

Happily, they mounted

the beautiful iron bird

switching jeers,

awaiting their decent

into warm hands

of family and friends

smoke, fire, noise

was next

over seven scores bodies

burning before us

we couldnt save,

we shared gory tales

the young girl,

that old man

that was my neighbour

all sank

in one soiled night

our loved ones depart

drilling a wide abyss in the heart

Assured us a pleasant return

Now they've sent thousands mourn

Where are the effervescent guys we see?

The men who settle the fees?

They are harbouring the bossom of the dead


Only the calm can tread

My country is dark

Our people pained

What have we done?

Where have we failed?

Who except God our voices raise

Deliver us from daily plagues

Yes, people die everyday

Not this we pray

Let the old die well

The young grow in age

We've stopped weeping

Through with sleepless nights and rolling

Over between us & overdose barbiturates

We've managed to extricate

It is well with my country!

May their souls find repose…

May the Lord comfort their families&give them fortitude to bear these irreplaceable losses! Amen!

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