
Joseph Yobo's brother and wife welcome miracle baby

The doctor had warned her against getting pregnant due to her health condition. 
Gideon Yobo, the younger brother of ex Nigeria international, Joseph Yobo and his wife Blessing are in high spirits. The couple who got married last year have welcomed their first child who has been described as a miracle baby.
Doctors had warned against Blessing falling pregnant after she was diagnosed of lupus, an incurable illness affecting the immune system, and being affected by kidney problems. Despite been aware of the risks, she became pregnant. At 10 weeks, Blessing was admitted to hospital, where she was told to consider terminating the pregnancy as the baby might not survive 14 weeks. The baby was born healthy and has been christened Caleb.
“The doctors suggested we should think of stopping the pregnancy, but we both decided beforehand that whatever happens, whatever the risks, we would carry on. We just knew it wouldn’t end up in disaster and put our trust in God. Everyone was shocked when she got to 20 weeks, and then we just carried on.

When Caleb was born, everything was just perfect. They did tests on him, some of them three or four times, and the doctors couldn’t believe he had come out fine. Some people would have given up, but we were determined not to. We held on to our faith and beliefs and followed our gut instinct.”The elated father revealed. 
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