

Folajogun Adesona (WINNER)

Theresa Nwaohu (FIRST RUNNER UP)

Bessy Egbonbamwonyi (SECOND RUNNER UP

Last weekend was indeed the much-anticipated moment of judgment keen viewers of the Supermom TV reality show had been waiting for as Nollywood actress and Onga seasoning ambassador, Kate Henshaw-Nuttal gloriously drew the curtains of the 13th and final episode, announcing Folajogun Adesona, a 61 year old business woman the winner of the season two of the show and Mrs. Theresa Nwaohu and Bessy Egbonbamwonyi the first and second runner ups.
Beamed across African Independent Television (AIT) and  National Television Authority (NTA) networks for 13 consecutive weeks, the show which was  produced under the aegis of the innovative Digital Interactive Media, sponsored by  Procter and Gamble, Promasidor and Dufil foods; makers of Ariel  detergent, Onga seasoning and Indomie noodles had twenty mothers from different walks of life on-board. At the end of the 12th episode, ten mothers were shortlisted and countless votes of viewers led three to victory.
Adesona’s story which came few weeks to the end of the show, specifically the 11th episode roused the attention of viewers who poured in appreciable number of votes and subsequently placed her miles ahead of other nine contending mothers. Adesona narrated how she magnanimously took in her late brother-in-law’s four children despite having six to cater for, this she did because the well-being of the orphans topped her heartfelt concern. Upon the death of her husband, her in-laws suddenly became antagonistic and meted out lots of punishments to her. The period she was denied access to her husband’s company, forced to withdraw her children from good schools and then placed on a paltry sum of N300 for their upkeep was the darkest in her life. She single handedly trained ten children through timber selling, block molding, food hawking amidst other odd jobs.  Though other harrowing motherhood stories aired sent jitters into the spines of viewers across the country, Adesona’s took a special place in the heart of viewers. And now, her sheer act of kindness and love has brought her the coveted Supermom prize, which is a key to a brand new house, a car and some cash.
Those who are willing to ride horses in the bosoms of Mrs Theresa Nwaohu and Bessy Egbonbamwonyi, will never falter. Stories of how the former made soup from pieces of bones from a nearby abattoir and spent twelve years in the church to train her children and how Egbonbamwonyi bore so much suffering and pain to see her crippled child walk have turned their lives around today, having won a brand new car and cash prizes respectively. 
Sola Fajobi, Executive Producer of the show’s expressed his gratitude over the success of the show, “it’s been a wonderful moment for me, this is an improvement on last year’s and I’m so elated with the outcome. All the stories were heart-rending considering the numerous sacrifices made by the contesting mothers; my unreserved appreciation however goes to sponsors who have made the show equally remarkable and to millions of viewers for watching and voting. However, we should always imbibe the culture of celebrating our mothers in any little way we can.”

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