
Short Story: Sagging Breasts | By: Tolu Baiyewu

“Mother said your breasts won’t sag fast enough if you keep pulling on your nipples like that Korah.”

My little sister said to me from behind where she was craning her long, thin neck to get a better view of
what I was doing. She was in awe of me; the fact that at 16, my breasts were as big and rounded like
ripe pumpkins and my buttocks were firm and perfectly shaped, set off by straight, long legs.

“Well…Mugo dear, I don’t want my breasts to sag.”

Mugo’s mouth dropped open, her whole face stricken with surprise.
“Every girl wants their breasts to sag. You’ll attract a husband faster that way.”
“I totally hate the look of sagged breasts. And why do I have to care so much about attracting a
Now, Mugo’s eyes strangely dilated, they seemed like they were going to pop out unto the mud floor
any minute.
“You do not wish to marry?!” She whispered, as her eyes did a quick, scared survey of the surroundings
as if she half expected a slap for spewing out an abomination.

Also Read: Short Story: Brightly In The Shadows

I looked at her innocent face and gave her a sad smile. They had dragged her in too. At just 9, her mind
had already been set to understand that she was born to belong to a man. And she has to do and learn
all it takes to please that man and tiptoe around his ego while she suppresses her own self as much as
She looked through the window to see her mum bent over the hearth that will cook dinner. The next
months won’t be easy for her. Her first daughter has sworn to do all it takes to keep her breasts from

Tolu Baiyewu is a content creator, editor and blogger. She blogs at

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