
Opinion: Form is temporal… Jose Mourinho is permanent | By: Komptrolla

Sometimes, you can be a victim of your own high standards. In football, every sport as a matter of fact, form crisis is allowed, every big team at one time or the other has experienced it, how well they deal with the down time goes a long way in the recovery process; for Chelsea and everyone at the Stamford Bridge, it’s time to get behind the team and believe once again in the special one.


In all sincerity, it’s ok to experience moments of struggles, but for Jose Mourinho, it’s a strange feeling. This return of 4 points out of a possible 15 is the worst he has ever witnessed in his professional career.
With due respect, if this were to be the case at Tottenham or West ham, the headline would be different, but it’s Chelsea, it’s Jose Mourinho so you understand the panic button that the media is pushing as well as the anxiety among the fans.
Frankly speaking, the entire Chelsea squad is fatigued, a few are past their best and some are just waking up from sleep, if we were to come up with a list of the weakest performers of the EPL, it would be sane enough to load in all Chelsea players, the disaster at Goodison Park explains the obvious and with Arsenal lurking next weekend, it’s safe to admit that Chelsea must bring out something special to turn the situation on its head.


But before you rule out Chelsea, before you nail the special one, please remember it was this same team that strolled to the title last season, it was the same Mourinho that masterminded the weirdest UCL coup at Porto in 2004, it was the same Jose that oversaw the longest unbeaten home record in footballing history.


Form crisis has happened to the best of teams, it has befallen the best of managers, Jose needs support to restore the confidence that is lacking at the Bridge, the earlier the fans realize this the best.
Off field issues have reared ugly heads too, notably the Dr. Carneiro saga, disciplinary problems on the part of players and obvious confidence crisis on most of the star players are not helping the manager.


11 points off the pace is the worst start one can wish for, but September is too early to crown or relegate anyone. The royal blood at Stamford Bridge will speak for them, regardless of the result against Arsenal, form is temporal, but remember… Class is permanent and Jose Mourinho is still the Special One.

I suspect the writer is a Chelsea fan. Well, he might not be.

Credit: Footballnus
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