
Paulo Dybala recovers from COVID-19.

After testing positive to coronavirus four times, Juventus have officially confirmed that Paulo Dybala has been cured of the disease. The 26 year-old once admitted covid-19 took a huge toll on his health and even left him struggling to breathe.

Also Read: Ex Schalke player presumed dead in 2016, found alive and well.

A statement from the club reads, “The player underwent a double check, which saw him test negative. Paulo Dybala performed, as per protocol, a double check with diagnostic tests (swabs) for coronavirus Covid-19, which came back with negative results. The player has, therefore, recovered and will no longer be subjected to the home isolation regime.”


Confirming his health update, the Argentine International said, “My face says it all, I’m finally recovered from Covid-19. Many people talked in the past weeks … but I can finally confirm that I am healed. Thank you once again for your support and my thoughts on all who are still suffering from it. Take care!”


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