Nollywood actress, Tonto-Dikeh is gradually lifting the lid on her crashed marriage to entrepreneur, Oladunni Churchill. The marriage which was contracted in 2015 hit the rocks following allegations of infidelity on her husband’s part. Speculations were put to rest after the Rivers State native reverted to her maiden name and deleted photos of her estranged partner on social media. While replying one of her followers who implored her to take mockery over the failed union in her stride, the actress replied thus.
“My love they can laugh, As long as I didn’t come out in a body bag. Am ok, No one knows how many STDs I have treated or pain I know in marriage..If laughter is all they have then the karma that bite me awaits them all..Tnx for your love Yes no marriage is perfect but mine was based on gross lies/deceit, scam & many more Darkness.. I loved the man no one begged me to,I take all the blame!” she wrote