
Gareth Bale reveals the worst things about playing for Real Madrid.

Real Madrid star, Gareth Bale may be loving life in Spain but there are certain things he’s not enjoying.
The first is being booed by his teammates in training and the sight of Spanish spiders.
The ex Tottenham player opened up in an interview with Four Four Two Magazine.

“The one thing you don’t want is to be on the end of is a nutmeg. Whenever someone gets nutmegged, we’re all jumping and joking around.

 If you get ‘megged, or you go 20 passes without touching the ball, you stay in for an extra go. They’ll do anything to keep you in the middle.”
The world’s most expensive player ‎cannot stand the sight of spiders too.

“I call out to somebody, anybody, to come and deal with a spider, just so I don’t have to.”‎ He declared ‎

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