
Shoes banned from school to improve children's learning.

Educational institutions and their theories! Owners of Holmbush Primary School, Shoreham, East Sussex, UK have adopted a ‘shoeless classroom’ policy. It actually started in January after pupils underwent a successful trial. The idea according to the owner, Rebecca Jackson is to ‘improve learning environment.’ Pupils are allowed to wear shoes to school but would remove them at the entrance of their classrooms and go in with socks.
According to her, “When their feet are unrestricted by shoes. Pupils are said to be gentler with each other, concentrate better, and other benefits include cleaner and more hygienic carpets. During the afternoon, children with wet socks or tights were given spare dry ones and theirs were dried.'”
Parents were really angry when they saw their children troop out in socks when But a fire alarm during Friday’s rain meant pupils trooped outside in socks
when a fire alarm was sounded.
One parent spoke angrily, ‘The pupils were ushered out of the door without their shoes, and my grandson stood there on a soaking wet playground in just his socks. It is just disgusting. There are so many health hazards about kids walking about in socks on the wooden floors and chair legs slamming on their feet, but the reassurance we’ve been given is that posters are no longer stuck on walls with drawing pins. Even in hospitals you’re not allowed to walk about barefoot because of health and safety implications.’
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