

Trust me, this is a very moving one! Kourtney Kardashian has offered to 'extend her womb' to her younger sister after learning about her struggle to get pregnant. The latter who got married over 2years ago opened up last night.

"Since I married Lamar its been awkward. About a year ago we just said lets just let it happen – but when it didn't happen Kim was like lets go to the doctor. I found out I don't ovulate and my uterus lining isn't thick enough and I have to take pills to make my uterus lining thicker, and if that doesn't get thicker I cannot carry a baby – sometimes it just doesn't happen."

Moved by her sister's story, Kim brought up the idea that Kourtney could be Khloe's surrogate. Khourtney, the eldest of the trio and mother of two offered to help.

And when she discussed the matter with her boyfriend, Scott, he declined at first but then changed his mind after hearing about the Lamar's son's death

"I want her to be happy, I know how important it is for Khloe to have a child – I understand now." Scott admitted.

Elated Khloe has promised to table the matter before her husband. We await Lamar's reaction.

Source: Daily Mail

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