
#SaveMayowa As A Springboard For Tackling Ovarian Cancer | By: Modiu Olaguro

With Ahmed Mayowa’s death, the angel
of death has once again reminded us of its potency.
As a chronic
latecomer, which it has always been, Asarailu had to wait until she became an
exoskeleton before it opened its compound eyes on the frail little lass.
Let us take a
moment to appreciate her family, Ms. Toyin Aimakhu and all well-meaning
Nigerians who supported and came to her aid.
Now that
Mayowa is gone, it behoves on the family to give back to the society the goods
they received from the society.
In the event a
substantial amount of the N80 million and $100,000 Nigerians donated to the
#SaveMayowa campaign remains, the family will do well by channelling the funds
to combating ovarian cancer.
This can be
done via the setting up of an ovarian cancer foundation or putting the fund
into our already established health institutions whose mandate is to fight
ovarian cancer.
University was founded by Leland and Lathrop Stanford when their only child
died of typhoid. With the university, they made all the students of Stanford
University “their children”.
That’s the spirit!
Mayowa has
returned to the great beyond via ovarian cancer, no thanks to the decrepit
healthcare system we have in Nigeria.

Can her family
begin a process of making her the last to experience this?
Modiu Olaguro
can be reached via Email: [email protected]; Twitter: @ModiuOlaguro
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