
Oh my! Ex-Chelsea defender takes Jose Mourinho to the cleaners

Ex Chelsea defender, Paul Parker has launched a scathing attack on Chelsea boss, Jose Mourinho for criticizing a former Chelsea player, Graeme Le Saux. Speaking before his team’s Champions League clash with Maccabi Tel-Aviv on Tuesday, the Portuguese manager had pointed out that, “I didn’t have a single problem within the squad. I didn’t have a Graeme Le Saux. I had everybody without fears, just wanting to come.”

Infuriated by the comments Park told The Sun: “Jose Mourinho just can’t help himself, can he? It’s horrible to see. Mourinho had actually gone out of the spotlight a little bit in the last few weeks, and there was a part of me that wondered if he’d finally realised that silence is golden, and that a manager can act with dignity and respect.

“Obviously, that was a pipe dream.”

He continued: “But what else would you expect of Mourinho?

“What else would you expect of a man who stayed safely behind one of his colleagues during a touchline row, but reached around and poked opposition coach Tito Vilanova in the eye… and later tried to justify it?

“That incident has always summed him up, to me; he’s like the kid at school who watches a playground fight from a safe distance, then sidles up quickly to kick one of the fighters in the stomach when he’s sprawled on the floor.”

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