Stoke City v Chelsea
Sunderland v Southampton
West Ham United v Everton

21 November 2015
Chelsea v Norwich City
Crystal Palace v Sunderland 
Everton v Aston Villa 
Manchester City v Liverpool 
Newcastle United v Leicester City
Southampton v Stoke City
Swansea City v AFC Bournemouth 
Tottenham Hotspur v West Ham United 
Watford v Manchester United
West Bromwich Albion v Arsenal

28 November 2015
AFC Bournemouth v Everton 
Aston Villa v Watford
Crystal Palace v Newcastle United 
Leicester City v Manchester United 
Liverpool v Swansea City
Manchester City v Southampton 
Norwich City v Arsenal
Sunderland v Stoke City
Tottenham Hotspur v Chelsea
West Ham United v West Bromwich Albion

5 December 2015

Arsenal v Sunderland 
Chelsea v AFC Bournemouth
Everton v Crystal Palace 
Manchester United v West Ham United
Newcastle United v Liverpool
Southampton v Aston Villa
Stoke City v Manchester City
Swansea City v Leicester City
Watford v Norwich City 
West Bromwich Albion v Tottenham Hotspur
12 December 2015
AFC Bournemouth v Manchester United 
Aston Villa v Arsenal 
Crystal Palace v Southampton 
Leicester City v Chelsea 
Liverpool v West Bromwich Albion 
Manchester City v Swansea City 
Norwich City v Everton 
Sunderland v Watford
Tottenham Hotspur v Newcastle United
West Ham United v Stoke City 
19 December 2015
Arsenal v Manchester City 
Chelsea v Sunderland
Everton v Leicester City 
Manchester United v Norwich City
Newcastle United v Aston Villa 
Southampton v Tottenham Hotspur
Stoke City v Crystal Palace
Swansea City v West Ham United 
Watford v Liverpool 
West Bromwich Albion v AFC Bournemouth 
26 December 2015
AFC Bournemouth v Crystal Palace
Aston Villa v West Ham United 
Chelsea v Watford 
Liverpool v Leicester City
Manchester City v Sunderland
Newcastle United v Everton
Southampton v Arsenal
Stoke City v Manchester United 
Swansea City v West Bromwich Albion 
Tottenham Hotspur v Norwich City 
28 December 2015
Arsenal v AFC Bournemouth
Crystal Palace v Swansea City
Everton v Stoke City
Leicester City v Manchester City
Manchester United v Chelsea
Norwich City v Aston Villa 
Sunderland v Liverpool
Watford v Tottenham Hotspur
West Bromwich Albion v Newcastle United
West Ham United v Southampton 
2 January 2016
Arsenal v Newcastle United
Crystal Palace v Chelsea 
Everton v Tottenham Hotspur
Leicester City v AFC Bournemouth 
Manchester United v Swansea City 
Norwich City v Southampton
Sunderland v Aston Villa 
Watford v Manchester City
West Bromwich Albion v Stoke City 
West Ham United v Liverpool
12 January 2016
AFC Bournemouth v West Ham United 
Aston Villa v Crystal Palace 
8pm Liverpool v Arsenal 
Swansea City v Sunderland

13 January 2016
Chelsea v West Bromwich Albion
Manchester City v Everton 
Newcastle United v Manchester United 
Southampton v Watford
Stoke City v Norwich City
8pm Tottenham Hotspur v Leicester City
16 January 2016
AFC Bournemouth v Norwich City
Aston Villa v Leicester City 
Chelsea v Everton 
Liverpool v Manchester United 
Manchester City v Crystal Palace 
Newcastle United v West Ham United 
Southampton v West Bromwich Albion 
Stoke City v Arsenal
Swansea City v Watford
Tottenham Hotspur v Sunderland 
23 January 2016
Arsenal v Chelsea
Crystal Palace v Tottenham Hotspur 
Everton v Swansea City
Leicester City v Stoke City
Manchester United v Southampton
Norwich City v Liverpool
Sunderland v AFC Bournemouth 
Watford v Newcastle United
West Bromwich Albion v Aston Villa 
West Ham United v Manchester City
2 February 2016
Arsenal v Southampton 
8pm Crystal Palace v AFC Bournemouth
Leicester City v Liverpool
8pm Manchester United v Stoke City 
Norwich City v Tottenham Hotspur 
Sunderland v Manchester City
Watford v Chelsea 
West Bromwich Albion v Swansea City
West Ham United v Aston Villa 
3 February 2016
Everton v Newcastle United
6 February 2016
AFC Bournemouth v Arsenal
Aston Villa v Norwich City
Chelsea v Manchester United
Liverpool v Sunderland
Manchester City v Leicester City
Newcastle United v West Bromwich Albion
Southampton v West Ham United 
Stoke City v Everton 
Swansea City v Crystal Palace
Tottenham Hotspur v Watford 
13 February 2016
AFC Bournemouth v Stoke City
Arsenal v Leicester City
Aston Villa v Liverpool
Chelsea v Newcastle United
Crystal Palace v Watford
Everton v West Bromwich Albion
Manchester City v Tottenham Hotspur
Norwich City v West Ham United 
Sunderland v Manchester United 
Swansea City v Southampton 
27 February 2016
Leicester City v Norwich City ‎
Liverpool v Everton 
Manchester United v Arsenal
Newcastle United v Manchester City
Southampton v Chelsea
Stoke City v Aston Villa 
Tottenham Hotspur v Swansea City 
Watford v AFC Bournemouth
West Bromwich Albion v Crystal Palace
West Ham United v Sunderland 
1 March 2016
AFC Bournemouth v Southampton 
Arsenal v Swansea City
Aston Villa v Everton
Leicester City v West Bromwich Albion
Liverpool v Manchester City
Manchester United v Watford 
Norwich City v Chelsea
Sunderland v Crystal Palace 
West Ham United v Tottenham Hotspur
2 March 2016
7.45pm Stoke City v Newcastle United 
5 March 2016
Chelsea v Stoke City 
Crystal Palace v Liverpool 
Everton v West Ham United 
Manchester City v Aston Villa 
Newcastle United v AFC Bournemouth
Southampton v Sunderland 
Swansea City v Norwich City
Tottenham Hotspur v AFC Bournemouth 
Watford v Leicester City
West Bromwich Albion v Manchester United
12 March 2016
AFC Bournemouth v Swansea City 
Arsenal v West Bromwich Albion 
Aston Villa v Tottenham Hotspur 
Leicester City v Newcastle United 
Liverpool v Chelsea 
Manchester United v Crystal Palace
Norwich City v Manchester City 
Stoke City v Southampton 
Sunderland v Everton
West Ham United v Watford 
19 March 2016
Chelsea v West Ham United
Crystal Palace v Leicester City 
Everton v Arsenal 
Manchester City v Manchester United
Newcastle United v Sunderland 
Southampton v Liverpool 
Swansea City v Aston Villa
Tottenham Hotspur v Arsenal FC Bournemouth 
Watford v Stoke City
West Bromwich Albion v Norwich City 
2 April 2016
AFC Bournemouth v Manchester City
Arsenal v Watford
Aston Villa v Chelsea
Leicester City v Southampton
Liverpool v Tottenham Hotspur
Manchester United v Everton
Norwich City v Newcastle United
Stoke City v Swansea City
Sunderland v West Brom
West Ham United v Crystal Palace
9 April 2016
Aston Villa vs Bournemouth
Crystal Palace v Norwich City
Liverpool v Stoke City
Manchester City v West Brom
Southampton v Newcastle United
Sunderland v Leicester City
Swansea City v Chelsea
Tottenham Hotspur v Manchester United
Watford v Everton
West Ham United v Arsenal
16 April 2016
Bournemouth v Liverpool
Arsenal vs Crystal Palace
Chelsea vs Manchester City
Everton vs Southampton
Leicester City vs West Ham United
Manchester United vs Aston Villa
Newcastle United vs Swansea City
Norwich City vs Sunderland
Stoke City vs Tottenham
West Bromwich Albion vs Watford
23 April 2016
AFC Bournemouth vs Chelsea
Aston Villa vs Southampton
Crystal Palace vs Everton
Leicester City vs Swansea City
Liverpool vs Newcastle United
Manchester City vs Stoke City
Norwich City vs Watford
Sunderland vs Arsenal
Tottenham Hotspur vs West Brom
West Ham United vs Manchester United
30 April 2016
Arsenal vs Norwich City
Chelsea vs Tottenham
Everton vs Bournemouth
Manchester United vs Leicester City
Newcastle United vs Crystal Palace
Southampton vs Manchester City
Stoke City vs Sunderland
Swansea City vs Liverpool
Watford vs Aston Villa
West Brom vs West Ham
7 May 2016
Bournemouth vs West Brom
Aston Villa vs Newcastle United
Crystal Palace vs Stoke City
Leicester City vs Everton
Liverpool vs Watford
Manchester City vs Arsenal
Norwich City vs Manchester United
Sunderland vs Chelsea
Tottenham vs Southampton
West Ham vs Swansea City
15 May 2016
Arsenal vs Aston Villa
Chelsea vs Leicester City
Everton vs Norwich City
Manchester United v Bournemouth
Newcastle United v Tottenham
Southampton vs Crystal Palace
Stoke City vs West Ham United
Swansea City vs Manchester City
Watford vs Sunderland
West Brom vs Liverpool
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