

For making a private matter public and disrespecting the institution of marriage, the National League of Junior Cotillons have awarded television personality and international model, Kim Kardashian as the “Most Ill-Mannered Person of 2011.”
Kim whose lavish marriage to Kris Humphries’ lasted for 72-day marriage earned her the title.
Kate Middleton, for the poise and dignity with which she conducts herself in the public spotlight was honoured with the Best-Mannered Person of 2011 award, 17 year-old Justin Bieber took the second place for consistently showing courtesy to fans.
 National Director, National League of Junior Cottilons, (NLJC) Elizabeth Anne Winters said that the annual selections are based on the demonstration of dignity, honor, and respect by celebrities.


1) Kate Middleton – for the poise and dignity with which she conducts herself in the public spotlight.
2) Justin Bieber – for consistently showing courtesy to his fans.
3) Paula Abdul – for her encouragement to aspiring entertainers.
4) Aaron Rodgers – for being a positive example for young athletes.
5) Taylor Swift – for inspiring young people with her music and her manners.
6) George Stephanopoulos – for extending warmth and kindness to “Good Morning America” guests.
7) Jackie Evancho – for demonstrating humility and politeness as a young performer.
8) Erin Burnett – for the respect she shows others as a network host.
9) Emma Watson – for the kindness extended to her Harry Potter fans.
10) Tim Tebow – for displaying good sportsmanship on and off the field.

Source: Celebrity Gossip

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