Corona Virus pandemic

More than two million people worldwide have now contracted coronavirus.

According to Spectator Index, over two million people, 2,012,000 to be precise have now contracted the novel coronavirus. There are 127,590 deaths, and 500,000 recoveries.

Most coronavirus deaths.

US: 25,350
Italy: 21,067
Spain: 18,056
France: 15,729
UK: 12,107
Iran: 4,683
Belgium: 4,157
China: 3,341
Germany: 3,294
Netherlands: 2,945
Turkey: 1,403
Brazil: 1,378

In Africa, there are now more than over 16,000 confirmed cases of coronavirus according to the latest data by the John Hopkins University and Africa Center for Disease Control on COVID-19 in Africa,

Major African stats as of April 15
Confirmed cases = 16,265
Number of deaths = 873
Recoveries = 3,235
Infected countries = 52
Virus-free countries = 2 (Lesotho, Comoros)

Countries in alphabetical order
Algeria – 2,070
Angola – 19
Benin – 35
Botswana – 13
Burkina Faso – 528
Burundi – 5
Cameroon – 848
Cape Verde – 11
Central African Republic – 11
Chad – 23
Comoros – 0
Congo-Brazzaville – 74
DR Congo – 241
Djibouti – 363
Egypt – 2,350
Equatorial Guinea – 41
Eritrea – 35
Eswatini – 15
Ethiopia – 82
Gabon – 57
(The) Gambia – 9
Ghana – 636
Guinea – 363
Guinea-Bissau – 43
Ivory Coast – 638
Kenya – 216
Lesotho – 0
Liberia – 59
Libya – 35
Madagascar – 108
Malawi – 16
Mali – 144
Mauritania – 7
Mauritius – 324
Morocco – 1,888
Mozambique – 28
Namibia – 16
Niger – 570
Nigeria- 373
Rwanda – 134
Sao Tome and Principe – 4
Senegal – 299
Seychelles – 11
Sierra Leone – 11
Somalia – 60
South Africa – 2,415
South Sudan – 4
Sudan – 32
Tanzania – 53
Togo – 77
Tunisia – 747
Uganda – 55
Zambia – 45
Zimbabwe – 18

Meanwhile, the European Union has made a donation of $55m to Nigeria, to boost the country’s fight against coronavirus.

Also Read: COVID-19 pandemic bolsters case for technology-based economic resilience | By: Stefan Nalletamby

“Receiving the EU delegation to the country, led by Amb Ketil Karlsen, President Buhari said the donation would go a long way in supporting Nigeria’s efforts at controlling & containing the virus to prevent community spread, as well as revitalise the national health care systems. The President used the occasion to express sincere condolences of the Government and people of Nigeria to EU-member countries and families who lost their loved ones as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic,” the presidency confirmed in a statement.

In his remark, Ambassador/Head of European Union Delegation to Nigeria and to ECOWAS, Ambassador Karlsen described the donation, which is through the UN COVID-19 basket fund as, so far, the largest single contribution to the response in Nigeria and the largest support that EU is providing anywhere outside Europe.

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