
Short Story: Gift Wrapped | By: Miz Asa

John stood, watching
Temi from across the room as he clutched his lunch bag. He thought to himself,
“I’m gonna talk to her today”. He’d been watching, wanting, waiting, for a long
“Hi Temi!” He stopped by her
lunch table. Her best friend in the office, Funmi, sat opposite her.
“Hey John, whats up?” Temi smiled.
“Nothing much. You, uh look beautiful today. I mean
not that you don’t always look beautiful. What I mean is you look beautiful
like all the other days,”
he fumbled.
She smiled, patting him on the arm. “Aww, John thanks! that’s so sweet”
“Well, um, have a great day,” he mumbled, rushing off.
Funmi had a smirk on her face. “It’s so adorable how much he’s into you”
“Or he’s just a nice guy kind enough to compliment
my good looks
.” Temi batted her eyes playfully.
Funmi rolled her eyes “Yeah
right. And I hate donuts.”
“You love donuts,”
Temi responded dryly
“Exactly,” Funmi said. “But seriously babes, like I was saying
before John interrupted, you need to get out more, start letting people in. And
I’m not talking about Johnny boy there”. She pointed in the general direction
of where John sat. ” There’s something iffy about that one.”
“Madam, will you leave the poor boy alone? He’s just
eh…socially awkward”.
It was disconcerting though, how he always seemed
to be staring at her. She thought.
And I did let someone in
once, remember? He left. No goodbyes. No nothing. Just poof!
Temi fell
silent for a few seconds, then said in  a small voice,
“It would be nice to see him again, though. For
closure, you know.”
She stared down, forlornly, at the remnants of
her lunch of jollof rice and chicken.
“Closure is overrated,” Funmi said simply but gently.
She remembered how much of a mess Temi had been when ‘Mr
we-never-mention-his-name’ suddenly left the country. She had after all been
there to help Temi pick up the pieces. She was still picking up the
pieces. Bastard!
Temi smiled wistfully and shrugged. “Oh well, time to move on I guess”.
**               **  
    **               **  
     **               **
Stupid! John thought as he lowered himself onto his seat and
discreetly listened to Temi and Funmi’s conversation. She probably thought he was
a bumbling idiot now.
He loved Temi, had been obsessed with her since she joined
the company. He watched her all the time in the office and most nights, he
watched her through her apartment window. He liked to think he was watching
over her, not stalking.
That guy really shouldn’t have hurt his Temi, he thought. John
didn’t mind that he was gone. He just minded that he hurt his girl. His pretty
girl. Which was why when he saw the idiot at the mall a week ago, he got the
idea for a perfect gift to cheer her up.
He spied the office assistant heading in their direction with
the gift-wrapped box he had secretly dropped on her desk addressed to Temi.
“Someone has a secret admirer!” he heard Funmi squeal excitedly, attracting the attention of
their co-workers.
Temi chuckled. “Shhh!
Madam, keep it down, you’re making noise jare.”
John felt his heart racing as she tore the gift wrapper. He
couldn’t wait to see her reaction to his gift.
As Temi tore at the gift wrapper, she couldn’t understand the
unease she felt or the premonition that something wasn’t right. She lifted the
lid and froze when she saw the content of the box. A dreadful chill raced up
her spine and she let out a horrified scream.
Her last thought before she blacked out was what Funmi said
Closure is overrated.
Miz Asa loves books and music. She writes at https://missdeea.wordpress.com
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