Entertainment, Health

Help save Durojaiye Bola, a little boy suffering from Diabetes.

Durojaiye Bola, a promising little boy has been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Durojaiye’s family was without the means to support the expense of his treatment and medication. He was on The Nigeria Diabetes online community list for support, next in line to Omolade who, thanks to a partner NGO called Priceless Jewel, will now have support with her insulin and university education from a kind philanthropist.

Last Friday Nigerian Diabetes Online Community  found him in the hospital with burn scars on all of his limbs. Apparently Durojaiye had fallen into a diabetes-related coma at a religious center. In a bid to bring him back to life, his digits were burnt badly in fire by the religious members. This shock reminds us of the huge importance of educating religious leaders on diabetes. 

Right now Durojaiye has been referred to a plastic surgeon in a bigger hospital with the possibility of amputation. With tears on their eyes his parents said categorically that they cannot afford it.
They said that sending him to another hosptial will be like a death sentence.

A team was set up by the NGdoc with initial finances for his emergency medical costs being given by the association. The team also has support from T1International.

Our aim is to ensure:

Optimal care for Durojaiye, including psychotherapy and rehabilitation
Financial support to cater for a substantial part of his bills.
A strategy to prevent such occurrences from happening again.
An advocacy plan to ensure liable children with diabetes have access to insulin and other essential consumables.
Here’s a clarion call to well meaning Nigerians to support this young and promising child living with diabetes.
Here’s a link to his fundpage
No amount is too small to save this young boy.
You can reach out to  Adejumo Olamide Hakeem. ( Twitter @hadejumo) Co-Founder: The Nigeria Diabetes Online Community
w: www.ngdoc.com
b: www.ngdocblog.com
t: @theNGdoc
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t: +234 703 885 5224
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