
Meet the Ghanaian monarch who works as a mechanic in Germany.

King Togbe Ngoryifia Cephas Kosi Bansah
In this part of the world, being a mechanic is really not a dignifying. Now imagine a monarch working as one….totally unfathomable right?
Togbe Ngoryifia Cephas Kosi Bansah works as a mechanic in Gemany and at the same time is the  superior and spiritual chief of Ewe people of Gbi kingdom in Eastern Ghana.  He governs his people (about 300,000) over Skype. 
The 67 year-old moved to Germany in 1970 and was advised by his grandfather to learn the mechanic trade.  
Years later, His grandfather, the King of Hohoe, died and Bansah’s father and eldest brother were deemed unfit to rule because they were left-handed, which the Ewe people considered to be ‘unclean’. He succeeded him but continued his trade in Germany. 
He resides in Ludwigshafen where  with his wife Gabriele Bansah, 57 and his two children Carlo and Katharina live. Cephas visits Ghana up to eight times per year.
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