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Meet the 4 Year-Old Who Has Read Over 1,000 Books!

At age 4, Daliyah Marie Arana has read more than 1,000 books and that is no small feat. And this recently earned her the “Librarian of the day” accolade at the Library of Congress.
Washington Post learnt that Daliyah had wanted to do her own reading since she was 2 years and 11 months and her mother revealed that her appetite for reading  started from the womb. She said that she read books to her other young children on a daily basis and when Daliyah was an infant, she heard her older brother reading chapters of books out loud in their home. By the time she was about 18 months old, she was identifying the words in the books her mother read her.
“It kind of took off from there. The more words she learned, the more she wanted to read.” She added.
Daliyah’s mother started counting the number of books Daliyah read through the  1,000 Books Before Kindergarten  program. After  meeting the program’s 1,000-book goal, Daliyah plans  to reach 1,500 by the time she enters kindergarten next fall and hopes to help the teacher teach the other kids how to read.
She has been asked to recite the famous “I Have a Dream” speech at an upcoming Martin Luther King Jr. Day celebration in her home town and has also managed to read certain college-level texts, thereby impressing the leader of the nation’s library, Carla Hayden, who allowed her to walk through  the world’s largest library.

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