

The apology is coming few days after a US-based Nigerian ambassador, Professor Ade Adefuye wrote the US Republican and expressed his disappointment over his comment. After few pressures from Nigerians abroad, Senator Ted Cruz has tendered an apology to Nigerians over the insult.

It would be recalled that Nigerian home and abroad went ballistic after they heard the Senator tell a group of people last week that Nigerian email scammers are behind the dysfunctional Obama care website. His exact words, "You may have noticed that all the Nigerian email scammers have become a lot less active lately. They all have been hired to run the Obamacare website."

Now to his apology, which was done via a statement:

"It's unfortunate that we're living in a time where just about every joke can be misconstrued to cause offense to someone. To the good people of Nigeria – a beautiful nation where my wife lived briefly as the child of missionaries – no offense was intended. I am fully appreciative of the range of mutual

economic and security interests that make Nigeria an important friend to the United States. And even to those few. unscrupulous email scammers who were the subject of the joke, I apologize to you for the unfair comparison to the utterly dysfunctional Obamacare website."

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