

My ept at boycotting church services, surpassing hordes of guests to locate my choicest seat should be rewarded. That’s if somebody’s watching. I’m the second person in this massive cold hall and this is my fourth wedding in the month.

Glad I’m a part of their success, whether you believe it or not, wedding guests are to a large extent part of any wedding ceremony success. Who else would you indirectly command to leave their homes to come sing, clap, stand, sit, smile for you? And then we do all that without treating our bellies? No way! Where is it done? Don’t forget ‘only inner strength can energise you adequately’

I claimed a clothed chair, releasing the weakness i had garnered from climbing the staircase on it. I’ve been doing this for not-too-long and have observed the pros and cons of receptions. Perfect and strategic is a little too safe to describe this particular location.

The food servers are within my reach. In situations like this, the tone of their faces shouldn’t distract you from reaching your mealy goal. Your presence here cost some bucks too; the aso-ebi and tfare, you know. Some giant, slim, plump and tall women are streaming in.

I’m used to their map-like heady shelters, the one they call headgears. That’s one of the things women do so well. Tying headgears and gracing parties, some deem it necessary to have their hands tipped with souvenirs like washing bowls, jotter, detergents and whatever they didn’t come to the occassion with.

You shouldn’t try and get into the way of those who couldn’t scamper for the stickered items and had to leave with their hands found wanting, their ballooned faces could invite thunder and brimstone. But I don’t set my mind on such, the dishes are the strong points and infact the main deal.

Going by the spirals of decoration hovering above our heads, the couple’s magnificient seat, the facade of the event centre, today’s ‘client’ is going to do us well. But Bisade, my partner in festivity is the only odd thing here. We run things together.

He had to stay off to attend to a customer, i miss our little chat. Call us Abolonjeun ku, Mogbomoya, do we really give a ear? Has hunger served all those running their mouths like spoilt taps, abusing us for coming to grace people’s parties every weekend well? Do they even know our story? No,right? Then may their rants never relent. Maybe i should even tell you a little about us, probably you’ll help judge those giving umbrage to us.

(To be continued tomorrow)

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