
I earn an obscene amount of money – Juan Mata

The general consensus is that footballers earn enormous wages but Spain international has revealed that privilege is available to only few. In a lengthy recent interview, the Manchester United player revealed that soccer stars earn ridiculous amount of money compared to the rest of the society. 
Football is very well remunerated at this level. It’s like we live in a bubble. With respect to the rest of society, we earn a ridiculous amount. It’s unfathomable. With respect to the world of football, I earn a normal wage.
“But compared to 99.9% of Spain and the rest of the world, I earn an obscene amount. The barometer we use for measuring our salaries is comparing them to those of our team-mates and what other players are earning elsewhere.
“Real life is the one my friends live. They’ve had to look for work, sign on to the dole and emigrate. That’s normal life now. My life as a footballer is not normal.”
He continued, I don’t enjoy the business side of football. I love the game,” he continued. “I love training and competing. I’d happily take a pay cut if there was less business involvement in the sport. At this level we’re very well paid.
“There are times when too much pressure is put on young players, which is wrong. They’re not prepared properly for failure, and things don’t always go to plan. They need to be taught that only a fortunate few can make it to the top. 99.9% of them won’t make it that far.”
He also offered his thoughts on fans’s dwindling interest in the lucrative venture
“I can understand what they’re talking about. The business side of football makes it seem as though the owners are now more important than the fans.
“It’s not like the football of old; there wasn’t as much press coverage before or as many interested parties looking for their cut.
“My dad is my agent and always acts with my best interests at heart. I’ve had team-mates who have gotten terrible advice.
“When I was younger I used to hear parents tell their children when to pass the ball as well as not to even bother passing it. I’ve had to tell team-mates that they were receiving bad advice. Every player thinks he’s Maradona when he joins a big club.
“That happens to all of us but then you start to notice it in the younger players. You see kids who think they’re rock stars; wearing extravagant clothes and driving fancy cars… and sometimes you have to take them aside and have a word.
“As long as you can keep a cool head though and continue working as hard as before, which after all is what got you to where you are, than you’ll be able to handle yourself.”
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