

Easy does it madam!
According to Daily Independent newspapers, A-list actress, Mercy Johnson-Okojie few weeks ago caused a scene on the set of a new movie 'In the mind' in Asaba.
But someone provoked her! Yeah, one seemingly smart make-up artist.

According to the source, the super talented actress was in the heat of a romantic scene when this lady (you sef what were you thinking?lol) brought out her phone to take some shots.
Obviously annoyed by her action, she jumped off set, slapped her, seized the phone and smashed it.
"This is how it all begins, before you know it, they will start writing lies about me in the press". Was all she uttered. (From me to the make up artiste) have you seen what you've caused now?

And she agreed to continue on the condition that the girl be sent off☹.

Anyways, learnt the poor soul has been begging 'them to tell her' to replace the BB! Even if na CC, losing even a Turaya 'just like that' can be very painful. Something you never planned. (No one plans losing a phone anyways)

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