
Man finds £28,000 in his new apartment and donates it to charity

In a very rare move, a Norwegian, Vemund Thorkildsen who found £28,000 in his new apartment in Oslo has donated all of it to charity. He saw a fireplace in the flat and was considering moving it to another room when he lifted a stone panel and found an envelope with almost 350,000 kroner (£28,000) in Norwegian bank notes. 
The 27 year-old was with his friend when they saw the money. “At first we started to celebrate like if we had won the lottery. But then I thought this not my money.”  He had bought the apartment from Kreftforeningen, a Norwegian cancer foundation which had received it as part of an estate. So he decided the foundation should have the money. 
“It would have been nice to go on a vacation,” he said, laughing. “But that money wasn’t mine and it felt nice to give it to something good like the cancer foundation. A lot of people say that they would have done the same thing and that’s good to hear. That gives you faith in humanity.”  He said.
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