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Suarez faces action over tunnel bust-up

Awww, to think that we were celebrating him turning a new leaf in Spain. Barcelona star, Luis Suarez may find himself in a little trouble following his bust-up with Espanyol players after a 4-1 Copa del Rey victory at the Nou Camp last night.

The visitors received 8 yellow cards, 2 red cards in the match. One of the players, Pape Diop was dismissed for insulting Suarez’s mum. Apparently still angry about the incident, after the game, the Uruguayan reportedly waited for their opponents at the tunnel and shouted. “I’m waiting for you, come here, you’re a waste of space”.

Below is a post-match report by referee report by Martinez Munuera.

“At the end of the game, once in the tunnel, Barça’s No.9, Suarez, Luis, while the Espanyol players were coming up the stairs, waited for them and shouted at them on various occasions. He said: ‘I’m waiting for you, come here! You’re a waste of space. It provoked a confrontation between players of both clubs and the present security guards had to get involved, as did coaches of both teams.”

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