
I'm enduring the worst time in football.- Gary Neville

Valencia’s intense struggle for a win under manager Gary Neville may be far from over following their latest 7-0 mauling by Barcelona last night in a La Liga match at the Nou Camp. The ex Sky TV pundit  who has been struggling to find explanation for his side’s dismal form  admitted after the match that he is enduring his worst time in football.  The former Manchester United player who was appointed last December has not recorded a win in Valencia’s 8 spanish league games and this has been giving him all shades of discomfort. Fans are loosing their cool and demanding apologies, the club is dangling around relegation zone, yet the former England fullback has vowed not to walk away from the dugout.
He told reporters, “I am not going to sleep well tonight. This is one of the worst experiences I’ve ever gone through in football. This was one of my most painful nights in football,” 

“The scoreline is unacceptable. I have not enjoyed tonight. I won’t sleep well tonight. I didn’t like what I saw. The fans didn’t deserve that tonight. The people I feel most sorry for are the Valencia supporters. We have to recover incredibly quickly.” 
“We were playing against three of the best players in the world and we gave them three-on-twos I don’t know how many times. It was unacceptable and we have to recover very quickly. We need to win a league game. I wish the match against Betis could start in 10 minutes.
“Positivity has been immovable in my life. I last had doubts as a player 18 years ago and from that moment on I developed coping mechanisms to deal with situations like this. I’m fine. Be clear, we have to deliver on Sunday.” 
Well in football, anything can happen. The tables might turn in the next game. keep holding on Gary.
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