
My Journey to the Land of the Dead: How I Survived Six-Hour Surgery

(Written by Eze Chukwuemeka Eze, a writer and a Port-Harcourt-based media consultant. I usually feature his writeups on my blog. I had to share this too when he sent it in. Not every time political stories. LVB is wishing him quick and complete recovery.)

In daily hustle and bustle to make a living, we often tend to forget how delicate life  is and what a wonderful gift from God it is. Although I have always appreciated life and expressed gratitude to God for His blessings, I have every reason to do more of that after He mercifully delivered me from the jaws of death on 16th of July, 2015.

For about a year now I have contended with a problem with my voice. Since the problem did not appear to be life-threatening, I chose to live with it and to give my full attention to the 2015 political battles, which, I thank God, ended in victory for us the All Progressives Congress (APC) at the Federal level.  I had to finally surrender myself to the  doctors days ago when I was warned that I would totally lose my voice if I further delayed throat surgery. Thus I found myself admitted in one of the best medical centres of excellence Nigeria can boast of.

After day-long series of tests that pinpointed the exact cause of my problem, I was wheeled into the theatre for surgery. Having a premonition that the unexpected could happen, I sent text messages to close and trusted friends, church members, asking for prayers and pleaded that they should not abandon my family if I happened not to survive the surgery. One after another, they rebuked me, telling me never to doubt that the surgery would go well. They assured me that they were fervently praying for me. Further emboldened by their encouragement, I submitted myself for anaesthesia and passed out.

When I woke up many hours later, I was informed of how God and the committed medical staff comprising five doctors, five nurses and their aides rescued me from the jaws of death against all odds. According to an eyewitness, even thought the surgery that lasted for six hours was a success, it was a monumental task getting me back to life. I was informed that the doctors had to administer oxygen and employ other devices to resuscitate me after twenty minutes of concerted efforts. It would have been a disaster if not for the prayers of the Saints and expertise of the doctors. The photos showing me in the resuscitation room tell the story better.

I have been on drip since then and only allowed to drink water though I was given a little Custard this morning. I am not expected to talk until after seven days. My specimen has been sent for histology analysis that will be ready within the next two weeks time for the final treatment.

All my Muslim brothers and sisters wondering why I did not call or send text messages as usual wishing them Barka da Sallah now know what happened! Was at the borderline between life and death and couldn’t possibly have done any such. Therefore, kindly accept my belated Barka da Sallah!

I involuntarily travelled to the land of the dead and I wholeheartedly thank Almighty God for bringing me back as – to quote the Great Zik of Africa – I am not in a hurry to leave this planet since there is still a lot of work left for me to do here on earth. I thank my darling wife, Evangelist Ada Henrietta Eze who have to take care of our son and daughter hospitalised at the same time of the operation. Thanks also go to my precious children, who have proved to be a pillar of
support at this time, as always. I also thank my General Overseer church members, Rivers State
Correspondents Chapel, all my friends and well wishes for their support and prayers.

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