

This I would term an epoch-making decision. Honourable Minister of Youth development, Bolaji Abdullahi on December 5, 2011 launched Nigeria’s first anti-rape toll free helpline. The aim however is to enable rape victims or witnesses of such act call the authority for assistance.. The 12 digit helpline 080072732255 is on a test run phase which is between 8 am-5pm on Mondays – Fridays.
The Minister said the decision was borne out of the need to show the commitment of the ministry to sensitizing and eradicating rape amongst youths.
“We cannot fold our arms and do nothing when our sisters and daughters are sexually violated with impunity. I have instructed the NYSC to set up CD groups to deal with the issue of rape and other forms of sexual violence against young women. ”
Source: Ladybrille

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